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Love Slave


Fandom: the Sentinel
Pairing: Blair/Kincaid...remembered Blair/Jim, Blair/Others....implied
Rating: NC-17, for, well you see.
Status: continuing WIP
Archive: The WWOMB
E-mail: Peja
Series/Sequel: Yes...or no...it is part of the Return of Kincaid Series, previous parts can be found here.
Other websites: http://members.100free.com/users/daltonavon/PEJA.html
Disclaimers: Petfly has the rights, but I hold the ideas
Notes: Spoilers for Return Of Kincaid, because this does give some of the story direction away.
Warnings: This story is the second in the Return of Kincaid series and is being written at the same time so consider that there are spoilers for the first story included in this one. .

Summary: After being several months with Kincaid, a very changed Blair is found and taken into custody


"Enough?" Jim asked, watching Blair swallow the last morsel of bread and cheese.

"Yes, Sir."

"Are you sure, Chief?"

"Yes, Sir."

Jim exchanged a worried glance with Simon. "You used to eat quite a bit more than this, Blair."

Blair's chin dipped toward his chest, his long curls concealing his too lean features.


"I'm fine, master," he whispered.

Jim opened his mouth to say something but Simon restrained him with a hand on his arm. "Leave the kid alone, Ellison. He doesn't need a mother hen."

"No? Well he sure as hell needs something. He's lost way too much weight. A breeze would blow him over, for God's sake. What the hell did they do to him? What did we leave him to?"

Simon arched a brow and inclined his head in Blair's direction. "Do you really want to discuss this now?"

Temper flared in Jim's eyes. "What difference does it make. Its like he's deaf to everything unless someone says something directly to him. Go ahead say something. Say he's too fucked up for words. Say this..." He waved a contemptuous hand toward Blair. "...This thing isn't even human." He flung himself from the sofa. "God, Simon, this....this creature makes me sick."

Blair flinched under the harsh words. His body trembled, his head dipping lower.

"That's enough," Simon snapped. "I don't care how much you believe he's unaffected. Look at him. He's hearing every word your saying."

Jim turned a stubborn look toward the shaking man.

"You're words are breaking my heart, for Jesus' sake. If this is how you're going to treat him I'm going to take him away from you. Do you hear me?"

"You think so?" Jim's lip curled into a dark sneer. "Blair, is that what you want? Do you want Simon to take you out of here?"

A slow shudder shook him. "No, master, please. I'm sorry. I'll try harder."

Jim waved a dismissing hand at Blair. "See?"

"Doesn't matter. The kid has obviously been reduced to child-like innocence."

Jim collapsed back onto the sofa. "I'm sorry, Sir. I'm just so..." his hands fluttered helplessly. "I don't know this man, Simon. I...miss Blair. My Blair."

Simon's dark eyes flashed fire. "This is Blair, Jim."

"Is it?" Jim challenged. "Do you really think this....shell is Blair?"

Simon shook his head, frustration obvious in every line of his large body. "Well, what do you want to do with him, Jim? Huh? You decided to keep him here. You refuse every suggestion to send him to hospital. You tell me what you want to do, Jim?"

"I....Jesus, God..." Jim rubbed a hand over his eyes. "How could I have let this happen? I should have fought the evidence. I should have proved Blair was not to blame for the death. I should have found him and brought him home. God, when I think...Simon, I was willing to kill him. If someone hadn't slugged me from behind, Blair would be buried in the ground...At my hand."

Blair's head bobbed up suddenly, then ducked back down.

"What?" Simon said, leaning forward over Blair's submissive form. "You wanted to say something, Blair. What was it?"

Blair shook his head, chewing his lower lip bloody.


"Nothing. I swear."

Simon took one trembling hand. "Blair, look at me."

Blue eyes darted up, then quickly away.

"Its all right, Blair. Look at me."


Jim curled a finger under Blair's chin and eased his head up. "You must look at people who are speaking to you, Blair. You're mom taught you to do that, remember?"

Lush lashes quivered. "Mom?"

"Yeah, Chief. You remember Naomi, right? Your mom?"


Jim shook his head. "Christ, Kincaid did a real number on him, didn't he?"

"Forget that for now." Simon snapped. "Blair, you know who clubbed Jim, don't you?"

"Master said I should never speak to anyone of the time at the compound. Master said...."

"Forget that, Blair," Simon said firmly. "You have a new master now, right? Jim is..." he floundered, dark eyes meeting Jim's.

"...my master," Blair whispered. "I have disappointed Master Jim." His wide eyed stare spoke volumes. "Will you send me away...sell me, now?"

Jim recoiled from the question, his jaw hanging slack.

"No...No of course Jim's not going to send you away, Sandburg." Simon said quickly. "Just tell us who hit Jim that night. You remember, don't you? You know who it was?"

A tear slipped from Blair's bright eyes. "I....He did it for me. He wouldn't have killed you. I was bad. He just wanted to bring me home."

"Who, Sandburg. A name?"

Another tear escaped, following a similar path down Blair's other cheek. "Please...."

"Blair, you're protecting a murderer. Give...."

"No. He would never...Kai was not a part of that end of Master's operation. He was only there to train me." Blair touched the collar at his neck. "He protects me. Loves me."


I look of hope filled Blair's distraught features. "He will buy me."


"Let me go to him, Master Jim. I know he wants me. He told me when Master Kincaid was finished with me....."



"No." the word revibrated in the room.

Tears shimmered n Blair's eyes just before he ducked his head, shielding his features with he curtain of his curls.

"Blair?" Simon said, touching the younger man's shoulder.

"Yes, Sir?"

"What do you want?"

Blue eyes, filled with absolute confusion lifted to his. "Me, Sir?"

"That's right," Simon's smile was encouraging. "What is it you want? You're an adult. You have the right to choose."

Fear chased the confusion away. "I would never...." His head ducked and a shaking hand raised to finger the collar. "I would never...."

"Blair, what's upsetting you?"

Blair's eyes darted to Jim. "I would never, Master....I swear. Never." His head swung toward the black case stowed on a nearby table. "I've been bad. Master, I need...." The words choked off

Jim lifted Blair's chin. "What, Blair? What do you need?"

"I'm wicked," Blair murmured. "I dared ask you to....sell me." A slow tear slipped from his eyes. "Please, Master. Punish me for my audacity. I deserve the maximum penalty. The electric shock."

Jim blanched. "Electric shock..." A tide of red rage colored Jim's pale features and he hurtled from the sofa to rocket around the room. "That bastard." He dashed around the room once more. "How could anyone...." His horrified glance darted toward the cowering man by the sofa. "To my Blair...."

"Jim, sit down," Simon snapped. "You're scaring Blair."

Jim stopped mid rampage. "Oh God, Blair, I'm sorry." He pulled the younger man up and gathered him in his arms, stroking his back until the quivering muscles eased. "Blair," He murmured at length. "You've had enough for one day. Go to you room. Get some sleep."

Blair glanced at Simon. "You're guest will not require my service tonight?"

"You're...service...?" Simon croaked.

Blair smiled seductively. "I have been well trained to pleasure you, Sir. What do you require?"

"No." Simon bolted to his feet, distancing himself.

A look of distress pulled at Blair's already distraught features. "You do not find me...attractive?"

Simon hurled a desperate glance toward Jim. "You are.. very attractive, Blair."

"I am clean, Sir. I have an exam once a month. Master would never infect his playground."

Simon's eyes widened and he made a choking sound in his throat. "I....I'm sure he.... wouldn't."

Jim drew Blair's chin up, smiling. "Blair, Simon doesn't sleep with men."

Blair turned to stare, amazed at the big man. "Never?"

"No, Blair. Never." Simon said sharply.

Blair's posture changed ever so slightly, becoming just this side of cocky. He tilted is head, his eyes running over the other man. "Man, that is a pity."

Jim frowned. "Go to bed, Blair. Tomorrow's going to be quite a day."

Blair smiled through his lashes and drew a slow finger down Jim's muscular arm. His tongue darted out moistening his pouting lips. "You...think so, Sir?"

The frown darkened. "Bed. Now."

Blair leaned up on tip-toe and kissed Jim's cheek. "Wake me when you come to bed, Master." He swaggered, shaking his masculine beauty as he crossed the room, pausing long enough to snatch up his case before ducking into the guest room.

"What was that all about?" Simon asked as the doors clicked shut.

"I don't know. He's been doing weird mood swings all day. One minute the sweet little child waif, the next that swaggering nympho, and once I swear he looked like a...a predator sizing me up for a quick snack. But never....Not even for a second did I see the Blair I know."

"Well...Is he having us on, do you think?"

"Come on, Simon. Blair may go in for the occasional practical joke but...." Jim stopped speaking suddenly, tilting his head toward the French doors.

"Kai?" Blair's voice was a soft whisper, even to sentinel hearing.


Jim held up a silencing hand. "A minute..."

"Yes, master." Blair said a little louder.

Jim reached for his dials, increasing his range of hearing until he picked up a second, cultured voice.

"....you all right?"

"I want to come home, Master Kai. I'm afraid."

"Caramel, has anyone hurt you?"

"N...No, master."

"They haven't locked you up?"

"No, but he took us. To that place. I'm scared, Master."

"He?" Kai demanded. "You mean Ellison, Caramel? You're with Ellison?"

"Yes. Yes, Ellison. Oh please Master Kai. When is Master Kincaid coming for us. I want to go home."

"Caramel, remember what I said when I left this morning? About going to Kincaid? Buying you outright?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Its done, my pretty. Kincaid signed the papers for you after the raid broke up the compound. You are mine."

"You mean it?"

"Have I ever lied to you, Pretty Caramel?"

"When will you come for us?"

"Soon, Caramel. Very soon."


A warm chuckle. "Not that soon."

"But we're scared, master. What if Ellison comes to kill us in our sleep? What if....?"

"Caramel, is Nikko there?"


"Yes, let me talk to Nikko."

A long pause, followed by a dark chuckle. "Nikko, speaking, Master Kia."

"Nikko," Kai paused. "Nikko, I want you to protect Caramel. Keep him under as much as possible. Can you do that?"

"He'll pout." Nikko groused. "I hate it when the kid pouts. Why can't the Jericho babysit. He's all hot to go anyway. Propositioned the cop captain big as you please, he did. Fucking little slut."

"Exactly why I want you in control. Being in the loft is going to stimulate Blair. You are going to have to keep him under wraps as much as possible too. Jericho doesn't have the strength to do that."

"What's it matter anyway? The Blair loves you as much as Caramel. And he's dead ashamed of what Kincaid made him. He don't wanna be here any more than Caramel does. Won't even pop out for a glimpse of the Ellison. Especially after what was said tonight. I thought the wimp was gonna shake us right out of this lovely body, he was crying so hard."

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