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A Fine Mess

Danielle Goldstein

Sponsered by: Bigbucks
Fandom: Original Short Story (i think)
Rating: PG

Summary: Luna, of "A Fine Pair" and her boyfriend, Joe, now have to break it to Luna's parents just who and what she's dating...

Part 1

You don't think when you're in love. You don't. You don't consider the consequences. You don't consider whether your parents will like him or not. You don't think about how your curfews going to have to be changed a bit so that you can date the guy of your dreams because he happens to be a vampire. Okay, maybe the last one only applies to me really, but you get the drift.

The vampire in question was Joe, my boyfriend. We'd met in a bar a while ago, and become friends. By our second meeting, the friendship had gone far deeper, and what had once seemed like a little crush became a full-blooded romance. The two of us were more then boyfriend and girlfriend. I didn't even like using that term; it made what we had seem so ordinary, so commonplace, when it really wasn't. We'd met only last month, but it felt as if I'd known him forever. And when he kissed me...well, it felt as if the earth and sky switched places, allowing me to fly with my feet on the ground. This was the real thing. Don't mistake me here; I don't fall in love once a week. I'm not like that at all. I'm a tough nut, one hard to crack. And Joe had taken the time to do it. I loved him for that.

Well, I loved him for everything. For his kindness, his manners, his sense of humor. The warm feeling in my heart that I got whenever he got near me. I even loved him for what he was, a vampire. Not that I had any firm ground to blame him, being a werewolf and all. 'Yeah, don't we make a fine pair', my mind constantly reminded me in a nagging tone. But to be perfectly honest, we did. Despite, or perhaps because of what we were, we had a lot of similarities. Such as an interest in books. And hot chocolate. And art. And a whole bunch of other things I can't think of on the spot. We both knew we had something special, something lasting, and I didn't want anything to go wrong.

But, as I said, you don't think of the consequences when you're in love. Nor do you think of how you're going to explain to your parents that you plan to attend your high school prom with a card-carrying member of the undead.

I wasn't worried about my mother. I knew she'd understand. According to her, she had once dated a vampire. Said he was a nice guy, never hurt anyone, with good taste and a kind soul. She'd added "kinda hot", but that wasn't relevant. In fact, my mother told me, it would have worked out, except for that fact that her family was forced to move to a different city. So no problem expected on that side...

My father was another matter entirely. He was the alpha of the pack/family, and the idea that his daughter was going to be dating a blood-sucking creature of the night instead of a nice normal werewolf boy was not going to make him a happy guy. Lord knows he'd probably be at the door with a stake and a wooden club next time Joe came to pick me up. I didn't know how I was going to break this to him, but I knew that it would be a bad idea to have Joe there when I did. Daddy would probably smash the dining room set apart and stake him with a chair leg. And wasn't that a nice mental picture?

Anyway, I told all this to Joe, and he took it well. As I said, he's a nice guy.

"Do you think it would hurt matters or help them to mention your age?" I asked.

"Probably hurt..." he answered with a pensive headshake, "Being a vampire is one thing, but a 300 year difference in age is going to tip the scales against you in any circumstance."

"You've got a point there, don't you? Though I can't think of another instance in which there would BE a 300 year age difference." I said teasingly. I was nervous, and when I get nervous, I start getting silly.

"But it might be a good idea, should he mention the blood drinking, that I drink blood only from cows. No humans or werewolves or anything..."

"Right" I said, listing the things in my head that I intended to use for my argument in favor of Joe. When I got through them, I walked over and sat in his lap. Joe took this opportunity to start nuzzling my neck. I leaned into his nuzzling, letting the loving gesture calm me.

"I'm worried, Joe. I want them to like you..."

He put his arms around me and everything was better.

"Don't worry, Luna..." he whispered soothingly into my ear, "It'll be all right. You said your father was fair, and a good man. I'm sure he'll understand..."

"But what if he doesn't" I wondered aloud, squiggling nervously in his embrace.

"He will..." Joe told me, again in that soft whisper, "And I love you, so it'll work out..."

I turned to face him. His lips were curved in a smile, but the smile seemed hopeful, as if he truly believed it. And his eyes were so full of love for me. It made me think I should believe it too. And maybe, deep in my heart, I did. I mean, why not? If a man who has lived for more than 300 years could believe in happily ever after, I certainly could.

"I love you too, Joe..." I said, putting my hand over where his heart had once beat, "And I want everyone to be happy for us."

He lifted his arm and stroked my hair tenderly. "I know, Luna, I know..."

"Thanks, Joe...thank you for being so damned nice..." I said. The tears, which had been forming inconspicuously in my eyes for the last few minutes, finally released and I could feel the warm, wet streaks as they ran down my face.

Joe looked upset for a moment, then, as he whispered loving, encouraging words to me, pulled me in and kissed me. It was sweet and loving and it sent a wonderful rush through my entire body, like living fire, but soft and cool; I wished it would never stop. It was decidedly satisfying. If Joe had been trying to make me feel better, he had done very well.

When we parted lips, Joe looked up to me with a wolfish grin. "Don't thank me, dear, I got just as well as I gave, thank you..."

I smiled back at him, the tears no longer there, then gave him a big hug.

"I love you, you know, Luna..." He said at last, "And when you're upset, it upsets me, so we can't be having anymore of this crazy unhappiness stuff...I won't have it, you hear me?"

"I heard you, you great lug!" I answered with a small chuckle. Somehow, he always managed to make my whole world better.

"Good" he told me with mock severity, "Because if it happens again, I shall have to give you a sound kissing!"

I tilted my head and gave him a look.

"Well," he admitted, "I shall have to do that anyway, but..."

"Go ahead," I dared him, "Make my day!"

"I don't do days..."

"Then make my night!"

"That I think I can pull..."

Part 2

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