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Xander looked up at the building Oz pulled up in front of just before dawn, yawning but trying to keep his mouth closed while he did it. "Wha's this?" he asked.

"This is where we fix your problem," Oz told him gently, taking his hand. "When I stopped to call they said to show up about now." He saw the small worried nibble to the kiss-swollen lips. "Don't do that, I won't be able to play with them later." Xander looked at him, his eyes getting a little wider as the small scent of fear flowed off him. "We'll be okay," he said softly, gently rubbing over the hand he held. "They'll understand. She's a witch too."

Xander nodded, looking at the building. "Something's not right," he said finally. He looked down at his lap and shrugged. "We're just going to have to do this, I guess he'll play along too."

"I'm sure I can convince him," Oz said, letting go of the younger teen's hand and sliding out, meeting Xander in front of the van and leading him inside by his hand, nodding at the people he knew, heading directly for one specific room. "Hey," he said,
 sticking his head inside. "Safe to come in?"

The partially dressed (wo)man sitting on the stool in front of the mirror held up a finger, grabbing a shirt and pulling it on. "Sure," (s)he said, his voice still kinda high but gravely, like (s)he had smoked too many cigarettes. "So, Oz," he said, putting the last touches of his subtle makeup on and turning to look at them. "What's going on?"

"You've heard of Di Tregade, right?" The transvestite hissed, backing up a step. "Well, she's helping us, him," he said, pulling Xander closer so he could hug him. "He's destined to be a virgin sacrifice if we can't clean him of that stigma."

Xander grimaced, looking down on his lover from his superior height. "You just had to put it that way, right?" Oz nodded, stealing a kiss which made him relax totally into the older man's body. "Okay," he whispered, "whatever."

The man laughed, standing up to walk over to them. "Jerry," he said, holding out a hand.

"Xander," he said, shaking it hard. "So, um, how..." He shook his head. "Never mind, stupid question."

Jerry smiled gently. "But I bet I've heard it before. Did you want to know why?" The younger teen shook his head. "No?"

"No, I just wanted to know how you did the makeup thing to make you look more guylike." He touched the small blush-line he could see. "It's just really pretty amazing to me that simple little makeup things can do that."

"Interested in that area?" Oz asked.

Xander shrugged. "I'm good at it but I can't do it for a living." He grinned at Oz then at Jerry. "I'm not really great with it but I taught Willow.."

Oz shook his head. "At least you took the blue eyeshadow away from her." He looked at Jerry then at the bed. "Can we?"

Jerry nodded, then looked at Xander, who was blushing. "Honey, this isn't a reason to be afraid. Being given as a sacrifice is a reason to be afraid.. Some of those demons can do some pretty nasty things to you with what they have."

Xander nodded. "Yup, he turned Willow's hair white." Jerry smiled. "And she said he was huge. With emphasis even."

"Yes, dear, most of the demons I know are that way. Especially the Corruptor. He's about four or five times what a normal human male is like."

Oz looked down at himself then back up at his friend, mouth open but one word squeaked out, literally, "How?"

"If they're being nice, an accommodation spell." Jerry frowned. "If they're not, well let's not go into that, shall we?" He waved at the bed. "Shall we?" Xander nodded, reaching back to clutch Oz's hand. "Shh," he said gently, "I'll be nice to you, do you real sweetly," he whispered, licking over the swollen lips. "Just relax and let it happen."
 Downstairs, a small explosion went off, making everyone jump and head for the door. Everyone else was running out of the building and into the street, looking at the smoke pouring out of the windows in alarm. Oz and Xander shared a look, leading Jerry
 toward the van. "Us?" Oz asked her.

"Could be. I won't lie to you, whomever's planning on having him is most unforgiving." He looked around the back. "Um, Oz, does that..."

Oz nodded, waving them toward the futon in the back, climbing in after them and locking all the doors. He turned to find Xander pinned in a deep kiss and withheld the growl. Just because he knew what was going on didn't mean the wolf had to like having his person touched by another. He sat down in one of the captain's chairs in the front, watching the fire department arrive to check out the smoke, turning on
 the van when one started to walk over to him. "I'll move," he told him. He pulled out, slowly heading around the crowd and back toward a nearby park. By the time he
 had parked there, Jerry was coaxing Xander out of his clothes, but the younger man still had a deathgrip on the frame of the futon. "Relax," he called back to his lover."Just let it happen."

Xander nodded, relaxing into the comforting rubdown he was receiving, eyes closed so he couldn't tell who it was, his mind substituting Oz for him automatically. When he felt the body lie down behind him, he sighed in relief, relaxing into the familiar body as the one in front of him worked him over. He smiled as he felt the familiar warmth of a
 tongue against his ear, letting go of the frame of the futon he was on to play with the silky red hair. "Thanks," he said, arching back for a kiss as he was swallowed.

Oz kissed him, sharing a look with Jerry, who shrugged and mouthed, "He's yours." He took off his pants, straddling the now ready cock and plunged down with a hiss.

Xander whimpered, holding tighter to Oz's hair as he felt himself be covered. "Look down," Oz said, prying the hand out of his hair to hold. "Savor this one time."

Xander looked down, watching Oz's friend ride him, but smelling Oz next to him, felt him breathing in his ear, and felt fine for the moment. He felt the interior muscles that held him in place rippling and grinned. "Okay, that kinda tickles."

"Goof," Oz whispered, nipping his ears. "Just do what you have to, babe, I'm here." He let go of Xander's hand, watching and getting out of the way, as his lover took control.

Xander flipped Jerry over, putting her under him,and his mind still substituted the smaller frame of his lover. It was Oz he was pounding into, it was him that was making those little noises that thrilled him so much, it was his lover who shouted and came as he did, squeezing him so tightly at the end. He leaned down and shared a small kiss with Jerry, realizing it was him when their lips touched, bringing him out of his fantasy and making him look down apologetically. "Did I hurt you?" he asked, withdrawing to pull back on his boxers.

Jerry shook his head, patting the younger teen's face. "I'm fine dear as long as you will be." He kissed them both on the cheek, winking at Oz before leaving.

Oz sat there and looked at his friend and lover, his heart twisting and turning with what he had just seen. "Enjoyed it?"

"Only because I thought of you," Xander said, looking down and blushing slightly. "Until we kissed, I didn't realize it wasn't you." His face was tipped back up for him. "Really, Oz, I thought it was you."

The older teen looked into the dark eyes and nodded once, pulling him closer to hold. "Now you know and can compare," he whispered.

"Not leaving," Xander told him firmly, pulling back. "Oz, I wasn't going to be able to do *anything* without the thoughts of you. Until you laid down behind me, I wasn't even hard." He looked down his body. "See, he likes you."

Oz covered the renewing erection propertarily, looking into Xander's deep eyes. "It had better like me."

"It does, and it's not going to stop liking you." He grinned. "But you promised me some Ozlovin'. Here?"

 "No, we'd better move somewhere more invisible. Cops patrol here." He pulled them toward the front seats, waiting until Xander was buckled in to start the engine. "Woods?"

"Fine, as long as we aren't heading home yet. I want to go back and visit that club again." He moaned lightly at the small pinch. "That's the spirit," he said, leaning over and stealing a kiss.

"No," Oz said firmly. "So clubbing tonight. We'll visit when we come back next time, okay?" Xander nodded, laying his head on the back of his seat. "Sleep if you want to, the place I'm thinking of is about thirty miles away and no closer to home."

"Cool," Xander said, yawning. "Wake me when we get there."


Giles jumped as his apartment door opened, looking at his two male students quizzically. "Surely you know what time it is," he said, looking meaningfully at the clock.

"Yeah, but I invalidated it," Xander said, sitting across from him. Giles looked confused. "I *invalidated* the prophecy." Giles nodded then shook his head.

"Need more tea?" Oz asked, sitting next to his very tired lover, even if he did say so himself.

Giles smiled at him then looked at Xander, his face showing plainly when he got it. "Oh, I see." He smiled at the younger teen. "Are you sure?"

"Yup, she was a he but a she." Giles looked at Oz for a translation.

"Cross-dresser," he explained.

"Ah, well I'd say if it worked then it's a good thing." He stood up. "Why else were you two here?"

"Giles," Xander said, patting the table. "Need to talk to you." He looked at his lover, who gave a silent nod. "Um, can we ask a big, huge favor? See, my parents kicked me out when I came home an hour ago, threatening me with eternal damnation and
 an exorcism if I ever crossed their doorstep again, and Oz's mom isn't *that* liberal."

"Of course you may stay until you can find another place," Giles said gently. "It'll have to be the couch since Di has my spare bed." He looked at Oz, who shook his head subtly. "But nothing on it, do you hear me? I have no desire to listen to your repeated seduction of Oz."

"Hey, I can do that," Xander said, sitting back. "I wouldn't do that in the living room anyway, too many people could see and we both value our privacy."

"As long as it doesn't happen out there, I'd be more than willing to put you both up." He stood up. "Was there anything else?" Both younger men shook their heads. "Then say goodnight and go to sleep, Xander, we have a busy day tomorrow." He watched as
 the boys shared a small, mutually pleasing kiss then watched as Xander walked him out, taking note of the breath-stealing one beside the doorway. "Enough," he called quietly. "Goodnight, Oz."

"Night," he called back, stroking down the side of Xander's face before shutting the door behind himself.

"You two seem well suited," Giles said, following Xander out to help him make up the couch. "How, if I may get so personal, did this start?"

Part 11

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