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Di hung up the phone in Giles' apartment, shaking her head. "Okay, guys," she said, smiling. "At least that part worked well enough." She finished buttoning her shirt up to just below her spandex covered breasts and headed down to fix breakfast. Buffy was sitting down there waiting on her. "Didn't know you had a key," she noted. "Oh, and the guys are staying in LA until later. Hopefully they won't be back by tonight."

"We have another problem," Buffy said, shifting to watch her present mentor cook. "Got some info last night after you went home. Seems the person helping the person giving the gift is ..." She coughed, holding her stomach.

"Angel," Di suggested as she sat down beside her. Buffy nodded, leaning a little closer at her gentle pat to her shoulder. "Is he planning on offering another sacrifice?"

"Not that I know of, but he's definitely helping. One of the vamps I got last night sneered at me that he was going to offer me as a gift too." Buffy's head went up, chin held high. "I checked his usual hiding place this morning and he wasn't there. He probably won't be until after the ceremony's done."

"So we have a second enemy, with a probable threat to you, and we still don't know who's offering someone to the demon or who it may be?" Di thought for a second. "Well, predatory and teen males is almost the same word. It'd have to be someone that really wanted the power desperately, that's willing to sacrifice his own humanity and possibly his soul to the demon. He's probably got a little power instead of none or a lot, that's who usually seems to do these things, the ones that got a little gift but didn't get enough to satisfy them. They've tasted power and want more."

"That could be Amy then," Buffy noted. Di shook her head. "No?"

"No, Amy has all the power she wants and can handle. She knows what she can do and how far she can push it. She's very well trained actually, and people like that don't do more than occasionally wish for more power." Di got up, heading back to making herself breakfast. "Anybody else?"

"Um, an old problem of Giles," Buffy said, "but I think we kicked his butt back to his mother's lap, crying the whole way about us not playing fair."

"Huh?" Di called.

"Ethan Rayne."

"Heard of him, scumbag extraoridnare." Di walked out eating a egg biscuit. "S'not him," she said, swallowing quickly. "He'd make a deal like this, but he's not here. I'd feel him." She sat down again. "Any other candidates?"

"One," Buffy said slowly. "But it's an iffy." Di nodded for her to go on. "Well, we have this one kid on campus that really acts bad, you know, and he's always bragging about how he used to beat up on Xander." Buffy pulled a foot up under her. "I'm thinkin' him, but he's not into the whole non-physical powertrip thing." 

"Probably not him but you could ask him later," the older woman suggested, wiping off her hands and standing up. "If we don't find the who, we have to find the place."

Buffy nodded. "Clear choice is the park, no interference from unnatural things like cars."

"Not necessary for this."

"So, could be in a big, closed in space?"

"Could be in someplace as small as the main part of the library," Di told her. "Demons want room but a big space might be seen as too indefensible. This is an intimate act between the person offering the gift and the demon. I'd say smaller was better unless it was the gifter's space."

"So, maybe Angelus is using his hidey-hole for it. Or the mansion."

"Could be. Have you checked in there recently?"

"Mansion? Yeah, I did. Right after dawn. No one was home."

"Hmm, so we just have to find them before they do it." Di shrugged, pulling Buffy up. "We'll deal, it's not the end of the world."


Oz rolled over, looking at Xander after he had hung up the phone. He saw the wince of pain as the younger man rolled over, and felt sympathy but he was pretty sure he was feeling just a little worse at the second. One brown eye opened up to look at him. "Hey," he said softly.

"Sore," Xander whispered, licking his dry lips. "You?"

"Yup. Pretty muchly." Oz scooted back some so the younger man could sit up. "You okay with last night?"

"Yeah, I am," Xander said, rolling onto his side so they could talk. "I liked it, Oz, I really did. Even with the body numbing pain that's shooting fire out of my hole right now."

"Want me to look?"

"Only if you promise not to stick anything inside it bigger than a finger?" Xander asked with a small grin.

"I'll warn if I do," Oz told him. The younger man flipped onto his stomach, putting his head back down in his pillow so he didn't have to watch as Oz moved behind him again. Oz spread the pinkened cheeks gently, not sure how he had done that to him, and looked at the winking opening. "Cute trick."

"Thanks, but not on purpose," Xander whispered. "Reaction to cool air."

Oz leaned down, blowing lightly across the stretched tissue, watching it spasm some more. "Yup, is," he noted. He licked his index finger and worked it inside his friend's body, searching around the smooth walls for a sign that something was wrong. "Um, not sure if I found something," he said. He moved so he and Xander were face to crotch. "Check me and see if you find something there."

"Where?" Xander asked, rolling some to make the task easier. He felt where the finger in him was tapping so licked his finger and stuck it into his friend's body. "Nope," he said.

"Wrong direction, go up."

Xander wiggled his finger that way, searching for something unusual. "Nothing," he said, pulling his finger back out and kissing the hip his head was now resting on. "All feel the same. Springy soft muscle."

"Then I did something really bad to you," Oz said, pulling out to rest on his friend's hip. "You've got a little tear."

"So, the blood?" Oz nodded. "Is it a bad or a really bad or a ‘should go jump off a building so I don't have to tell a doctor about it' bad?"

"It's a normal bad. From what I read, it happens sometimes. It means I was too quick into you."

"And I do what?"

"Personally?" Xander nodded. "I wouldn't want to use it anytime soon. Liquid diet maybe."

"Hey, Slimfast is a good meal. And if we can hit Walmart, they've got it on sale this week." Oz nodded. "So, we heading?"

"Not yet. Don't think I can sit," Oz admitted. He looked at the body he was resting on. "You're nice," he said finally.

"Um, thanks," Xander said, blushing slightly. "I think you're nice too. And very pretty, um, handsome. Sorry."

"Hey, was thinkin' the same thing."

Xander started to laugh, shaking hard. "Do ... you ... think other guys...have this problem?" he asked when he could talk. Oz nodded, giving him a small hint of smile. "Okay, just checking. Didn't want to be abnormal again."

"Nope, normal." Oz took a smell of the body under his head, and it started him on the road to getting hard again. "Sorry," he said, pulling his hips away from his friend's face.

"Hey, not a problem," Xander said. "Yell if I get one too." He kissed the hardening flesh, then being curious, took a small lick of it, earing a moan. "Tastes good," he murmured, taking another one.

"Xaaaannnnddddeeeerrrrr," Oz moaned.

"Huh? Oh, want me to stop?" Oz waved down at his body. "Thanks. Really want to figure this out."

"Hey, my body es su body," he offered.

Xander grinned, then went back to his tasting, licking everything he could reach, and when that wasn't enough, he pushed Oz onto his back and found all new areas to taste, pulling him into the middle of the bed before he fell off. "Careful," he whispered into the softly furred balls he was nibbling on. "Don't fall." He went back to his experimenting, making his way back to the part of his friend that he had used the night before. He looked up after the first taste, licking his tongue off against his lips. "That oil tastes funny." Oz started to laugh. "Well, it does." He grinned, going back to what he had been doing, working his way back up to the now hard cock. "Hmm, Ozscicle," he murmured, licking up and down it.

"Swallow," Oz groaned, pushing up into the tongue.

"Huh?" Xander asked, looking up. His head was pushed back down. "But I was licking. Did you want something else?"

"Try more," Oz said. "Liked that but not enough." He felt the nod then almost shot off the bed when he felt the teeth start to bite. "NOT THAT!"

"Sorry." Xander looked, up and gave a little shrug. "Really sorry."

"Okay, just no biting."

"Hey, I think I can do that." Xander's head went back down and he concentrated on the deflated head, licking it in little circles, ending up trying to get his tongue inside the little slit in the center. "Won't fit," he said into the flesh. "Got to find something else to do." He closed his eyes for a second, calling up all he remembered from the last porn video he had stolen off his father, and decided to try tasting the whole head. He glanced up at the groan, but Oz had his eyes closed so he licked and sucked on the head like it was a nipple while one of his hands came up to play with the shaft. The sweat moan of pleasure sent thrills up his back so he tried to take in more, eventually getting about halfway down the hard length. He worked his way back up, going back down to try and take in more, his free hand playing with the soft sac he had sucked and nibbled earlier. When the panting started, he tried to see if he could use his tongue still, and when that worked, he got a mouth full of salty, Oz-tasting stuff. He sat up, rolling it around in his mouth for a second before swallowing. "Not bad," he said. "Could handle that."

Oz's eyes closed again and he simply shook his head.


Di closed and locked the library's door behind her, heading out to her car. It was about three hours from sunset and Buffy had arranged to meet her beside it. The blonde was sitting on her hood, chewing her gum, and again cleaning her nails - this time with a small stake. "Just don't dent it," she said, going to the driver's side door. "Mark would yell."

"Mark? Thought your guy's name was Andre," Buffy asked as she got in.

"It is, Mark is a very old and dear friend that I helped take down an Aztec God with a few years back. He got me the car." Di started the engine, buckling up. "Okay, so did you find out who?"

"Nope, not anyone in the school from what I could see."

"Then we find the place."

"Park, like I thought. Amy had me guard the bathroom in the gym at lunch so she could go travel and find the prepared area."

"Hmm, smart girl." Di backed out of her space, heading for the park. "The big one?"

"Nope, little one. Turn left at the next sign." Di did so. "Okay, so let's lay it out here. We have my ex, soulless evil creature that he is right now. We have one person wanting a demon really badly at the moment and who will have to have a virginal gift to give to said creepy-creature, and we have no Willow. She wasn't in school today."

"Willow's suddenly found a higher purpose for a few days," Di said, "but I had hoped she wasn't gone yet."


"Let's just say she was called to do something and that's where she is, okay?"

"Yup, fine. When did you find this out?"

"Right before I sent you to look for her. That's why I thought she still might be here."

"Oh, okay. So, um, could we maybe be on the wrong track? Is there a way to fake a virgin? I've heard girls talking about being able to."

"The physical virginity would be necessary," Di noted, pulling up in front of the small park. "Here?"

"Yup, here. Little ways through the trees." She pointed at a path. "That way."

"Okay, so what else do we need to know?"

"Is there a way whomever could fake it?"

"Yeah, actually, there is. See, there's an old saying, if there's enough will, there's a way if you're blessed and strong enough. One of my friends from school, right before her wedding, found out that her husband's heart was set on breaking her in, literally, on their wedding night. So she sat down and wrote out a spell. Of course, she did something wrong and ended up at the hospital because he had torn her when he tried to get in, but hey, the price she paid for it." Di shuddered. "Seems the spell created a new hymen, but it also closed her very tightly. The doctor ended up having to cut it to release her." Both women shuddered. "So, yes, there's a way," Di said, getting out, "but I'd hate to be that person."

"Me too," Buffy said, nodding. She got out, standing beside the car. "We charging in?"

"Yup, just let me pull out some stuff." Di pulled a small zipped case from inside her purse, putting on her magically charged jewelry in case she needed it, and put the pouch in her pocket. "Okay, let's go." She headed down the path, the Slayer behind her. "Good thing the boys aren't here."

"Yup," Buffy said.


Xander pointed at the park they had just passed. "Hey, that's Di's car. I noticed it yesterday." Oz turned the van around, pulling up beside it. "Don't see them though. You?"

"Nope." He pointed toward the trees. "Seems to be something going on over there."

"So we go help," Xander said, getting out. Oz shut off the van, sliding down and meeting him in front of the car. "Cold, "the younger man said, touching their temporary watcher's hood. Oz nodded so they headed off down the path. Until the things jumped out at them, turning out to be vamps out a little early since it was only dusk.

Angelus walked out of the bushes, smiling at the two men that had been captured with little fuss, once they had been knocked down from behind. "Well, what do we have here?" he asked, walking up to them. "Slayer's friends. A good offering to the demon, especially since I don't want anything." He nodded for his minions to take them and head for the clearing.

Di looked up as she heard footsteps, groaning at what she saw. "He doesn't listen, does he," she whispered to Buffy, who shook her head. They were hiding in the bushes, waiting for whomever it was to show up.

Buffy grabbed Di's arm, hanging on with all her strength. "Angelus," she whispered.

"Yes I am," he called. "And I know you're there, might as well come out. Though I wouldn't mind a good chase." Buffy shook Di's hand off and walked out. "The other one too," he said, sounding very bored. When Di didn't walk out, he sent a few vamps in to get her, but they came flying back out, whimpering in pain.

Di walked out, glowing brightly. "Why not," she said, smiling at Angelus. "Want to leave now or later?" He laughed. "Hey, your choice."

"No, the only one here is to surrender or be lunch." Angelus turned, looking at the small hooded figure walking toward the dug circle on the ground. "You called?" he asked. The figure nodded, pointing at a spot so he walked over there, having his hostages drug behind him. All but Buffy, who everyone gave a wide berth and just pushed away when she tried to get her friends.

"Why have you called me *this* time," a bored voice boomed, forming as a cloud of mist in the circle.

"We wish to give you an offering," the figure said, pushing back his hood to reveal himself as Giles. "I wish no boon, just an offering."

The mist laughed. "Bring it on then."

"Now," Di hissed at Buffy, nodding at Angelus.

Buffy got a momentary sad look but walked up behind him, kicking her former boyfriend into the circle. "Later." She turned to the other vamps. "Going," she said, kicking the one holding Oz, "going," the one holding Xander was thrown, "gone," she said, kicking another one in.

Part 7

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