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E-mail: Pixiestyx
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot.
Pairing: Xander/Lorne
Distribution: If you want it take it just let me know where it’s going.
Spoilers: Kinda for the first two episodes. This is AU

Summary: Lorne meets a human at Caritas

Lorne surveyed the patrons that had come into Caritas that night. It seemed to him that it was all demons. ‘ Oh well,’ he thought. ‘ I guess the humans decided to stay home.’

So he was a little surprised when a dejected figure walked through the door. The man was tall and slightly built. His chocolate brown hair fell to his neck in waves. He walked over to the bar, ordered a drink, and then sat at the table furthest from the other patrons.

Deciding to meet this new comer, Lorne put down his drink and started to walk across the room. Getting closer he noticed that the man wasn’t a man. He was a young boy of about sixteen.

Sitting down in the seat next to the young man he introduced himself. "Hello there. I’m Lorne, what’s your name?"

The boy looked up startled, "I’m Xander. It’s nice to meet you Lorne."

"So Xander, what are you doing here? You look a little lost and I’ve always been told that I’m a good listener." Lorne said.

"Really? Is it that obvious?" Xander asked. He looked down then back up at Lorne. His shoulders slump and he starts his story.

"See it goes like this. My best friend Jesse was turned by a vampire and I staked him. Me! His best friend! I couldn’t stay in Sunnydale after that. There were too many memories. And she was there. The Slayer. She’s the one that got Jesse killed. If it weren’t for here he never would have died! So I came here. Not to this bar specifically, but to LA in general. I just happened to walk past here and knew I had to come in. So now you’ve heard my whole sob story." Xander says sobbing.

Lorne smiled sadly at the young man. " Well, you’ve come to the right place Xander. If there’s anything I can do to help just let me know ok?"

Xander smiles through his tears. "I’ll be sure to do that."

"Great. Now dry those tears and come to dinner with me." Lorne suggests.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Xander asks.

Lorne blushes. "Well, yeah. If you like guys that is."

"Ok then I’d love to." Xander agrees.

"You’ll love where we’re going precious. It’s this great Chinese place on Broadway. They have *the* best sweet & sour chicken you have ever tasted." Lorne says leading them out the door.

Xander smiles at him and thinks maybe everything would be all right.


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