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Angel and Xander stared at each other in silence for several long minutes. Neither exactly sure what had happened, or why, or if it was going to happen again.

Finally, Angel spoke. "How did you know?"

Xander leaned back against the wall. "That you were back, or that you were. different?"

"Both. either."

Xander stood up and looked into the fire once more. "It was hot in Hell. I can still feel the flames as they touched. The burn. But they healed as well." He turned to face the vampire. "Do you remember the heat?"

Angel nodded. "It wasn't painful. Not the fire. But,"

"But the rest? That hurt?" Xander smiled slightly. "They made you see, what happened. what went wrong?"

Angel ran a hand through his hair as he remembered his time in Hell. So much had happened. So much had changed. He had to witness his life, his decent as it happened. He had to watch what he did to the people he cared about. He watched as he was killed and sent to hell. He learned more about himself than he ever cared to know. But that wasn't all. He saw other things as well. He saw how the others had dealt with his influence on their lives.

He saw how things he had said and done had effected their lives. He saw how is volatile relationship with the Slayer nearly destroyed everything. He saw how the lie he told himself caused more harm that it did good. He saw the decision Xander had made to not tell the Slayer of Willow's plan to try the restoration again. He saw the way the Slayer had run away, leaving her friends to do what it was her destiny to do.

He understood her reason for leaving. Her need to find herself away from her calling. But at the same time he couldn't forgive her for running away. He knew he was to blame for much of her pain, and he hated himself for that. But with his time in hell, came clarity.

He had made some really bad decisions, and done some things that never should have been contemplated much less acted upon. Yet, he couldn't feel guilt for them, because in the end, they had led him here.

Angel looked up at the mortal, more confused now that ever. "How did you. how do you know?"

Xander shrugged. "I just do. I'm not sure how, or why. I just know its something I know. You're different now. I can feel it. I can feel you. In here." He motioned to his heart. "Inside of me." He looked away shaking off the feeling. He wasn't sure what he was saying, or what any of it meant, he only knew that it was true.

Angel closed his eyes for a moment. He couldn't fault Xander for his lack of an explanation. He didn't have a better idea what had happened. He had changed, he could feel it. Something was different. His soul, his demon, they were both there, but unlike before they weren't at odds with one another. He could really explain the feeling, especially since he had no idea what had happened to change it.

He felt connected. To life in general and to Xander specifically, although he wasn't sure why that was. Even now, with his eyes closed, he could feel Xander standing just a few feet away. It felt almost like an extension of himself and he had to wonder why that was.

"Do you really need to know?" Xander's voice brought Angel out of his internal musings.

Opening his eyes, Angel stared at the mortal. It was a full minute before he realized that Xander had spoken in direct response to his thoughts. He was about to ask how when he thought about Xander's question. He shook his head. "No, it doesn't. But it'll take some."

"Getting used to?" Xander finished with a smile.

Angel laughed. It was a rich sound and one he didn't think he'd be hearing coming from his own mouth for quite some time. But he felt at ease. Truly at ease for the first time, in a very long time.

"What now?" He asked quietly.

Xander took a deep breath. "Now I tell the others that you're back."

Angel raised an eyebrow. "They won't be too happy."

"They'll understand."

"And if they don't?" Angel needed to know what would happen then.

Xander shrugged. "Relax, Deadboy, you can't get rid of me that easily." He grinned and held out a hand to Angel.

The vampire took it and rose to his feet. Before he had a chance to realize what had happened, he felt the mortal's warm lips against his in an almost chaste kiss. Then they were gone before he could even respond to the sensation. Angel blinked and watched in stunned shock as Xander disappeared out the door.

Angel leaned back against the wall and took a deep, unnecessary breath. His unlife had just gotten a hell of a lot more complicated.


Xander left the mansion and made his way to Willow's house. He didn't want to stop and think about what had just happened. He couldn't even begin to explain it. He wasn't sure he even wanted to. As confusing as the situation was, it seemed. right, somehow.

As he made his way up the driveway to Willow's house, Xander was glad that her parents had decided that staying in Sunnydale was too much of a hassle. They had left again shortly after Willow had been released from the hospital and hadn't been back since. They called once every couple of weeks, and sent their daughter money for expenses, but that was the most you could hope from the Rosenbergs. Which, actually was a good thing, considering their nightly extra-curricular activities, and the fact that Faith was now living with Willow. Xander wasn't sure how that little revelation would have gone over. Not that it mattered, since her parents probably wouldn't have noticed even if they had been home.

Xander took a deep calming breath as he knocked on the door. He was afraid to stop and think before coming here. Afraid he'd chicken out and keep Angel's return a secret. And as much as he wasn't against the idea of keeping the vampire all to himself, he knew secrets could destroy the friendships they had built since Buffy had left.

"Xan?" Faith peered around the darkened porch. "What's wrong? I thought you went home?"

Xander shrugged and sagged slightly against the side of the house.

Faith pulled him inside and began looking him over slightly, searching for any new bruises. "You're parents?" She asked while shepherding him into the living room. "Red!" Faith hollered up the stairs. "Xan's here."

Xander pushed her prying hands away. "I'm fine, really. I didn't even see them."

Faith looked at him skeptically.

"Really, I just need to talk to Wills." He looked up as Willow came down the stairs. "It's about Angel."

Willow stood frozen for a second before continuing into the living room. She was wearing her pajamas and running a brush through her still damp hair. "Angel?" She asked quietly. She still felt bad about not re-cursing him sooner.

Xander nodded. "He's back."

Willow's eyes grew wide as she felt her feet give out underneath her. Faith reached her just before her butt hit the ground with a thump. Faith looked up at Xander. "Are we happy to see psycho killer vamps?"

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