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The Two of Us


Email: pixiestyxs1@yahoo.com
Pairing: Xander/Wesley
Distribution: My site, list archives. Anybody else take it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own it. Never will.
Rating: PG
Summary: Xander moves and Wesley gets a chance at romance.

(This is the last straw. Who do they think they are? Buffy and Willow didn’t even stop to ask if I was ok.) Xander fumed. (I’ve got to get out of here. Got to go somewhere else and begin again, but where can I go?) Xander stopped. After thinking it over for a few minutes and coming to stop in front of his apartment he says, "LA!! I'll go to LA and visit Cordelia. That's what I'll do."

"Do what Pet?" A voice says from behind him. Xander jumps scared for a minute.

"Gaa!!! Don't do that to me Spike! Scare five years off my life why don't ya." Xander snaps at the blonde menace opening the door to his apartment and walking in. Spike follows Xander all the way to his bedroom and watches Xander pace around it.

"I repeat pet, what are you going to do?" Spike asked sitting down on Xander's bed.

"I'm going to LA. I'm sick and tired of them treating me like crap. They never inquire about my life; they don’t ask me how I’m doing! You are the only one to actually notice me, so that has to say something doesn’t it. Anyway I’ve decided I’m gonna go stay with 'Delia." he says stuffing things in some bags.

"Good for you Pet, I'd leave meself if it weren't for the Nibblet." Spike says smirking. This boy, no man in front of him is really brave for leaving his friends to start anew, he thinks.

"Yeah well, I don't know what I'll do when I get there. Maybe I could work for Dead Boy. He likes to take in useless strays." Xander says finished packing." Well, I'll be leaving now. You can stay here Spike, if you want that is. Rent's paid till the end of the month but after that you have to pay okay?"

And with that Xander walked out the door to start his new live.

Several Months Later

"Angeell, oh Angel! I've got a question." Xander says coming into the vampire's office.

"What is it Xan?" Angel asks looking up at the young man before him. He almost couldn't believe that this was the same man who just a few months before had shown up at the hotel.



(What now?) Angel thought going to the door. (I wonder who it is. It can't be one of the guys because I just sent them home.)


"What?" The irate vampire asks pulling open the door.

"Angel?" the person asked pitifully.

"Xander?!?" Angel was shocked. He didn't even think the other man knew where he lived.

"Cordelia told me." Xander answers.

Angel hadn't known he had spoken aloud. "What can I do for you Xander?"

"I need a place to stay." Xander says blushing. " I hope that it was okay that I came to you."

Angel couldn't fathom why Xander had come to him. He just said, "Sure come on in."

He'd figure out what was going on later.

* End Flashback*

"What?" Angel asks realizing he had spaced out. He really needed to stop doing that. If Cordelia were here she would have teased him merciless.

"I asked is Wesley seeing anyone?" Xander repeated. He kept in a snicker at the look on Angel’s face.

"He’s not seeing anyone to my knowledge, why?" the vampire asks wondering why he suddenly had a dark sense of foreboding. Almost like the Powers that Be were playing a trick on him.

"If you had been paying attention to me earlier you would know. Do you think he'd go out on a date with me?" Xander asks his eyes pleading with Angel to say yes.

Angel looks at Xander with his mouth open in astonishment. Closing it he

Out in the hall Cordelia covers her mouth and snickers.

"Wait till Wesley hears this." She says to her self.

Cordelia rushed out of the office and ran towards Wesley's apartment. She knew he had to hear this. He had only been lusting after Xan since he came to work at Angel Investigations. She could still remember when he told here why he had left Sunnyhell.

* Flashback*

"So Xander. Why are you here? Last time I talked to you, you said that you would never leave Willow and Buffy." Cordelia asked actually wanting to know.

"I just couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't appreciated and half the time the only person who knew I was there was Spike. Spike, Cordelia! And it was right after we fought the demon of the week and I kept getting thrown into the wall and afterwards they, Buffy and Willow, didn't even ask if I was ok!" Xander says spilling his guts to the one person he had thought would never want to be his friend again.

"That sucks Xander. So where are you staying?" She asks smiling.

"I'm staying with Dead boy. He's being kind enough to let me work with ya'll and live in the hotel. So I'm good for now. Any way see any cute boys lately?" Xander smile.

* End Flashback*

(I guess that's how I found out he was bi.) She stood in front of Wesley's apartment and knocked several times.

"Hello?" Wesley's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Wesley? Guess what?" Cordelia's excited voice asked.

"What Cordelia?" He sighs and opens the door. He really wasn't in the mood to talk.

"You know how you like Xander? Well, he like's you too." She announced.

"What do you mean?" Wesley asks shocked.

"Exactly what I said. He went over to Angel’s earlier and asked him if you were seeing anyone because he wanted to ask you out!" Cordelia answers.

"So what should I do?"

"Well don’t you have to go into the office later?"

"Yes. I do."

"Well then beat him to it!"

"To what?" Wesley asks confused.

"Ask him out instead of him asking you out!"

"You know Cordelia, that just might work."

Wesley walked in the Hyperion with a purpose to his step. He saw Xander standing by the counter and sauntered over to invade his personal space.

"Hello there Xander. How are you today?"

"I’m fine why?

"Yes you are fine aren’t you?"

"Wesley? Why do you sound like you just came from a cheesy porno?" Xander asks curiously.

"Um, ok maybe that didn’t come out right. I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Do you, I don’t know, wanna go out sometime?"

Xander looks taken aback for a second. "You mean like on a date?"

"Your right it’s a bad idea. I’ll just go." Wesley turns to leave not seeing the smile on Xander’s face.



"I’d love to go out with you."

"You would?"

"Yes. I would. Pick me up at eight tomorrow?"

"I have a better idea. Let’s go now."




Wesley grabs his and Xander’s coats. He takes Xander’shand and leads him out the door.

"I know this great place we can go. It’s just off Main and Welsh. You’ll love it…"

The End

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