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Visions of Darkness


Fandom: Buffy/Hercules x-over
Pairing: Xander/Wesley, Ares/Joxer, Angel/Wesley, Xander/Hades
Rating: a slight PG-13 now I guess
Archive: My site, list archives. Anywhere else just ask.
Notes: Un Beta'd, Starts after season three.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of this. I wish I did but I don't.
Feedback: Sure that would be great. I'd like to know if you like this.

Summary: An ancient evil has come again bestowing Darkness over the land.

Part 1

- Sunnydale -

The ground rumbled and shook, cracking the ground. The fissures grew until a cloaked figure rose out of one of them. The shaking of the ground ceased and all was still. The stranger in the shadows looked up at the full moon and laughed. The wind picked up and howled down the street covering up the evil laughter of the stranger. No one but the stranger noticed a dark cloud passing in front of the moon. The stranger knew that the sun wouldn't be rising over the sleeping town of Sunnydale come morning.

- Los Angeles -

About the same time the man appeared in Sunnydale a man woke in LA. Sitting up in bed he couldn't shake the dark foreboding omens clouding his dreams. He shook his head and tried to puzzle out the dream he had just had. There had been a man. But he wasn't just any man. He was Death. There was no mistaking this. He also knew that Death was coming for him and his lover.

The lover in question sat up next to him in bed. As soon as his older lover had woken up so had Xander. He knew that the man that shared his bed usually slept soundly through the night. So for him to wake up before the alarm was something. He wrapped his arm around Wesley.

"What's wrong love?" He asked concern coloring his voice. Wesley turned towards him with a pained look and answered,

" I fear Hell has come to Earth."

- Olympus -

After centuries of being locked away, fading from the memories of mortals, certain gods were stirring from their sleep. The gods of War and Prophecies awoke at the same time Wesley had. They both had a sense of coming danger coloring their minds. As a rumble stole across Olympus, Joxer, God of Prophecies, turned to his husband and said,

"It has begun. He has come again."

A week later

- Sunnydale -

Battling demons was nothing new to the Slayer. But Buffy Summers was sick of it. Every time she slayed one demon another was behind it to take its place. It was getting old.

But what was worse was that they had no respite from the vampires because it was perpetually night. No one knew why the sun hadn't come up a week before but it was becoming frustrating. No one left home now by him or herself. It was always in pairs. The people of Sunnydale were no longer ignorant of the things that went bump in the night. Buffy looked up from the corpse of the now dead demon to see Willow and Tara running towards her.

The two witches had been trying to fight of the demons with their magic but Willow knew they needed help. "Buffy!" Willow yelled as they got closer to her friend. "We need to retreat. Maybe even call in reinforcements."

Buffy's mind turned dark at that. She didn't want to call LA. They could handle this themselves. Plus he lived there. And she wasn't talking about Angel either.


Buffy watched Xander, Willow and Wesley come through Giles' front door. She didn't know why Wesley was here and didn't ask as she went to greet her friend. She had thought a lot about him while he was gone on his road trip that summer and she had decided to grace Xander with her going out with him.

She raced over to him and pulled him into a hug. "Xander it's great to see you. How was your road trip?"

He laughed nervously and smiled with her. "It was good. A lot of good stuff happened."

"Oh. Like what?" She had to ask. What she didn't know was that the words that would come out of his mouth next would change her entire world.

"Well. I'm in love!" He announced smiling widely.

Buffy's blood ran cold. Who ever this girl was she would have to get rid of her. "Oh. So who is she?"

Xander's smile got wider if that was possible. He turned and motioned at Wesley. < No. Please no> Buffy thought. "I'm in love with Wesley."

Buffy's heart stopped. Her world collapsed around her. Xander smiled at her wondering if she was happy for him. But his smile fell from his face at her next words. "Get out." She didn't yell it, no it was whispered but it was enough to crush him.

He turned from her and looked towards Giles and Willow. Seeing disgust on both their faces he grabbed Wesley's hand, said goodbye, and left.

*End of Flashback*

Willow noticed Buffy's faraway look. She was a hypocrite. She thought it was so wrong that Xander was in love with a guy back then and here she was with Tara. What would Xander say if he could see her?

She looked up and noticed a demon heading straight for them. Deciding that a fight wasn't worth it, she grabbed Buffy's hand and ran, Tara following them. When they reached The Magick Box Buffy seemed to come back to herself she looked at Willow's pleading face and agreed to let Willow call Angel. Besides 'He' wouldn't have any thing to do with Angel. They hated each other.

- LA -

"Hey guys we're here!" Xander announced as he and Wesley walked into Angel Investigations. He was greeted cheerfully by the three people already in the room. Wesley made eye contact with Angel. Cordelia looked up from her filing.

"Hi Xander, Wesley. Xander guess what? We got a client." She gushed thinking of getting paid. He smiled at her. He knew she wasn't the shallow girl she was in high school any more but the thought of money when almost none of them had any kinda had appeal. As he was about to say something the phone rang.

Cordelia picked it up. "Angel Investigations. We help the helpless."

Xander had a flash of foresight that accompanied his gifts. When he had come to LA a year ago he had found a small temple. Wanting to see what was in there he walked in. What he found was a temple dedicated to the Greek god of prophecy. He had been granted special gifts when the god had placed him to be the Head Priest.


Xander looked around the room he was in. it looked like some sort of temple. A temple for what he didn't know. But it would be just his luck if it were a temple to worship demons. He walked to the altar in the center of the room and found the words 'Here lies the altar to Joxer, God of prophecies. All bow before it' inscribed on it. He frowned and did what it said.

Suddenly a flash rang though the room. Above the altar a scroll had appeared. He took it and read:


We have found your heart to be true and worthy of the title of High Priest to the god of Prophecies. Maintain this temple and the gifts that go with it.

The Fates

*End Flashback*

He had gotten the gift of prophecy that he used in conjunction with Doyle's visions.

"It's Willow. There's trouble in Sunnydale. She wants us to help." He said to the room.

Just then Cordelia got off the phone and turned to Angel. " That was Willow. They need us to come to Sunnydale to help with a problem they have there."

Everyone turns to stare at Xander unsettled. Noticing their looks he yelps, " What?"

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