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Lady Bard

E-mail: ladybard@shellworld.net
Type: Humour
Rating: PG
Archive: I have know idea why you'd want to but sure just let me know where
Disclaimers: Not mine, no money being made, just for fun.

Summary: A bit of insanity inspired by the plot bunnies.

The young woman sat cross legged on the floor While Riba Macintyre played in the background, a small computer-like device held in her hands. Her fingers gently stroked the keys contemplating her next story: her ears attuned for any small sound that seemed out of place.. She suddenly hears a slight movement to her left and turns her head towards it.


"I'm quite disappointed in you Gisela. I thought we were friends. How could you just leave me like that? You're a traitor."

Gisela fights the smile that wants to spread over her face at the petulant tone.

"Now Joxer!" She says gently, "You and Ares haven't even kissed yet, why are you sounding like him?"

"I'm needing to get fucked. I don't mean none of that gentle mush you're so into I mean real hard..."

"Forget you you lousy mismatched looking little..."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Harry Kim and this fanfic writer has me falling apart because of that Tuvok guy and now she's left me there and my poor Tommy."

"I can defend myself." The blond man plopped himself on Gisela's lap hugging her affectionately.

"There there. I'll protect you from these Lunes. Although can Chak and I have" Eyes get passion glazed, "some you know down time."

"She started with me first! Now I don't know where you two came from!"

"Voyager Jox. They came from Voyager."

"Well make them go back. I want Ares and you spent two days working with them."

"And I spent last night working with you. Remember?"

"It's not enough. I'll go tell D'nalia."

"I already explained to her that the next section would take a couple of days."

"Hey lady, what about Jim and me. We're waiting. I mean we haven't even been introduced. What is this lousy script. Sentinel and Guide meet at convention? Jim homophobic??? Heheesh!! You're kidding right???"

"Blair go away you and Jim will get your turn."

"Hey beautiful lass."

"Oh lord! Hi Duncan. I'm quite upset with the old Man will ye fix it." The slight Scottish brogue had her almost willing to promise anything.

"Yes. Alright quiet. Everyone listen. Harry Tom You guys have been publicly displayed this week already. Joxer, You are next. I promise. Who knows? You and Ares might get to play a bit. Blair, I promise you and Jim are going to have the adventure of a life-time now go away for a bit ok? Duncan! I don't know what to tell you. I'll fix you and the old man up. Do you think There's hope for Kronos"

"I don't know that. I'm wanting that bastard dead he's hurt my precious Methos."

"People can change. We'll discuss this later. Is everyone satisfied?"

They all nodded and one by one slipt out the back door leaving a very satisfied young woman behind.

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