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The Warrior Found


Rating: PG-NC17 probably.
Pairing: A/J, A/Willow (You'll see) C/S, Giles/Ethan
Disclaimer: Own nothing and no one used herein.   All belong to other people.

Summary: And the Warrior is?

Chapter 1: Memories Are Made Of This...

Willow watched Angel as he tucked Spike into bed.   So far, they'd prevented Buffy from knowing he was back in Sunnydale.   So far no one knew Spike was here in Angel's care.  Thankfully, Buffy hadn't come to the mansion since finding out Angel didn't want her anymore.   She hadn't spoken to Willow since she found out why.   Angel was taking no chances with his childe's life.   Not when Spike couldn't defend himself.

Willow looked up as he walked back into the room hearing him still humming that song.   Goddess what was it?   Where had Angel learned that song?   Whatever it was it helped Spike sleep better but Willow just wished she knew the words so she could get the tune out of her head.   And it brought Angel pleasurable memories when she wasn't with him too.   So whatever it was she would let it be.   She looked up as Angel approached her
and sat pulling her into his lap.

Willow felt him play with her hair. Something he liked to do a lot.  It seemed to please him that she let him so she made no fuss about it. He also knew she liked it too. Willow sighed as she felt Angel nuzzle her neck.   He began to purr a moment later.   He'd been like this ever since his return from hell.   Willow had worked her butt off getting him back from that place.   Although she could have sworn someone had helped her.   It felt like
Angel was almost placed in her arms. Willow wasn't going to question her good fortune there though.   She had Angel now.   He'd been returned safe and whole but he now almost hated to be in Buffy's presence alone.   Something had changed.

Angel continued to hum as he played with her when he suddenly sat up straight Willow felt it a moment later.   POWER.   Something or someone with a lot of Power was coming.

They made it to the window just in time for a form to smash through it.   it was a man shaped form.   He looked as if he was hurting badly from something.   Angel knelt to turn him over when the man grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes.   Willow heard Angel gasp and whisper a name as their eyes met and it stunned her too.   But how did Angel know it?


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