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~*~Today I Built~*~

Today I built an altar for the Lady and the Lord,
made of an old log and a few sticks and flowers.
As I built I chanted,
"Here be forever of the Lady and the Lord".
I built this in my own backyard,
under a grounp of shrubs seperating my yard from the next.
No manly item shall ever touch my altar.
For this be the garden of the Lady and the Lord.
My sacred space has been laid,
and I lie along with it.
I hide it in the shrubbery,
so none will see the pentacle,
and none will see the flowers,
in the center of this star.
It shall be guarded for all seasons,
I shall change it's centerpiece with the tides.
For this altar is forever,
of the Lady and the Lord.

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