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Chantrea's Wiccan Storybook

~*~Chantrea's Storybook~*~

Statement ~ Explanation of the Rede ~ Today I Built ~ New Updates ~ Webrings ~ Site Map ~ Take the Poll ~ Make this your Homepage ~ Goddess of the Month

You guys, I've been having some personal troubles and I'm really, really sorry if I haven't updated in a long time or don't get back to emails in awhile. We'll see how we do a bit later, k?

I'm sorry but the online classes haven't started up again yet, I know I'm desperately slow and a procrastinator but they'll get here someday....

And don't forget my webpage email addy for anything you'd like having to do with the page (questions, comments, suggestions, etc.)!


This month's Goddess is Zorya(s)!

Check out the new survey!

Look at the Pagan News section- there's new stuff there!

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Coming Sabbat: Beltane (May 1, 2002)
Coming Full Moon:April 26, 2002

What is Wicca? Experiences The Broomclosetfor intermediate to advanced practitionersrecent newsdown underessaysrose's little lessonsonline coursesreligionsclick here!linkscredits Forum Free for all links cyberpals feyrevelWee One RaynedepressionAmericashoutgraphicsfunissuescoven 13-outside link, I am not associated with this project


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