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~*~Rose Writing~*~

"Rose Writing" is a new column written for you, the teen Wiccan. Every month or so a new article will be available for you to look at, and it will deal with a topic of the author's interest. These writings are (c) copyrighted to the author, Rose Anderson.

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Are We Trees?

Greetings, all. Rose here again. Yes, Chantrea, I know I have kept you waiting a LONG time for this, I sincerely apologize.

As the leaves change and fall, you suddenly realize that summer is officially over. With winter being just around the corner. Some may find this season somewhat depressing (no swimming, no hotties on the beach (!), etc.), but I personally prefer to think of it as the promise of the coming summer. However far away that may be! Without winter, there can be no spring, thus, without death there can be no life. There you have a circle. (I know, I know, y'all have heard this before, but it happens to be very true!)

What if every shade of the changing leaves represented all the different ways and paths in which to honour the God and Goddess? Then that would mean every shade is unique and special, and together they show a dazzling array of the different ways in which people worship Them. And, any way that you arrange them they are still beautiful and true. There can be many different colors on one tree, and many different trees in a forest. Yes, they always seem to get along perfectly, and go through the same changes. They show budding leaves in the spring, in the summer grow and flourish, and come fall, lose their leaves to replenish the Earth. In the winter they stand, bare and dormant, waiting for the first warm breezes and rays of sunshine. They repeat this, year after year, wheel after wheel.

Do you see any similarities? Whether you do or not, remember that trees contain immense knowledge. And just think, they've never read any books!

Merry Mabon Season~

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