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Welcome to this section of Chantrea's Wiccan Storybook! So, you read the heading "Revelations" and your thinking 'what, is she going to start preaching to us or something now?' no. But I am going to share with you a few thoughts that have occured to me, that have changed my ways of thinking for the better. You see, I write many of my thoughts down, so I'll just share them with you here, exactly how they appeared in my own journal. For I, as with, I'm sure, yourself, have doubts about things, from religion to love. These things have helped me, maybe they'll help you.

First things first, religion.

You all know by now that I'm Wiccan. For a long time I considered myself atheistic, still, even now, I have a hard time envisioning a "God" or even a "Goddess" figure that is actually whole, and real. As in something you can touch, but that's not to say I don't believe in them, I just don't think of them as that, a "them". Here is my thought...

It's as if the God and Goddess are one, neutral and divine energy with both male and female properties to it, but it really is neither, so when we talk of a "Goddess" it isn't really a seperate energy, but a part of a even greater energy. As the story of "The One" says; "The One formed two energies, one male and one female, they loved and became One" (or something like that) which, to me, makes sense. It's like it is a heartbeat, keeping us all alive.

Another thought:

Perhaps there are two gods, one male and one female, but only certain people connect to the Lord (Xtians) and others to the Lady, and some that connect to both (Wiccans, Pagans, etc.) which is why some only believe in one. I think I connect to the Goddess, though I believe in the God, maybe it's because I'm female. This idea would make all Gods the same Gods.

And so, with that thought (as taken from my journal) I am saying that I think what I'm worshiping in Wicca is energy with male and female properties and traits to it. Not a actual male and female being. Others may agree and disagree, but this is my thought.

Now, Love, my thoughts on it

Love is a wonderful thing, when you realize you have it, but I see many people confusing love, with like, or infatuation. They think just because you jump the bases, it's as though your making a commitment, which I think just can't be true. Here's my opinion...

There are two "steps"; Like and Love. There is no "in-between" or "base" you can't say "Let's take it to the next step" because anything physical doesn't necessarily mean anything. All steps are emotional and mental.

My thoughts on the Earth

I love the Earth and all it's creatures, this is what I feel.

All creatures need each other, like a toad relies on a fly for food. And the cheetah relies on the antelope. There are no "lesser" or "upper" creatures in the great scheme of the Earth, for all animals, including humans, need each other.

Thoughts? Email me


Everything on this page is (c) copyrighted to me, Chantrea 1999