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~*~Online Studies~*~

Be a Teacher ~ Current Classes

Sorry, but currently all classes (except the ritual 101 and 201 courses) are suspended until January, when I will be returning from a trip (see the main page for details). Please do not send any emails regarding the classes (emails for the ritual 101 and 201 classes can be directed to until this message has been removed in mid-January 2002.

Chantrea's Storybook is looking for Wiccans/Pagans that are knowlegable in certain areas that are interested in teaching a free online course in Wicca!

If you are experienced in any area concerning Wicca and know the basics of your skill well, as well as experience in some more "advanced" areas of your skill please visit this area!

The following areas are examples of where teachers are needed, if you know a great deal about an area not mentioned please write the webmistress for consideration! All ideas are welcome for this new project!

*Wicca 101
*Wicca 101 Ethics
*Gods/Goddesses (Pantheon Studies)
*Pagan History
*Ritual/Spellwork 101 (including ethics of spellwork)
*The Wheel of the Year
*Divination (101 and advanced)
*Animal Magick
*Special Traditions/Teaching of different Traditions
*Other special courses.

These courses will be open to all Seekers, not discriminating against age, sex, sexual origin or race. Write to the webmistress about your interests and what you would like to see here! Please visit the "Current Courses" page to see what we will offer and when! There is information there on how to sign-up! When this project is put together all applicants will be given a membership password and name, and will have access to special features such as a chat room (which can be used by the teachers for special classes/rituals if desired), special message board, etc.

Do not write about becoming a teacher if you are not serious, and are not ready for the responsibility of teaching an online class. You must have experience in the course you are interested in teaching and must be ready to supply a weekly report to me, the webmistress, as well as a weekly lesson for your students! Tests, projects and assignments are a necessary part of these potential courses! As a teacher you will be expected to come up with essay themes, assignment ideas and test questions. The webmistress will be happy to help where she can with this part of the process. Teachers will also be expected to use a number of relevant and respected resources to help with their teaching abilities (books, etc.). Books and other materials cannot always be necessary to students as they may not have access to materials.

Here is the member log-in area. Once I receive your email about being interested in becoming a teacher or student (potential students check the "current classes" area) I will send you the password.

Enter your password

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I do hope I generate a great deal of interest in this project, and if you are serious about becoming a teacher be ready for a questionaire from myself before you are approved!
