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Wee One Rayne's Garden of Spirit

Hello! I'm Wee One Rayne, I'm a Wee One at the Site Fights! This page is to show my spirit for the site fights, and I can't wait to get more involved!

My team is the Djesters Royale and I'm awaiting assignment to do a little dusting.

My wings!

Take this stick and pass the spirit of the site fights along!

Look what I won for shouting at one of the competitions!!!

I guess you could say this kind looks like me...

Would you like to visit the Site Fights yourself?

How about the Fairy page?

Please do visit my DMaddHatters spirit page!

Please sign my Spiritbook!!!

Sign My Spiritbook Guestbook View My Spiritbook

If you're a Wee One, would you like some gifts???

Want to see the gifts I've been given???

Yup, my site is also involved in the site fights, my team is DHatters, be sure to vote for me soon! Click here to visit my MaddHatters spirit page!


Look at the cliques I've joined!

I Love the Moon

Goddess of motherhoodcert

If I sprinkle you, you might just see this

Or this...

Find these fairies and more HERE!!

Big news!!!

Would you like to adopt my Lady??? You can see her below, if you would, please take this banner

and link it to here, so others can find my Lady to take home with them! If you'd like me to personalize it, I will, email me with two colors, any two, and I'll make her dress one color and her belt and pendent the other color. If you'd like a different hair color please specify that too. Well, would you like to see her? She's below! Oh, and you can take her, and her banner, as is if you don't want it personalized.


The Site Fights Egg

~*~My Charm-ing Page~*~