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2682 Union Avenue
San Jose, California USA 95124
(408) 377-7555

Sunday Services:   9:30 AM-10:30 AM   &   11:00 AM
-12:00 PM

Minister's Message


You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father.

Dear Friends,

The above quote is from the famous Sermon on the Mount. Jesus had just given the introduction, which we call the Beatitudes. He follows with the importance of developing an inner light which we should no longer hide, but let shine and inspire others to let their light shine.

Have you ever used a grow light? A grow light is a special kind of fluorescent lamp that is used to enhance the growth of plants indoors. Jesus was speaking of a similar light, a light that is within all people and must be trusted and encouraged to serve as a grow light of Spirit.

Light, metaphysically, is a symbol of spiritual understanding. Our world is a reflection of our consciousness, the beliefs we hold in our minds to be true. Beliefs that are based on hurts, disappointments or fear cast a shadow over our life and hide our inner light; consequently the possibilities of our growth become limited. Consciously or not, we choose the beliefs and opinions that fill our minds and determine our experiences.

In the next step of our growth as a spiritual community, we must fan the flame of our spiritual light. We do this by turning our focus away from the shadows of the past in


order to let spiritual understanding grow. How can we do this? Well, first we must be willing to let go of the past hurts and disappointments; be willing to forgive those we have held responsible and see them in a new light. Then we will be lifted up and experience a lightness, filled with clear ideas, creative and unlimited. Others will be inspired and want to know how we did it.

We cannot change anyone else, nor expect others to embrace our way of life, but others will be drawn to us as they are influenced by our lives and the results of being authentically true to spiritual guidance. Our purpose can never be to change another, only ourselves.

If you and I are going to accomplish this task of co-creating with Spirit to grow our spiritual community we must let it be done in love and spiritual understanding. Like plants that grow under the beam of a grow light, the human soul grows under the light of Spirit and it is the only way a spiritual community can thrive.

We are turning on our grow light and the Spirit of Love and Understanding is growing us.

Blessings of Light and Love,

Rev. Elizabeth Ferguson

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