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Now that you've attended some classes and understand what the good Professor is all about, it's time for a little homework. 

What gets under your skin? What pushes your buttons? Surely some facet of modern-day society annoys you. No? Well, in that case, here's your diploma. Go forth and be happy.

For the rest of you, pour your venom into an e-mail and send it on over by clicking the blackboard to the right. Or, if you prefer, just click here

We'll be setting up a mailbag page so that you can see what your fellow classmates despise. And if your e-mail is really good, well-crafted (mind your split infinitives and misplaced modifiers) and rubs us just the right way, we may ask you to join our happy family as a guest contributor. How's that for career counseling? 

Class dismissed.



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