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Someone Else's Life
By Hikaru and Kiri

Part Eleven


I was sitting on the bed, feeling amazingly uncomfortable. My hair was pulled back tightly in a bun, in the style of a man, a way my hair had not been done for eight and a half years now. I smoothed the pants of my night clothes, again uncomfortable. Male sleepwear I had not worn either. They were silk again, a pale, sky-colored blue. I felt a bit lost. Akito had taken me from the ceremony and fed me something and dressed me in this, and then had dragged me back in here and told me to wait. He had never said how long. I was trying to keep my mind focused on my hands and touching the softness of the silk, but it kept drifting back to what I was supposed to do tonight. Could I touch her like that without telling her my feelings? Did I want to? He was taking too long. Where was he?

The night air was cool, almost chilling as I stood outside the door, my arms crossed tightly across my chest, staring at the closed door to the nuptial chamber. Nuriko was in there, I knew, waiting for me to enter, but all I could do was stare at the door, feeling uncomfortable, self-conscious. Part of the problem was the clothes I was wearing. The nightgown was white, soft, silk, and very feminine. It clung to each and every slight curve that I had spent the majority of my life attempting to hide. My hair hung loose around my shoulders, the light breeze of the evening stirring it gently. When I entered that room... I was afraid almost, to be so close to the one I loved, and knowing he did not love me. I felt a hand on my arm and turned to see Akito standing behind me, an impatient smile on his face. "Usually one has to open the doors before one enters a room, heika-sama..."

I looked at him, my eyes wide. He opened the door and propelled me inside, nearly slamming it shut behind me. I panicked. I was not ready, I could not do this. Wait! I whirled around, facing the door, pushing my hand against it for a minute, but the door was already tightly closed. I slowly turned around to face Nuriko, leaning against the door. He was dressed in a pale blue color that only made him look brighter. His long flowing hair had been tied back in the typical style of a man, pulled away from his beautiful face. He looked perfect, wonderful. I watched him for a moment more before wheeling back to face the door.

"I know you're out there," I called to Akito, but was only answered by silence. "Go away," I spoke again and received no reply once more. "I can still hear you breathing!" The sound of laughter came through the door and his footsteps echoed as he walked away from the room. I sighed slightly to myself, refraining from shaking my head.

I laughed quietly, nervously, and looked away from her, not letting my eyes even stray from my hands. I was so worried. My laughter had seemed completely out of place. I remained silent.

I could hear her shift her weight. She turned back to me and I could feel her eyes on me, watching me. Her back was against the door as if I had trapped her. I felt in a way that I had.

I gave her a faint smile and looked up at her.

She was wearing a white nightgown, long and clinging to her. I sucked in my breath. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, framing her perfect face. She did indeed have the curves of a woman, perfectly formed, long-limbed, ample breasts, a small waist. All I could do was stare. It was impossible for anything to have such perfection. She was a goddess descended from earth- my wife. And I could say nothing. The light from the fireworks outside flashed joyful colors onto her through the window. Amazing... she was so beautiful... so unreal. She was more lovely than any painter could ever portray, more exquisite than she had ever looked in the robes of the emperor. It seemed such a shame to me suddenly that she had to hide herself. Yet I had loved her before I had seen her, before I had even known she was a woman. Would I ever be able to tell her how wonderful and perfect she was? I finally managed to recover my voice, but what came from my mouth was pointless, empty. "Konban wa..."

The wood of the door was cool against my back, and it was only then that I realized just how low the nightgown I wore was cut in the back. I pushed myself up closer against the door. He must have thought me foolish, ridiculous. He sat on the bed just looking at me and I watched him back, wishing the smile that only flickered weakly on his face were real, wishing I could make it so, wishing I could go to him, touch his face, his hair, wishing I could tell him how much I loved him, but knowing I could not. Sighing silently, I forced a nervous smile that was at best a bit shaky. My voice sounded tight, nearly quivering as I replied. "Konban wa..."

His voice and posture were uncomfortable, stiff, as though he were at a formal dinner on display. I bit my lip slightly. I was already making things difficult for him. "It went well, I thought..." he said, his voice quiet still as he attempted to make conversation.

I shifted about slightly on my feet and replied, only furthering the awkward small talk. "Hai... very well... still going actually, I think..." The evening breeze blew in sounds of music and laughter and every so often the echoed explosion of a flare that sent its light shining through the window.

I nodded once and went silent again, listening to the sounds of the celebration outside, unable to tear my eyes away from her. I was waiting for her to initiate something, quite unsure what to do, and very unwilling to force anything on her.

I shivered undetectably as I wondered how she felt that I would be touching her like that, and not the one she loved.

She just looked back at me silently. The sound of crickets could be heard, threaded through the sounds of joy. Well, it was good that someone was happy.

I couldn't take it any more. I'd tell her. "You really don't have to worry about anything tonight," I said hurriedly, ashamed. "I don't expect anything-" But she interrupted me.

I sighed. We were getting nowhere. I had already hurt him; nothing I could say could make things much worse. I took a deep breath and said everything at once, the words escaping like a river gone wild once I opened my mouth. "I'm sorry, Nuriko... I... I know you did this out of some sense of duty. I know I trapped you into this... I'm sorry... I... I know it won't be perfect... but... I... I'll try to make you happy... I'll try."

Of course I'd try to make him happy. I loved him, I wanted his happiness, not this solemn sadness that had settled itself into his eyes. He was saying something as well, something about tonight. I glanced at him, barely hearing his words in the rush of my own. I realized I was babbling and stopped, falling silent after finishing with another apology. "I'm sorry."

He blinked, looking at me. Perhaps he thought I had gone crazy- the way I was talking certainly made me sound like it. I watched his dark violet eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

I was calming down now that the rush of words was over. I sighed again. "Gomen..." Giving up the relative security of having my back to the door, I walked over to the bed slowly, carefully, the nightgown making a small whispered swishing sound as I moved. Sitting beside him on the bed, not close to him but not overly far, I continued watching him quietly, unsure of what to say or do next.

I gave her a slight smile. "It's all right." My gaze fell to my hands again, but then I forced myself to raise my eyes to her. My voice was serious, low. "You don't have to pretend to love me, you know." I took a deep breath. Pretense would hurt more than anything, more than any other thing in the world ever could. I would not let my heart live a lie. It was the one true thing I still had. "I know there's someone else you care for, so it's all right with me. Please don't worry about me."

She glanced at me, her face unreadable, then looked away, her voice quiet and filled with sadness. "I'm not pretending..."

He blinked and a frown came to his face, centering in his eyes, clouding them with doubt. "What... what do you mean?" Was his voice shaking? Why had I said that? I had promised myself I would not, promised I would not tell him, would not burden him with my feelings. I had hurt him enough already and I was doing it again. I knew he loved someone else. I knew, and yet... Why had I said that? Why?

I could not look at him. I had promised myself... I could not even keep that small vow. Why? "I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said anything..." I should not have, but I had. I watched him out of the corner of my eye, still unable to look straight at him.

I slowly rose to my feet, puzzled, unsure what she meant. A tiny flower of sudden hope burst into my chest, and also something that rather resembled fear. Not pretending? Not pretending to... love me? "Would you like to go for a walk, Hotohori-sama?" I needed air, needed to clear my head and think. It was impossible. She loved another. Not me. Not me. Wasn't it?

I glanced at him, caught off-guard, but also a bit fearful. If anyone saw me in the outfit I was now wearing... Well, there would be very little debate about what would happen. My eyes were wide, scared as I looked up at him, gesturing to my nightclothes. "I... can't like this..."

He gave me a quick smile, gentle, true. I was surprised, but so pleased to see him smile. "The celebration is still going on. No one will notice us." He held out a hand to me, waiting for me to decide.

He was right, of course. I paused a moment, thinking, weighing the consequences in my mind. Nuriko stood before me, hand still outstretched. I took it and stood up, nodding in agreement. If he wanted to go for a walk, I could not refuse. And it was getting difficult to breathe in here; it felt as though something were caught in my chest. He had heard what I said... had he not understood it?

Was he ignoring it, pretending I had not said it? I did not know... but still... he was smiling at me again. He released my hand and walked towards the door. He opened it, holding it for me. I stepped through into the cool night air, my hair and nightgown blowing a bit in the soft breeze. I shivered once despite myself, though not from the cold.

I followed after her, but soon overtook her, walking slightly ahead. I led the way to the pond, the place I had been told would have one of the best views of the fireworks, but would be empty as it was I the emperor's personal garden. I paused and glanced back once at her, silent.

I walked in silence, trying to let my thoughts calm themselves down. Nuriko walked past me and began leading, a little bit ahead of me. I followed, watching him quietly, grateful for the darkness of night that provided the mask I needed.

It was too quiet again. Curiosity was pounding behind me eyes, the hope throbbing in my chest. Could she have meant what I wanted her to have meant? Could it be true? I sighed softly and glanced back again, my eyes thirstily gazing at her, perfect in the moonlight. "What did you mean by that?"

She had been intently studying the ground, but she turned her eyes up to me at my question. "By what?"

I kept my voice quiet. "Not pretending."

I looked away again, letting my eyes this time come to rest on the pond. I sighed softly. It had already been said, despite my vow otherwise. My mind screamed for me to be silent, but I could not. I... I had already begun and I could not keep silent anymore. "That it wouldn't be a pretense... to love you... I... I do." My voice was quiet. I nearly cringed at my own words. Why was I doing this to him? Gomen, Nuriko... I stopped, letting that strange still silence settle over us and then whispered, "I'm sorry."

I froze, a slight shiver running through me, and turned around to face her, gazing at her in shock. She... did? She loved me? How? She loved another... It was impossible... She... she... she loved me? For the second time that night, I had to search to find my voice, and when I did, it was fragile, weak, almost overshadowed by the sounds of joy in the night. "Hotohori-sama..."

My eyes were on the lake still. I wanted to look at him, but I was afraid... scared of what I would see on his face. "I'm sorry... I know you love someone already... I..." It was useless; I had already said it. I fell into silence again.

I took a few steps toward her, trying to meet her eyes. Was it true? It wasn't pretense? "Oh, Hotohori-sama... why didn't you ever tell me? Miaka told me you knew..." It didn't make sense. She had known that I loved her... why hadn't she ever said anything earlier? I barely heard her words, but then they registered. Loved another? I never had. I had never loved but her.

She looked back at me finally, her eyes showing visible pain. "Knew... what?"

"That..." I now lowered my eyes. Had I been so insignificant then? She had been the reason that I had done everything back then, the reason I breathed and ate, my point for existence. Anything for her to have noticed me. She was why I had kissed Tamahome and had been so cruel to Miaka, things I didn't like to remember, but had done. "She told you... when she first came here... she said to me that she told you... that I loved you..."

My eyes widened. It was impossible. "You..." I stopped, completely shocked, unable to move or even speak. My mind raced. Miaka had told me... Oh, gods. It came back to me then. Miaka had said... Oh, gods... I stepped back, staring at him as the memory hit. She had told me. I had dismissed it. I could not have allowed myself to hear it then. I had always known that love was not for me.

And Nuriko... he had been a part of the harem before... I had heard that so many times from girls from the harem... but had it been true, with Nuriko? "Oh, gods..." I whispered in disbelief. He looked up at me slowly, almost warily.

I watched him back, shaking my head in disbelief. "I... it didn't... I... I'm sorry." It was all I could say. He had truly loved me? I had never seen it... Had the truth been so close all along?

I shook my head slightly, not wanting apologies, but only to understand. "Why? You never said anything to me..."

"I... I was supposed to love Miaka then... you were from the harem." Her eyes weren't meeting mine yet. "I had heard that from the others there so many times... I never understood that you really... I'm sorry."

It made sense. I had been a woman then, in everyone's eyes. She must have been used to daily proposals from the others in the harem. Yet... why me? Was it because I was a man? But that was impossible. It wouldn't have mattered to her. She had loved Miaka.

Was actually that... she loved me for myself?

I took another step toward her. "Please... don't be." I stopped for a second, my thoughts rushing about my head. Was it true? "You... you really love me...?"

I nodded, actually looking at him this time, my eyes meeting his. I could not have drawn them away if I tried. "Yes."

A smile broke across his face slowly, brightening gradually like the rising sun and casting its glory everywhere. Slowly, almost cautiously, he closed the space between us, stopping just before me. His voice was quiet, shy. "May I... may I hug you?"

The question caught me off-guard and I just looked at him for a moment. How was I supposed to tell him that I had wanted, for so long it seemed, to know what it felt like to have his arms around me? Unable to make the words come out correctly, I simply nodded.

I took another deep breath, steadying myself, feeling very anxious. I gently placed my arms around her, pulling her toward me, feeling completely shy. I had never touched her like this before. My head came up just above her shoulder and I felt a bit silly, but oh, her skin was so soft and her breath in my ear so sweet to me. I loved her so much.

Cautiously, carefully, I hugged him back, almost afraid he'd vanish at my touch, but he did not. Was this actually true? I could smell the sweet fresh smell of his hair. I could feel him breathing against me... It had to be true, didn't it?

I tightened my hold on her as she put her arms around my shoulders. I was smiling to myself and I rested my head on her shoulder, praying I was not going too far. My voice was tight, holding back tears and joy together, my eyes tightly shut. And finally I spoke the words. "Oh, Hotohori-sama... I love you..."

My eyes widened and I nearly pulled away, but I did not; instead my arms tightened slightly around him. He loved me... I shut my eyes and, very quietly, my voice almost mystified, I spoke the words I never thought I would say aloud. "I... love you too..."

My smile increased a bit- it was hard to smile more than I was- and remained there, feeling her warmth against me, my arms around her perfect waist, thrilled and still rather shocked, though happiness was by far the most prevalent emotion. She loved me... she loved me... it had been me about whom she had been speaking when she had told me of the one she loved. I was the reason she had not agreed to love Miaka. I was the one for whom she had given up her dream of Suzaku no Miko. She loved me that much...

It was only a moment, I'm sure, but it seemed like forever, and I would have been happy to have stayed like that forever. I was still afraid that if we let go, it would be over, some sort of mistake, a dream.

I pulled away slowly, my hand seeking hers, my eyes trying to meet hers. I could feel the smile on my face of pure joy, awe, love. She loved me... Me. I never thought anyone would, but I had always hoped... "Would you like to watch the fireworks? They are for us, after all."

The smile on my face would not have disappeared had I tried to vanquish it. I tightened my hand around his as I nodded in answer to his question. "Hai..." It was perfect, the way our hands fit together; it felt right... safe. The reality of the situation was still a bit beyond me. I could not yet bring myself to believe it was completely real. I gazed at him for a moment more before turning my eyes to the display of dazzling lights that adorned the night sky.

I watched her a moment, and then turned my attention to my hair, which was starting to give me a headache. Most men- for obvious reasons- did not wear their hair as long as I did. I tugged at it uncomfortably with my free hand- there was no way I would let go of hers. "Ne... do you mind if I take this out? It hurts a bit."

She glanced down at me and nodded, a look of surprise at everything on her face mixed with pleasure. She looked so happy... My heart was soaring. "Of course."

I pulled my hair down with my free hand, sliding the ribbon out of it. I shook my head so that it fell over my shoulders in a flash of purple. "I don't see how you can stand wearing your hair like that..." It hurt. Did she suffer through that every day?

"You get used to it..." I told him, laughing. His hair fell about his shoulders now in that familiar violet waterfall. Perfect. I turned my eyes back to the sky where another explosion brought with it the birth of a glittering blossom. He grinned at me and pulled me over to the rail, gazing up at the sky as well for a moment. The fireworks reflected in the infinitely deep mirrors of his eyes. Turning to me, he smiled fully and though I was not looking at him, I could feel his gaze remain on me for a long moment.

I in turn kept my eyes on the sky, afraid I would be unable to look away if I met his magical gaze. My voice when I spoke was quiet, a bit dreamlike, but then everything was dreamlike, and if it were a dream, I would be content to continue dreaming forever. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" I said as yet another series of brilliant lights blazed across the sky.

I forced myself to stifle a smile. "No..."

She looked surprised. They were, after all, the best fireworks that could be bought, celebrating the belated marriage of the emperor. She glanced down at me, raising an eyebrow. "No?"

The smile escaped. "Not compared to you..."

I was caught off-guard yet again and all I could do was look at him and blush. I was not the blushing type of person, but looking at him, his bright eyes glowing with happiness and knowing he thought I was beautiful, knowing he loved me, knowing how much I loved him, I could not stop my face from coloring slightly.

He laughed quietly, his musical laugh that danced across his lips and out into the night's darkness. "It's true."

My composure slowly returned to me and I laughed as well, slightly. A yawn escaped my lips before I could stop it and I cupped a hand to my mouth a bit too late.

It had been a long day. She was tired. I didn't want my time with her here to end, but I also didn't want to go back to the room- because that might come next. But she was tired... "We should head back."

She glanced back to the fireworks which seemed to me to be winding down. "Yes," she said quietly. Perhaps she did not want to leave either.

I gave her another light smile, wondering who I was trying to cheer up, and started heading back, not releasing her hand. For some reason, I felt that if I let her go, everything would vanish, that this would turn out to have been just an illusion.

The smile from earlier still played across my face. It was finally beginning to set in, the shock fading a shade or two duller and taking with it the disbelief, leaving behind only a soft, quiet happiness. He loved me. He actually truly loved me. We arrived at the room all too soon, our short walk over. I glanced at the door, warily. I knew what was supposed to happen in that room tonight, but I wondered if it would. I... I loved him, but were we ready to...? I sighed. What would happen would happen. Swallowing the small lump that had appeared anew in my throat, I stepped inside, Nuriko following just behind me. I walked over, my still bare feet padding softly across the cold floor and sat on the bed, turning my gaze back to Nuriko.

If ever, it would be now. I'm sure I looked very uncomfortable suddenly. I leaned against the door, mimicking unconsciously her earlier action. I had just found out that she loved me... I couldn't ruin it now. It wasn't the right time. I bit my lip and gazed at her, my hair cascading over my shoulders. I wondered if I looked as feminine as she did and shook my head slightly.

She just watched me, silent.

My voice was quiet, trying to hide the shyness I felt. "Anou... now what?" I could feel that my face was slightly pink.

I shook my head. I did not know... I did not think. My hand came to rest on a soft puffy object, one of the many pillows that lay scattered over the bed. My fingers tightened around it and an evil thought came to my mind. As quickly as I could, I launched the pillow at him, aiming for his face and scoring.

I blinked as I received a pillow in the face. Blankly, I caught it as it fell, staring at her in shock. The emperor of my country had just thrown a pillow at me. The Suzaku seishi Hotohori, protector of Suzaku no Miko, had thrown a pillow at me. I'm sure I looked stunned, because that's all I felt.

I tried to choke back a laugh and failed. His face was so shocked, so completely unsure of what to do. Worry struck me suddenly. Would he take that wrong? My fear was quickly dispelled by Nuriko as his face contorted from an expression of complete surprise to one of mischief. He gave me a dirty look, his own hand tightening around the pillow he now held, the ammunition I had provided him with. "All right, you..." He hurled the pillow back at me. It sailed through the air quickly. I stared at it for a moment before quickly dodging, rolling across the bed and grabbing another pillow as I did.

I blinked as the pillow exploded at the impact with the wall, feathers creating an artificial white storm as they floated down. I hadn't quite meant to throw it that hard. I'd have to be more careful. I stepped over to examine the damage I had caused, getting little feathers all over my feet. My eyes widened. "I dented the wall with the pillow..."

She was gazing at the wall as well, looking as surprised as I felt. "Yes, you did..." With me distracted by that, she hurled another pillow at me.

She managed again to hit me right in the face, but this time I caught it in my hands and turned to her, smirking. I had been champion pillow fight winner at my house when I was little. I suppose my seishi powers had helped then, but she was not going to beat me. I didn't care if she was the emperor. "You won't win this..."

I laughed, grinning at him happily. "I'm ahead so far," I stated matter-of-factly, watching the expression on his face.

I had to keep careful track of my strength. Despite my desire to win, I would make sure not to hurt her. That wall was a testament to what I was capable of doing, and I would not let myself do that to her. I would rather die. Yet I aimed for her head, my smirk increasing. "Not for long!" With that, I threw the pillow.

His aim was better this time and I got hit, the pillow flopping into my face. It was not nearly as hard as the one he had just thrown; it was almost gentle, careful, but still a square hit. I quickly grabbed another pillow and ran to the other side of the room, detouring so my path went close past him. I whapped him with the pillow again as I went by and then turned to face him.

I suddenly froze, hearing a noise outside. A... cough? I glanced over to her, keeping my voice low. "Hotohori-sama?"

I glanced over to the door curiously, but then my eyes strayed back to Nuriko. He lifted another pillow from the bed and walked silently over to the door, padding softly across the floor. He glanced back at me, a delightedly evil grin on his face as he silently indicated the opening at the top of the wall near the ceiling. Catching his train of thought I nodded and smirked. Akito would get it this time. Picking up a chair as silently as I could, I placed it below the opening and carefully climbed up on it, hindered only slightly by the long nightgown I wore. I glanced out the opening to see Akito listening with his ear literally pressed up against the door. I shook my head.

Oh, this would be satisfying. Trying to hide my grin, I handed her the pillow.

As carefully as I could, I held the pillow out through the opening, aimed it, and let it fall. It hit its mark, landing straight on top of Akito's head. My most trusted advisor and friend yelped in surprise and glanced around in confusion before glancing up. He must have seen my eyes peeking over the opening because he shook his head and threw his hands up in a gesture of defeat and walked away, smiling.

Grinning, I grabbed another pillow, waiting for her to come down from the chair. She wouldn't escape this time!

Still smirking I jumped down lightly from the chair, glancing over at Nuriko, but too late to avoid the pillow.

I tossed it at her and smacked her in the stomach, smirking. "Two." I would win!

She tried to laugh and glare at the same time, more attempting the latter but mostly achieving the first. She picked up the pillow, giving me a look that said "Come get me, I dare you." I smiled at her blissfully. She was beautiful even when she was trying to smother me.

Another evil look from her at my smile caused me to start laughing. I scooped up a pillow by my feet and stalked over to her, the evil grin still on my face. She was cornered now. I took my pillow and began to whap her gently, backing her more into the corner, still being careful not to hurt her. Triumph!

He had me backed into a corner. I began swinging my pillow back and forth, most of the time not hitting anything at all. Still smiling at me, he backed away quickly and suddenly went down in between dodging my blows. He somehow landed sitting and reached out. I felt his hands on my ankles, but I could not do anything to prevent him from pulling me to the ground as well. I landed on my backside with a small thump. I looked at him, feigning shock. He was laughing even more now, small tears ready to appear in the corners of his sparkling eyes. I took the opportunity to whack him once more with the pillow, letting myself laugh as well.

Well, it wasn't quite triumph, but it would have to do. I grabbed her pillow, laughing still, and hauled it away from her by sheer strength. I smirked at her. Now who was winning?

She blinked and tried to grab for it, but I was just far enough away that, despite her greater reach, I could manage to keep it away from her. What she did succeed in accomplishing was only to lose her balance and fall over completely just beside me.

I tossed the pillow over to the bed, a little smile now on my face. I leaned down beside her, resting on one elbow, gazing at her, smiling, happy, laughing. Amazing. Beautiful. Perfect. The ruler of a country. My wife. "Feel better now, heika-sama?"

I laughed, nodding despite my sideways position. "Hai, much." And I was. The fear that had worked its way into a tight knot in my chest was gone now. I lay beside him on the floor, not moving, not wanting to.

He watched me for a moment, the smile of earlier visible only trace on his serene face. I went silent as well and looked at him quietly, a bit questioningly. What was he thinking?

I leaned over suddenly and kissed her lightly on the lips, scared, nervous, but needing to do it. I loved her so much. I pulled away after a moment, anxiously awaiting her reaction, but I left my face relatively close to hers. What would she do now? It was her call. Would she reject me or accept me?

I blinked at him surprised. He had... kissed me. I could still feel his lips against mine, so soft. I had never felt anything like it before. I wanted to feel it again. He was still leaning over me, his face not far from mine. I leaned up and kissed him, shutting my eyes, only barely realizing that I was kissing the one I loved, the one I wanted to spend forever with, the one who loved me.

I shut my eyes, kissing back. She had accepted me. She truly loved me. She truly loved me. I pulled away after a moment, a small smile on my face. "It's true...?" I whispered to her.

She opened her dark eyes and gave me a questioning look. Her eyes were amazing, deep pools of utter poetry, a moving song, a living dance. "Is what true?"

I reached out my free hand to touch her delicate face gently, touching heaven on earth. My voice, when I next spoke, did not imply a question. "You love me..." I allowed a small smile onto my face, gazing at her. "So beautiful..."

I watched him, my eyes not leaving his face. I could not look away. His lips rested in a dreamlike smile that was so content, happy. I smiled back slightly, feeling suddenly quiet, but it was a good quiet. It was the type of stillness that comes when happiness and relief go beyond words.

He reached down again, grinning, and pulled a feather from one of the badly beaten pillows out of my hair. "Ne... we should get some sleep..." He blushed suddenly and sat up, looking away hurriedly.

I sat up as well, looking at him, confused, questioning. What had caused the sudden change in his mood? Had I done something? He stood then, rising to his feet quickly, gracefully, and reached a hand down to help me up. I took his hand and stood as well, another yawn slipping out in the process. I was tired, but I did not want this to end. It was too perfect...

I smiled slightly, standing on my tip-toes to reach up and kiss her cheek gently. "Oyasumi, Hotohori-sama..." I paused a moment, watching her every movement, her athletic grace that came from her swordsmanship. "And I love you."

I smiled back, thrilled at hearing the words. I had never thought I would hear them... not from someone I loved as well. "I love you too..." I tried the words again; they felt more comfortable this time. They fit well. "Oyasumi..."

I gave her a shy smile and turned to the door, opening it and quickly shutting it behind me. I knew if I looked back I would not leave, and she needed to sleep. I broke into a run, unable to contain my joy. I wanted to sing to the world that she loved me, but I could not. With my hair down like this, someone might recognize me. My feet led me to my room and I shut the door behind me, falling onto my bed laughing, thrilled, happy. She loved me!

I watched the closed door for a long moment, just remembering. My hand strayed to touch my lips absently. He had kissed me... He loved me. I loved him. And we were married. A moment later, a smile broke across my face. I still was not quite sure I believed it... still afraid it was all a cruel mistake, but even those thoughts were fading. It was true. I blew out the small flickering candles around the room, the smoke rising in small swirls into the darkened air. I slipped into bed, pulling the covers tightly around myself, still smiling. I shut my eyes, and his words kept singing in my mind. I love you, Hotohori-sama.

I love you too, Nuriko... I love you too.

Go to the next part. [not up yet]

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