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Someone Else's Life
By Hikaru and Kiri

Part Twenty

Standing at the bottom of the stairs, I reached out a hand to her, still silent. My other hand was pressed against the cold wall for support. I was still weak, but I was doing much better. Were seishi powers so quick to heal or had it been Mitsukake? But it didn't matter. I would live- for her. That's what was important.

She stepped down to me, splendid and magnificently regal in a dress, her loose hair tumbling over her shoulders. Her dark eyes were searching the room, presumably for the others. I was a bit afraid. Their reactions would not have been quite as mixed as mine to her secret, but I'm sure that there would be strong feelings.

I gave her a little half-smile, reassuring. "Don't worry... you look beautiful."

Her face was reminiscent of mine, the smile trace on her lovely features. She shook her head slightly, as silent as I was.

I took a step forward, bringing her with me. Tasuki was slumped over a drink, most likely alcoholic. Chiriko was sitting at the table with him, looking a little upset. Chichiri was talking to Mitsukake in the corner, occasionally glancing over to the other two. But Tamahome and Miaka were nowhere to be seen.

I moved over to the table with Tasuki and Chiriko, seating myself, warm, and pleased about that, in Tamahome's clothes. I was still worried, taking a slow deep breath as I sat.

Hotohori followed behind me, a bit slower and more reluctant, glancing around at the others, looking as if she was waiting for the snide comments she was sure were to follow.

Tasuki was too enthralled in his drink to even notice us, but Chiriko looked up at her, wide-eyed, seeming somewhat surprised to see her in a dress. "Hotohori-sama..."

I gave her a little glance and tightened my hand around hers slightly.

She glanced at the boy a bit warily. "Hello, Chiriko..."

At this, Tasuki glanced up, hearing voices. A surprised look came to his face as he saw her in the dress. "Shit... you're really a woman."

I gave Tasuki a dark look, but then forced my eyes away. They landed on Chiriko. His eyes were wide as he gazed at her, but he was smiling. Suddenly the smile vanished, like snowflake landing on a face. "Gomen nasai... we lost the shinzahou..."

I nearly jerked myself to my feet. My breath quickened and I released her hand. My fists were tight, clenched, my body stiff. Beside me, Hotohori glanced at Chiriko sharply. It seemed as if Tasuki's comment lost its sting when compared to this. "Lost it?" she asked, her voice quiet, filled with some emotion that I didn't understand, and at that point, didn't care if I understood.

Tasuki was silent, turning his attention back to his drink and to staring at her.

I took a deep slow breath. I was that worthless to them? How could they lose it? I would have died had Hotohori not had the common sense to set off our flare. I would have died... and for nothing.

Chiriko's eyes were sad. "Hai... lost it."

Hotohori reached over and placed a hand on my arm softly. "How?"

I swallowed, keeping my eyes firmly on the table. I could feel the pain, the way the claws had ripped through my back, pushed through my lung, out of my chest. I could remember the sensation of my shattered ribs, the blood filling my lungs so that I was drowning, too weak to cough. I could feel Hotohori's tears through the agony, cascading onto my traitorous body, hear her frantically calling my name as my eyes closed for the last time...

But no. I was alive. Everything was all right now. I was alive.

Chiriko's voice was filled with shame. "A... a wolf came and took it... right out of Miaka-san's hand..."

She tightened her hand around my arm. I wasn't sure whether she meant to or not. "Is everyone all right?"

"Everyone's fucking wonderful," Tasuki said, his words a bit slurred. He was upset, I could tell, but I was too.

I shut my eyes, not willing to believe any of this. I hadn't gone through that for nothing, had I? And Hotohori... what must she be feeling?

"Hai... Tamahome-san went to look for Miaka-san. They should be back in a moment or so," Chiriko continued, apparently rather oblivious of my mental state.

Hotohori just nodded slightly, falling silent. Tasuki slurped up the remains of his drink and started on another.

"Tasuki-san," started Chiriko worriedly, "maybe you shouldn't drink so much..."

Tasuki turned to him. "Maybe you should drink more..." A half-grin lit his face. "It makes things a hell of a lot easier to understand, Chiriko."

"Like what?" Chiriko asked curiously.

I opened my eyes, looking at them, wishing I didn't feel so useless. What good had I done? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. All of this would not have happened had I not been so foolish and stubborn. I was useless.

"Like the fucking shinzahou being stolen by a fucking forest animal, like the emperor being a fucking woman... and a pregnant woman at that." Tasuki did not seem pleased. He turned to her, eyes dark. "Shit... you even look like a woman..." His eyes lowered from her face and my eyes narrowed dangerously. "Shit, you even have breasts... where did you hide those?"

She simply blinked at him, her face coloring slightly, dropping her eyes to the table, silent.

I glared at him, silent as well. Was he trying to be an idiot? Or just trying to make me angry?

Chiriko blinked. "Tasuki-san, you're right. How did you disguise them so well?" asked the boy, curious and innocent. He at least wanted to learn, not to mock her. I could handle that.

She turned wide eyes up to Chiriko. Tasuki interrupted whatever she had been thinking. "Oi... answer the kid's fucking question, emperor. We're all interested in this." He grinned, burying his face in his drink again.

I glared, wishing my seishi power was to kill by looking at someone the wrong way. I slipped my hand into hers, trying to tell her I was here. Chiriko was wide-eyed. He could sense the tension in the ambiance.

She squeezed my hand and seemed to regain much of her composure. "Binding... and the rest of the how is not so important... I'm sorry I couldn't tell you the truth before." Her beautiful voice was soft, fragile in the crisp air. "But believe me... I could not..."

"Women and their fucking secrets..." Tasuki was mumbling.

I knew she could handle this herself if she so wanted. I turned my eyes to her and gave her a weak smile. The original shock had worn off, but the lingering pain was still there.

Chiriko nodded at her words, seeming engrossed, as if he were memorizing this for the future. She smiled briefly at him as she fell silent again. "But you have two older brothers..." he said, still curious.

She glanced at him, seeming a bit unsure where to begin.

Tasuki, graceful as ever, interrupted before she could start. "So you married Nuriko because he was a man... shit, it all makes sense now!!"

I looked at him suddenly, stung, nearly flinching. "What?"

"No!" she said, turning her eyes to him, face darkened by emotion.

Chiriko almost inched back in his chair, a little unsure of the sudden change in mood.

"Well, it makes more sense than the other theories..." he said, shrugging a little indelicately.

She tightened her hand around mine very slightly. "No, it doesn't. What makes sense is that I am in love with Nuriko because of who he is, not because of his gender or mine or because of who I could not have or any of your other ridiculous painful rumors."

A little stunned, Tasuki just looked at her, his glass half-way to his mouth.

I suddenly hid a smile, overwhelmed all at once by good feelings. I stood again and pressed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "I'll be right back."

Chiriko watched me, still quiet. I wondered what we were teaching him and then shrugged that away.

She glanced up at me, nodding slightly. Tasuki was silent for once. Mitsukake and Chichiri were looking our way, presumably because of the raised voices.

I grinned and walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

I watched Nuriko's retreating form for a moment, a bit unsure about being left alone in front of the others and their staring eyes. Chiriko was beginning to get a bit frightening with the strange way he was watching me, eyes wide as though I were some exhibit in a traveling show. I shifted about uncomfortably, letting my eyes stray to Tasuki who seemed to be in process of getting himself stone drunk- and enjoying every moment of it.

He came out of the room with two glasses held in his hand and a small half-hidden smirk on his face. "There," he said, placing the drinks in front of Chiriko and Tasuki. Chiriko blinked at it, looking as if he expected it to attack him.

"Thanks, Nuriko..." The bandit flashed him a fanged grin and glowed happily at the prospect of another drink. Nuriko simply chuckled darkly in response.

Chiriko looked up at him, child's eyes wide. "What is it?" His voice was nervous.

Nuriko beamed proudly. "A Nuriko Special." His voice was light, but almost sadistically pleased.

Taking that as a sign to begin, Tasuki held up the glass, nearly spilling the liquid in the quick drunk motion. "Kampai!" He downed the drink in one sip and I wondered briefly if it even touched his lips. I stifled a small smile, knowing exactly what was coming to the bandit. I did not smirk, although it took much effort not to. As though on cue, the fiery-haired bandit choked, coughing as the drink hit his system.

Nuriko's smirk grew wider, spreading like a beam of light across his face. A bit more wary than the bandit, Chiriko poked the drink with his finger, pulling away quickly in case it bit back. The smirk still upon his face, he slid back into his seat beside me and slipped an arm around me. His face looked pleased, almost proud, although I could not say of what. A cold chill swarmed into the room, centering itself around our table as the door burst open, revealing Tamahome. I glanced back, shivering at the sudden cold. The dress I wore was much thinner than the clothes I had been wearing, the cloth not fashioned for this climate. The only sound in the room seemed to be the spluttering sounds of Tasuki as he attempted to regain his breath. Looking utterly upset, his eyes downcast, Tamahome sat down at the table with us. He dropped his head into his hands and sighed. Nuriko blinked at him curiously and I watched him, noticing something missing. "Anou, Tamahome... what's wrong?" I paused for a moment, suddenly nervous. "Where's Miaka?"

Seeming not to notice the distressed state of our companion, Tasuki choked out, "Nuriko... fucking..." Cough. "... special... should've-" He choked again. "-known..."

Tamahome spoke, still slumped over on the table. "She wasn't feeling well... she told us to go ahead. We'll leave tonight."

Nuriko leered at Tasuki evilly, his eyes nearly cackling aloud as the sparkled in the dim light. Leaning over, he brushed his lips across my cheek lightly, still looking completely pleased with himself. I glanced at him smiling slightly, happily. The recent memories of blood seemed so far away, the fears I had harbored about the others' reactions dimming as well. His arms was around my waist still, his small form close beside me. Tasuki, seeming to be able to breathe again, slurred a question at Tamahome. "Tonight?

Tamahome just nodded, still not noticing anyone.

Nuriko's eyes widened and he spoke suddenly in protest. "But we haven't gone shopping yet!!!" Giving us a quick, nervous smile, Chiriko stood and wandered over to the corner where Mitsukake and Chichiri stood conversing.

"Shopping?" I asked, blinking in confusion. Shopping... why would he want to go... shopping?

Before I could say anything, Tasuki voiced my question for me. "What the fuck would you want to shop for?" His voice was slightly incredulous, but also drunkenly amused.

Nuriko flashed him a delighted grin. "Essentials!" He smirked at Tasuki. "I'll get you a comb. You obviously lost yours."

Tasuki raised his hands quickly to his hair self-consciously, checking quickly to be sure that no strand of hair was out of place. "What?" he nearly growled, looking at Nuriko half-questioningly, half-daring him to find fault with his hair style. To his side, Tamahome simply sighed and rested his head on the table dejectedly. I glanced at him, a bit worried, not only for Tamahome, but for Miaka... and all of us. We had not only lost the shinzahou, we had lost it to our rivals. The tool that we required to summon our god lay in the hands of our worst enemies, even after we had paid the price in blood and tears for it. A soft laugh from Nuriko drew me from those thoughts. Everything would be all right. There was still another shinzahou to find and we all still lived. Nuriko stood, his hands flying to a chair, grasping it to keep his balance. He was still so weak, but as always, he refused to show that face to everyone. A sunny smile spread across his face even as he struggled to keep his feet for those few precarious seconds. "Hotohori, you have to come with me!" The battle on the mountain was still affecting him, but with what had almost happened...

I glanced back, managing a small smile at him. "Of course..." I was not prepared, at that moment, to let him go anywhere without me.

The grin that overtook his face was completely thrilled. "I'll be right back!! I have to change!" He dashed up the stairs, his light steps making only a small echoing sound through the hallways. Tamahome raised his eyes from the table and glanced around him a bit, a soft sigh coming from his lips.

I watched Nuriko until his darting form had disappeared from sight, violet hair and graceful movements being swallowed into the dim light of the hallway. Pushing back my hair, I turned my eyes back to Tamahome, noticing that he had emerged from the small bout of misery in which he had previously been. His eyes widened as he seemed to notice, for the first time, the feminine dress I wore. He looked away hurriedly, turning his eyes towards Tasuki. I blinked, catching his reaction and crossing my arms across my chest self-consciously, nervously.

From within his drink, Tasuki glanced at Tamahome out of the corner of his eyes. "What, Tama?" he asked impatiently, not seeming to understand why the other man was staring at him. Looking rather pale, Tamahome simply shook his head in a blur of motion, his green-blue hair falling across his eyes. Tasuki grinned evilly. "You look like you swallowed a bug." He seemed to find this analogy quite amusing and began chuckling to himself.

Tamahome turned his gaze back to me, a blush suddenly coming to his face as he managed to choke out, "Hotohori-sama... you look very... nice." He was completely red... and also completely thrown off. I was surprised... I had expected something a bit more accusing, rather than a stammered compliment.

I was just as thrown off as he, and barely short of blushing myself. It was a bit unnerving, to say the very least. Seeming to enjoy a joke that I had missed, Tasuki cackled, overjoyed, into his drink. Tamahome turned a shade redder, a feat I had not thought possible, and glared at Tasuki, almost looking as though he wished he could throttle the half-drunk red-head then and there. By now I had nearly recovered myself and was able to flash a quick smile at Tamahome. "Thank you..." I trailed off, glancing down at my hands awkwardly. I was not used to being a girl with the others, or at least not a girl in their minds. I wondered what this would mean for their opinions of me now.

Still glaring at Tasuki, he attempted something that was almost a smile in return. Anything further was suddenly cut from my view by a pair of hands that covered my eyes. "Guess who!" a soft voice came through the darkness. Despite the desire to roll my eyes, I still could not help smiling. It was nice to hear his voice, so soft, so happy. To feel his hands touching my face, even in jest. I could picture his face, smiling despite everything, violet eyes shining, prefect features caught up in a glowing smile.

"I have no idea," I answered finally, dragging myself from my thoughts. The sounds of a snickering bandit could still be heard. It seemed our drunk comrade had discovered a funny side to life that the rest of us could not yet see. Perhaps he had found some sort of pseudo-spiritual enlightenment in the alcoholic drinks in which he had taken refuge.

Removing his hands from my eyes, he bent down and lightly kissed the top of my head, grinning. "It's me, of course!" he informed me happily. Tamahome simply blinked at us, all words falling shy of his mouth. I turned my eyes back to glance at my husband and found myself mirroring Tamahome's expression. He was dressed in elaborate girl's clothing, looking completely like the innocent, smiling maiden he so often pretended to be. His hair was styled up neatly, but not so tight as to look harsh; rather, it fell in soft waves by his shoulders. The soft fabric of his dress whispered around him as he walked and the color made his already bright eyes shine even more wondrously. Not surprisingly, Tasuki found this amusing as well; his chuckling increased and he sipped again at the drink in his hand.

Also chuckling, Nuriko held out a hand to me. "Ladies' night out, my love...?" he asked, voice happy, fringed by excitement. Tamahome shook his head slightly, looking as if perhaps he thought he was caught in a bad dream with no way out.

I took his hand and stepped up, smiling. "Hai..." I had no idea what he had in mind, and was a bit wary, but also curious. "Hai."

"Good!" he replied cheerfully, not releasing my hand. Giving an overly sweet smile to Tamahome and Tasuki, he began walking away. "I'll see you gentlemen later." He handed me my coat and began slipping into another he had managed to secure for himself. His hands flew quickly up the fastening, closing the coat about him. He glanced up to me, eyes meeting mine, half-shaded beneath his dark eye-lashes.

Glancing back to the others, I slipped into my coat as well. I turned my eyes back to him and nodded. "Hai...I'm ready." He took my hand in his again, and, waving to the others, he pulled me towards the door and opened the wooden portal into the chill night air.

Behind us, Tamahome shook his head. "And I thought Miaka and I had problems." In response to this, the bandit beside him simply laughed again, laughter that quickly began turning maniacal. Laughing as well, Nuriko shut the door behind us and leaned closer to me, seeking warmth and giving it in the chill air of the darkening evening.

I pulled her up to a little shop. The chill was sinking into me and I wanted to eventually be able to get it out. "Let's go in here!! It's too cold outside." I tugged her inside without waiting for her permission. The store smelled strongly of incense.

Seeking warmth, I nuzzled up against her. I was in a clingy mood. I was afraid to be away from her. "Mmm... jewelry... you need some." Need was a relative word, but I was in the mood for shopping.

She lifted a hand to touch the pendant around her neck and her ring flashed in the light. "I have jewelry..."

I pulled away from her, sighing quietly, and wandered deeper into the store. The store owner bustled up, but I assured him that I was only looking for now. Something green caught my eyes to my left and I moved my hand, seeking the source. It was a set of green jade earrings, shaped into teardrops. "Hmm..."

She walked over to me, looking over my shoulder. "Hmm?"

I held them up the her ears, measuring them against her, then grinned, delighted. "I like them!!" I then frowned slightly, thinking. "We'll have to pierce your ears though... so a small pair for now too..." I glanced to my right and took up a small pair of cut diamond earrings, simple. "These would work..."

She raised a hand to her ears protectively. "Pierce my ears?"

I held the diamonds up to her ears, ignoring her question. "Are pearls better?"

She just looked at me a minute, her eyes wide. "Pierce my ears?" she repeated, stunned.

I nodded to myself. "I like diamonds better." And if she didn't like them, I could always borrow them... I pulled some change out of my bag, which had since been replenished by funds from Hotohori. I handed it to the store owner and placed the earrings carefully in a bag, tightening the drawstring. "There." I gave her a glowing smile. "Ready? Clothes are next."

She nodded, apparently deciding that clothes sounded safer than piercing anything. "Whatever you say..."

I smirked. "You may want to reconsider that..." I grinned and nearly skipped out the door, wandering to the next shop, trusting that she would follow.

She did, but much slower than the pace I had set. I think she was a bit wary of my enthusiasm.

By the time she got there, I was already immersed in the racks of clothes, searching for something that would good on her. She hung by the door, watching me. I glanced at her to see a small smile creeping onto her face. So I tossed the red dress I had snatched into my hand at her. "See how long that is against you." I had about seven different dresses of different lengths and different styles draped over my shoulder.

She blinked and caught it, then held it up against her, glancing down.

I smiled slightly, admiring her. She looked perfect. "Hmm... A little short, don't you think?"

She looked down, bewildered and lost. "Yes..."

I frowned slightly. "I can let the hem down a you like it at all?"

She cast me a helpless glance. "I don't know."

I kept my voice patient, though I considered for a moment banging my head into a wall. How could she not know if she liked it? I always did. Wasn't it something that just came naturally? "Do you like the color?"

She was still studying it. "It's a very pretty color..."

"Do you like the style?" I asked, still calm.

Her eyes did not leave it. "I'm not sure..." She looked up at me, a bit upset. "I'm not a good judge of these things..."

Apparently. I placed my pile of clothes onto a nearby flat surface and walked over to her. "Well, look. Is it too low cut? Do you like how..." I stopped my words suddenly, trying to force down a smirk. "How it rests on your hips?" My smirk escaped. "How it accents those lovely curves?" Almost of its own will, my hand reached out and rested on her waist. I gave her a smug look, the smirk still on my lips. I could see the store keeper out of the corner of my eye. His eyes were wide and shocked- I assume for the same reason that the men in the bar had been. I was, of course, wearing female clothing, so that might have added to his confusion. I ignored him and focused on her.

She raised her eyes to me and I could tell she was trying not to blush. She wasn't used to looking like a girl on purpose. "Hai... I like it..."

I was pleased. "Good. Now go try it on." I pointed to a little curtained room off to the side. "There."

She followed my direction, glancing back at me once before disappearing behind the curtain. I turned back to my inspection of the dresses studiously. I was looking at a light blue dress very closely, examining the fabric, when I heard a quiet laugh from behind me.

It was her laugh. I turned slightly. "Coming out? Or do I have to guess what you look like?" Her head was peeking out from behind the curtain.

She just looked at me a minute. "Guess." I think she saw my glare, for she stepped out, a bit unsure, tugging self-consciously at the deep red dress.

My eyes widened slightly. "Hotohori..." She was simply magnificent. The red heightened the paleness of her skin and the contrast between the flawless white of her cheeks and her dark eyes and hair. The cut was daring, but not revealing, tantalizing to the eye, tempting a man's will. The length of the dress was not as long as her emperor's robes and I could see a bit of her legs, smooth and light. The dress hugged her slender waist, not yet grown with our child, curving around her hips, her breasts. I suddenly frowned. "I definitely have to let down the hem."

She glanced down at it sheepishly. "Hai..."

I folded my arms across my chest with slightly difficulty, the dresses that I was holding getting in my way. "Only I get to see that much." I suppose I was sulking a little, but I was rather jealous. I didn't want Tasuki or Tamahome flirting with my wife... especially now that they knew she was a woman.

She laughed, nodding.

I motioned her back in to change. "So you like that?"

She obeyed. "Hai... I guess so... Does it look all right?"

I nearly choked, but then looked back at the pale blue dress I had found, studying it again. "Sai'ai... do I really have to answer that?"

She just looked at me a moment and smiled, shutting the curtain again.

I held the blue dress up against myself, waiting for her to finish. "Hurry up in there." I paused a second. "Do I have to help you?" I asked threateningly.

I assume that the dress was half-way over her head, for her voice was slightly muffled. "You might..." Hmm. Enticing idea. "There," she said as she stepped out from the room.

I nearly threw myself into the room. "My turn!!" This blue dress was so pretty!! I wondered if it would accent my eyes... Pondering this, I tugged off the dress I wore and pulled the other one on over my head.

I heard her laughter from inside the dress that I was trying to get on me. I smiled to myself. I was so glad. Everything had turned out all right, just as I had promised.

The curtain was closed, but from inside strange shuffling sounds could be heard: clothes dropping, shoes being flipped off, and fabric being slipped into. The curtain opened, revealing Nuriko, standing, scrutinizing himself in a soft-looking light blue dress. A small frown covered his feature and he glanced at me plaintively. "Do you think this makes me look heavy?"

I blinked and shook my head. It didn't. Like most of the things he wore, he looked perfect, as though the clothes were made solely for him to wear. "Iie."

He frowned slightly and glanced down at it again, examining the sleeves. "Are you sure?"

"I like it... demo..." I said, nodding and trying to stop the smile that was threatening my face from surfacing. The dress was perfect... save one thing. "You'll have to take up the hem, ne?"

He gave me a dark look, glaring at me through narrowed eyes. "Urusai," he growled, storming back into the fitting room, nearly tripping over the long dress as he did so. Despite the dangerous look I had received from him, I was still trying not to laugh to myself.

The curtained door opened once again after a moment and he emerged from the dressing room, carrying the dress in his arms, still sulking, his face caught up in a pout of sorts. "Are you ready?" he asked simply, words short.

"Hai... I..." I blinked for a minute, watching him. "I'm sorry..." I began quietly. "About the hem comment."

Folding his arms across his chest and looked at me a moment, dark eyes studying me. "We'll have to get your ears pierced soon."

My eyes wide again, I simply nodded. "Hai." Piercing things did not sound overly enjoyable, and I was not overly eager to try it.

He smirked at me evilly, but it slowly melted into a true smile, his sweet enigmatic smile. Tossing some money on the counter- to cover the cost of the dresses- he took my arm and pulled me outside. I followed him back into the chill air. I pushed my hair back, trying not to shiver in the sudden rush of cold. Vaguely, I wondered where he could possibly think to go next. My question was answered as he pulled me into a small place in between the houses, out of the wind. He looked up at me, violet eyes silent and serious. And I looked back at him, my expression quickly taking on the seriousness I found there. His face was solemn, but open, reflecting back everything he was, everything I knew, everything I loved. It amazed me how he could be like that, crystal clear, but infinitely bright. I glanced at him questioningly, a bit surprised and unsure of his sudden mood change.

His voice was soft when he spoke. "I almost lost you today..." He turned his eyes away, down to the ground, looking for all the world like an uncertain child. "But... what you said to Tasuki..."

I watched him, waiting for him to finish his thought, my eyes searching for his even though they were cast to the ground, looking away from me.

"It just..." He shifted a bit, looking uncomfortable, unsure what to say. "I..."

Making my voice as soft, gentle as I could, I asked quietly, "What?"

Seeming to give up, he just hugged me tightly, burying his face in my shoulder. His soft voice was muffled when he next spoke. "I... I didn't thank you."

I hugged him back tightly, kissing him lightly on the top of his head, through his thick hair, breathing in his soft floral scent. "I said what I did because I love you... and you don't have to thank me for that... It's the other way around. I should thank you." And I truly should. I owed him so much. He had added more than I could possibly describe to my life, making things brighter, happier, giving me the love I had never thought possible. With him, I felt safe, happy, complete.

He shut his eyes, his small form shaking with cold. He leaned closer against me and I tightened my arms. "It doesn't hurt much, you know..." he said quietly.

"What doesn't?" I asked, a bit unsure what he was talking about.

I felt his arms tighten about me slightly. "Less than labor, I'd assume... Getting your ears pierced."

Smiling, I simply held him back, content to just have him there in my arms. "That's good... I'd imagine... I'm not really worried about it. I trust you." And I did trust him, with anything.

"I'm worried about Miaka... that's not like her," he said softly, his voice barely a whisper in the cold air.

Biting my lip, I nodded. Everything seemed to be happening at once- Miaka's absence, the loss of the shinzahou. "Hai... you're right... it really isn't..." I frowned.

"But Tamahome said it was all right..." he said, sighing quietly, his eyes still shut, and his arms still around me. Nodding to his question, I tightened my hold on him ever so slightly. We would know if something was wrong with our miko... wouldn't we?

As though an idea had suddenly appeared before him, Nuriko pulled away from me and began rummaging through his bag. I watched, curious, as he dug out the dangling jade earrings and slid them into his own ears. "They shouldn't go to waste, ne?" he said, grinning a wide mischievous grin at me.

Laughing, I nodded in agreement, watching the small jade teardrops shimmer in the dim light. "No, they shouldn't."

He posed, his hand on his hip, and a bright smile on his face. "You like them? Am I beautiful?"

I smiled back, managing not to laugh at his antics. "You're always beautiful, earrings or no, " I told him truthfully, "but they're a nice touch... they do match the bracelets."

He looked at me, the mischief returning to his face, settling in his eyes like small sparks. Curiously, I raised an eyebrow and gave him a questioning look. The sudden evil smile that overtook his face had caught me a bit off-guard.

His hand reached out to my neckline, tugging my jade necklace out from beneath my coat. Giving me a pouty look, he fingered the pendant carefully. "It matches..."

I glanced down at the pendant around my neck as best I could. "So it does..." In fact, it looked as though it had come from the same stone as the earrings, the color identical, smooth, and flawless. His look turned almost pitifully pleading.

Managing not to smile, I reached my hands to the back of my neck, my fingers unclasping the chain easily. "Would you like to wear it?"

His eyes nearly shimmered as he watched me. "Ooohh... how did you know?" he asked, a delighted smile crossing his face. He looked so young in that moment, a child excited at the thought of something pretty, his voice matching that appearance.

I shook my head at him slightly, still smiling and fastened the pendant around his neck, trying not to catch it in his flowing violet hair. The pendant had been my mother’s. I had always kept it safely away until I wore it, never letting anyone else touch or even see it. But it just seemed natural to lend it so easily to him. I would have given him anything he had asked for, anything that was in my power to give, anything to see his smile.

His hand reached up to touch the small tear-shaped pendant, his face taking on a slightly awed expression, though the grin of earlier still rested upon it. Suddenly, without warning, he threw his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. "Mmm... warm..."

I was surprised, caught off-guard, but after a minute I hugged him back, smiling down at him happily.

Softly, his voice barely above a whisper, he spoke, arms still tightly around me. "I love you... I love you so much... and when we get home I'm tempted to tie you to your throne so you don't go off and try to get attacked by any more Seiryuu seishi..."

I laughed softly, my voice matching his. "I love you too... and when we get home, I don't plan on going off anywhere without you..."

He was silent a moment, something silent and unsaid passing over his eyes, but then his smile returned and he pulled away, glancing at me. "I think we should do it now," he said, matter-of-factly.

I blinked at him, again confused by his sudden jumps in topic. "Do what?"

He smirked again before turning and walking away slowly towards the inn, the wind lifting small whirlwinds of snow around his feet, wiping away his footsteps even as they were made. For a moment, I stood here I was, watching him, his easy, graceful movements. Dreamlike, it seemed to me, almost as though the wind would whisk him away as well as the sparkling snow flakes it already carried. Turning over his shoulder, he smiled. "Well, hurry up!" he called back to me.

I ran to catch up with him, slowing my step as I came beside him. We walked the short distance back to the inn together, silent in the cold air.

I pushed open the door to the inn. "We're back!!" I called cheerily. I shut the door after she had entered behind me, closing off the frigid wind from the warmth of the room.

I happily stripped off my coat and hung it up, reveling in the warmth. "We're going upstairs," I announced.

"Why?" Chiriko asked curiously.

Tasuki was still sitting in his chair, lazing about, looking slightly drunk. "Shit..." he slurred, and then cackled.

Hotohori slipped out of her coat beside me, folding it carefully over her arm.

I gave Tasuki an odd look. "To pierce her ears," I said, replying to Chiriko's question.

Chiriko gave me an innocent grin. "Oh."

Her head jerked up, giving me a slightly nervous look. "And we're back to piercing things again..."

"Yeah, sure... we fucking believe that too... Right..." Tasuki was laughing into his drink. I wondered if it was still my Nuriko Special.

I glared at him. "Tasuki, you want to come?"

Chiriko blinked.

"Shit, no!!!" He blinked for a moment as well, and then something seemed to click. "No!!!"

I gave him a slight, withering smile. "Oh, that's right. You already have your ears pierced."

Chiriko was still blinking at us.

She was slightly pale as she moved toward the stairs to our room.

"Yeah, that's it. That's exactly what the fuck I meant..." Tasuki agreed darkly.

I paused slightly on his last few words. "That's not a bad idea either... Hmm..." The look I gave him could be described as evil, but it did what it was intended to do.

He just shook his head, his fire-colored eyes wide.

I laughed gaily and scampered up the stairs after her.

She was waiting in the room for me, the door standing open, sitting on the bed. I dropped my shoes off at the door, tossed my new dress with my other clothes, and then moved onto the bed, sort of laying down, my face buried in the blankets. "Mmm..."

She glanced at me questioningly. "Mmm?"

I inched over to her so that I was curled around her. "Warm..."

She smiled at me gently. "Hai."

I sat up slowly, relinquishing the heat, studying her. "Hmm..."

She gave me yet another questioning look. "Hmm?"

I reached out a hand and touched her earlobe lightly. "I'll make it quick, all right?"

She nodded, accepting the fact that it would happen sooner or later. "All right..." She gave me a fleeting, hesitant smile.

I gave her a naughty grin in return. "If you're still, I'll reward you after."

She laughed softly, but was still looking at me warily. "So how do you plan on doing this?"

I pulled one of the diamond studs out of my bag. "Here..." I held it up to her ear with one hand, holding the earlobe with the other. I was strong enough that I could push it through quickly. I just had to make sure I centered it. "Hold still. On three..."

She didn't nod, too busy holding still, for which I was grateful. "All right... three..."

Very carefully keeping my fingers in place, I counted. "One... two..." And I pushed it in.

She stiffened, holding back a yell. The only sound that came out of her mouth was a small noise. She remained unmoving as I fastened it, but she was glaring at me out of the corner of her eye. "That was not three..."

I was busy admiring my handiwork, not really listening to the ruler of my country. "Perfect..."

"That was two. Two is one away from three," she pointed out. Her hand lifted to her ear tentatively. I hid a smile. I was glad my liege could count.

I pulled the other stud out and clambered around behind her to reach her other side. "Ready?"

"Three... one, two, three... try that this time..." She looked nervous still, but forced a smile. "Yes, I'm ready..."

I kissed her cheek lightly while I was there. "One..." I pushed it through then and quickly fastened it like the other, pulling away when finished. "I'm so amazing... perfect again."

"That was even further from three than before... Is it done?" Her eyes flitted to me, still looking nervous.

I nodded, admiring her. "Hmm... you look like a girl. When did that happen?"

She smiled at me softly, carefully touching her ears. "I don't know... but I suspect it's your fault..."

I laughed quietly and leaned forward to kiss her lightly. "I'm feeling better..."

She laughed as well, looking relieved to hear that. "Good."

I trailed my kisses down her jawline, my hands straying to her waist. "In fact... I feel much better... seishi have amazing recuperative powers..."

She laughed again. "Amazing..."

I started to kiss her neck lightly, feeling almost shy. One hand rose to touch her cheek lightly. "Definitely feeling better..."

"I'm glad..." Her head bent slightly, her lips searching for mine.

I met her lips, kissing her gently, seekingly. "I hate these cold climates..." I muttered darkly. "It makes everything that much more difficult..."

She pulled away briefly to glance at me. "What's difficult?"

I blinked and flushed, silent.

She laughed softly again. "Well, if it's too difficult..."

I kissed her again, deeply, cutting off the rest of her words.

Go to the next part.

Return to Tokyo Tower.