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Part II Chapter 1... Here We Go Again

Yui walked out of the store, her shopping bag swinging in her hand. She turned to look for her friends. "Miaka!! Tamahome!! Are you two coming?"

"Coming, Yui-chan!!" Miaka called as she bounced out of the store, dragging Tamahome behind her.

"Do you realize how much you just spent in there?!?!" Tamahome asked incredulously. He started counting the money on his fingers, but threw up his hands and gave up.

Yui started to laugh, but then she noticed something. "Mi-Mi-Mi- Miaka!! What happened to your clothes?!"

Miaka looked down. Her sundress had been replaced by... by... "Oh, my gosh!" Miaka yelped.

Her normal clothes had been replaced by a black leather leotard and skirt with an iron breast plate.

Yui paled. "It's the Warrior Miko outfit!!" She looked down at her own clothes and realized that they had changed as well. She was now wearing a short green midriff top and a light brown wrap-around skirt. A tall staff appeared in her hands. Yui let out an ear-piercing shriek.

Suddenly Tamahome disappeared.

"TAMAHOME!!!!!" Miaka, Warrior Miko wailed. "Where did you go?!?!"

"When Warrior Miko left off last time he was lost, ne?" a voice called from behind the two bewildered girls.

"Don't worry! You'll find him soon... maybe. Mwahahahahahahahaha!" another voice called.

Miaka and Yui turned simultaneously to face the voices. "Hikaru?!?!? Makoto?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

The two girls nodded. Makoto smirked and Hikaru giggled.

Hikaru tossed her short blue hair out of her face. "Let's go you two! It's time for the next adventure!"

Yui blinked. "Since when is your hair blue?"

Hikaru sighed. "Long painful story involving a friend of yours."

"COME ON!!!" Makoto shouted, tapping her foot. "We need to find the Muffin seishi!!"

"Muffin seishi?" the bewildered Warrior Miko asked.

Hikaru sighed. "Also a long painful story involving a friend of ours."

The scenery changed. The mall disappeared. Makoto, Hikaru, Yui and Miaka, Warrior Miko, were left standing in a glade. The sun was shining and tiny winged muffins fluttered around the four girls.

Winged muffins?!?!?!

Oh yeah, winged muffins... and that's just the beginning...

Hikaru sighed. "Why can we never figure out how to bring all the characters to the same place?"

Makoto smirked. "Because that wouldn't be any fun!! But I want Kou-chan!!"

"The guy who talks to himself?" Miaka asked incredulously.

"No!!! Koutoku!! Not Kouji!!" Makoto clarified.

Yui looked confused (and we thought she was the smart one!). "What happened to Amiboshi?"

****Flash to a tropical island. Amid a bunch of swooning island girls waving palm leaf fans and serving him drinks, sits Amiboshi. He looks slightly bewildered and none to happy about having to wear the Hawaiian shirt, but pretty content.****

"Ummmm, okay. I'm not going to ask."

Hikaru smiled. "Safer that way, trust me..."

"Well, we may as well be going, right?" Miaka asked as she began skipping down the path.

From out of nowhere a boy with a blue tail fell out of the sky, landing...

On top of the Warrior Miko.

Hikaru giggled.

The blue-tailed boy, who was in fact, Muffin shichiseishi Fiboshi, grinned and looked around.

Makoto sent Hikaru a Death Glare (tm) and made a mental note to maim her co-author later.

Miaka's squished body twitched.

And the adventures of Miaka, Warrior Miko, began again.

Oooohhh.... we're baaaaaaaaack! ~Kiri ^.~

Chapter 2... A Bit of Explanation

Hikaru went and peeled Miaka off the ground. "Fiboshi!! How're you doing? Any luck finding your seishi or your Miko?"

Fiboshi nodded and brushed the muffin crumbs off his clothes. "I found my Miko. Sakura said she'd be it!! But I haven't found any seishi except for Taiboshi."

Hikaru and Makoto collectively twitched at the mention of the duck seishi.

"I want my TAMAHOME!!!!!!!!!!!" Miaka squealed. "I want him I want him I want him!!! NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!"

Makoto smirked. "Well, then, look for him!!"

Yui was confused. "I still don't get this Muffin seishi thing..."

"I'LL EXPLAIN!!" Fiboshi said, leaping up.

"May the gods help us," Hikaru said as the little spaz began to recount his tale. (And goodness, no, that tale pun was NOT intentional)

"See, what happened is Makoto and Hikaru needed a way to throw me into their weird little fanfic. So they came up with the Muffin kami and decided it needed seishi. I think it was supposed to be a one time thing and I was only supposed to make a small appearance, but-" Here his face took on a distinctly devilish cast- "I stuck around because of Yui-sama." Fiboshi drooled and began staring at the frightened blond girl.

"Great, now he's useless for a while. Well, let's get going, we need to find Oniichan and everyone else," Makoto said as she began bounding down the path.

Hikaru sighed and followed her co-author. "Mako-chan! Where are we going?"

Miaka began skipping after the two girls. "Are we gonna find Tamahome soon?!"

Yui contemplated running, but decided against it. She grabbed the tailed seishi by his arm and dragged him after the others.

Upon getting no answer from Makoto, Hikaru shrugged and started fidgeting with the pendant she wore around her neck.

"Who are we looking for?" Yui asked, releasing Fiboshi as she realized he could walk by himself now.

Hikaru looked back. "Ummm... let me see, Nakago, Suboshi, Soi, Hotohori, Chichiri, Mitsukake, Chiriko, Keisuke, Tetsuya, Sakura, Nuriko, Tamahome, and all the muffin seishi."

Yui paled and sweat-dropped. Miaka fell over. "All those people?"

Makoto nodded. "And any other random characters we need to throw in."

Speaking of which...

Two figures suddenly appeared on the road before them.

"Thank Zeus I found you!" the tall man said, running towards them. A shorter blond man followed quickly behind.

Hikaru raised an eyebrow. Makoto looked confused. Yui backed away. Fiboshi stared at Yui. Miaka chirped, "Hiya!!"

The man pulled up short. "Xena? Gabrielle? What's happened to you?" he asked, his eyes growing wider. His blond friend nearly toppled over as he looked at Miaka and Yui.

Recognition flashed in the eyes of the authors and they broke down into fits of laughter.

"Ummmm.... do we know you?" Yui asked.

"Gabrielle, of course you do! It's me! Hercules... and Aeolus!"

"Xena, what happened to your hair??"

Miaka blinked. "My hair? I... uhh... do you have anything to eat on you?"

Hercules looked confused, but he pulled out a piece of bread. "Ummmm, yeah..."

Miaka, Warrior Miko, lunged for the bread and managed to nearly swallow half of Hercules' arm. "Itadakimasu!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, DEMON!!!! Xena's been possessed by a demon!!!!" Hercules turned tail and fled.

Aeolus stared for a moment more, and turned and ran after his companion.

Hikaru and Makoto dragged themselves up from where they had collapsed laughing. "The poor guys is gonna be traumatized for life now! Miaka nearly ate him!!"

"Whatcha laughing about no da?" a voice from behind them called.

"Chichiri!!!" five voices cried in unison turning to see the monk.

Makoto smirked. "Are you still the moon princess?"

Chichiri nodded. "Yeah no da! Watch what I learned no da!!"

Yui stepped back. This was nearly as scary as last time...

Chichiri pulled out a heart shaped locket. "Moon Cosmic Power!! Make Up!! No Da!!"

The background turned pastel swirling colors and music appeared from nowhere. Ribbons appeared from nowhere as well...

Makoto stormed over to the monk. "No... no no no no no!! You are NOT wearing that in this parody!! That is just wrong!!"

Miaka and Yui nodded.

Makoto stopped short. Wait a sec... what had she been thinking? If this parody was going to be weird... well, why not?

"Forget that, monk. Feel free."

Chichiri grinned ecstatically. "Thank you no da!!" He finished his transformation sequence and was the moon princess.

Yui tilted her head slightly as she looked at him. "Actually, the pink ribbons go really well with his..." She stopped and pinched herself. "What am I doing?" she asked herself, bewildered. She was the normal character... right?

Makoto tapped Hikaru on the shoulder. "Who are we bringing in first?"

Hikaru shrugged. "You tell me."

Makoto leered evilly at everyone. "You shouldn't have left it up to me..."

Out of the sky fell a boy, his limbs flailing everywhere. He landed...

On top of Hikaru.

"HEY!" the co-author cried. "What was that for?"

"Yeah," complained the boy. "Why did you drop me from the sky?"

Makoto laughed. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Hikaru shoved the boy off of her and stalked over to Makoto. "You.... are.... dead."

Makoto smiled sweetly. "Nope."

While the co-authors were busy duking it out, the boy looked at the other characters... and saw... and saw...

"Yui-sama..." he drooled.

Fiboshi smacked him with a muffin. "That's my line!!"

Yui backed away. First Fiboshi, then Suboshi... could it get any worse?

Just wait, Yui... just wait... ~Kiri

Chapter 3... Tights, Togas, and Tantalizing... uhhh... uhhhh... Sakura

Suboshi swung his yo-yo's around his head. He was bored. Makoto and Hikaru were still fighting. There was nothing for him to maim. Nothing for him to torment. No... no...

"NO LEGOS!!!" he cried in anguish.

Even the authors stopped fighting for a second to look at him.

Miaka started chewing on Fiboshi's leg.

"What are you doing?" he asked her curiously.

Only slobbering answered him.

He handed her a muffin. "Don't get drool on my pants."

Excited, she stuffed it down.

He stepped back.

She looked at him with hungry eyes.

He was getting a little nervous now.

"Got any more?" she asked, her voice sounding strange.

He handed her another.

She devoured it. "More?"

He backed away slowly.

"I want more!" she said, inching toward him.

He started running.

"I WANT MY LEGOS!!!" Suboshi cried.

Makoto grabbed Hikaru's hair and pulled and the blue-haired co-author felt free to yank right back. Amidst all the scuffling, Fiboshi zig-zagged around trees and rocks and co-authors, trying to dodge Miaka as best as he could. But she was right on his heels...

"I want MORE!!" she yelled at the tops of her lungs. The earth shook.

Yui started walking down the road. Perhaps no one would notice she was gone. She could hope.

Then suddenly... "Moon Cosmic Power! Make-Up!! No DA!!!"

She turned a different direction and ran.


Yui skidded to a stop and turned again.


"YEAH, SO?!?!"

Yui froze. There was nowhere for her to go.

This was...

"Kore wa..." she whispered.

Miaka, Warrior Miko, part II: The Search For the Muffin Seishi

"Kore wa... HECK!!!" Yui screamed.

Hikaru looked up and Makoto stopped the mallet she was aiming at her co-author inches above Hikaru's head. Miaka shut her mouth for once and even Suboshi and Fiboshi shut up for a moment. Chichiri's moon princess costume phazed out.

Hikaru looked at Makoto questioningly. Makoto shrugged and helped Hikaru to her feet. "Yui..." Hikaru began. "Are you okay?"


"And your point is....?" Makoto asked usefully.


Fiboshi inched up to Yui and quietly offered her a muffin. Yui burst into tears.

Miaka walked over and hugged her obviously distraught friend. "Ne... Yui-chan. It's okay. You don't have to be my sidekick anymore."

Makoto and Hikaru, who were abnormally serious looked over at Yui and said... (*gasp*) nothing.

Yui shook her head. "No... no... I'm okay now... I am. I'm fine. I'll stick around. Besides, Miaka, you need me."

"YAY!!!!!!!!! YUI-SAMA IS STAYING!!!!" Suboshi and Fiboshi chorused together, and began skipping and bouncing in circles around the Miko's sidekick.

Hikaru looked at Makoto.

"Ne.... now that we're all one big happy family again... maybe we should get moving?" Makoto suggested.

Hikaru nodded. "We're burning page space..."




The small group began once again down the path, not really having any place to go.

There was a grumbling sound from the bushes. Six heads collectively turned towards the sound.

"Is it a bear?? I've always wanted to see a bear. I think they're so cute. Maybe it'll be a big bear with big teeth and sharp claws and- OW!!" Yui whacked Fiboshi to shut him up.

The grumbling grew louder, but as it did, it became clear that there was no animal making that sound. The noise was sounding more and more human... and soon the group could discern words. "I don't believe this... Stupid things... Here we go again... Wasn't last time painful enough... When I get my hands on those two I'm gonna... oooh... I really wish I had a gun..."

A second voice laughed. "Ne... if I were you, I wouldn't threaten Hikaru and Makoto... if they heard you... you'd be in trouble. And besides, they aren't that bad..." the voice trailed off suddenly.

"They made us wear tights! Tights!! TIGHTS!!! Don't you remember?"

Makoto and Hikaru exchanged a glance and tried not to laugh.

"I'm still gonna give them a piece of my mind when I see them. They'll be sorry." The two figures came through the bushes and into view of the group. "Those two girls are in for it. I'm going to- "

"Konnichi wa, Tetsuya-san!!" Makoto chirped.

Tetsuya's eyes widened. He paled and his mouth dropped open. "M-M-M-Makoto? Hikaru? I... uh... I uh... uh... uh..."

Makoto nodded. "Yup yup... sure you are. Uh-huh. Mmm-hmm. How's it going, Tetsuya?"

Meanwhile, Hikaru had fastened herself on to Keisuke's arm. "Hiya!!"

Keisuke looked down at her warily. "Hi..."

Makoto pouted. "No fair!" she looked around, her eyes narrowing evily and coming to rest on Suboshi. Quick as lightning, Makoto's hand shot out, grabbed the yo-yo boy's arm and yanked him over to where she was standing.

"Anou.... Makoto... I'm Suboshi... the 'wrong twin'. Right? Remember? Makoto?" Suboshi swallowed nervously.

Makoto shrugged. "Good enough.. but you're right. I think Amiboshi needs to come home from his little vacation..." Makoto snapped and Amiboshi appeared, looking bewildered and wearing a rather loud Hawaiin shirt. "Kou-chan!!" Makoto cried launching herself at him and not releasing her death grip on Suboshi.

Hikaru looked at Amiboshi's shirt and cringed. What icky clothes. She snapped and the icky shirt was replaced by normal clothing. Then she turned her eyes to the King of Thieves and his accountant. "Keisuke... Tetsuya... time to get in costume, boys!!" she called, a mischievious grin on her face.

Tetsuya yelped and backed away. Keisuke paled slightly.

Hikaru raised her left hand above her head and snapped. After the ensuing bright flash of light, Tetsuya and Keisuke stood in full costume. Keisuke wore his outift from the previous misadventure, but Tetsuya...

"What the $%^@#$^@$#%^$^@ is this?!?!!?"

"That's Tasuki's line," Hikaru said, nonplussed.

"What the $%^&%^&%^&%^ is this?!?!?!?"

"It's a toga, I think... it's not tights, at least."

Yui walked over to Tetsuya and put her hand on his arm. "Take a deep breath... count to ten."



"1............ 2............ 3........... 4.......... 5........ 6...... okay, I feel better now..."

Yui grinned. "Besides... it's a good look for you, Tetsuya... I like it."

Tetsuya frowned, causing the blond sidekick to giggle.

Makoto stepped forward, each of the twins caught in a a vice-like grip on either side of her.

Miaka, who had once again been chasing Fiboshi around in circles paused momentarily. "Can we go now?"

"WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!" a voice called and a blurry little figure ran up to the group, slamming into Fiboshi and knocking him over.


The girl with fiery hair nodded. "Of course. I had to come into this parody sometime. I AM the Miko after all."

"Ne... Sakura Miko-sama..." Yui began.

"Just Sakura!"

"Sakura... where's Nuriko...? Aren't you stalking him anymore?"

"Sure I am!!" Sakura grinned and brought out a little silver whistle. "Watch!!" she blew through the whistle, and a high shrill note came up. Another blur appeared on the horizon, but this time a purple one.

"NURI-CHAN!!!!!!!" Sakura called as the figure pulled up short and waved at the rapidly growing group.

"Konnichi wa, minna-san!!!!!" Nuriko said.

Hikaru frowned. "Can we go yet? We need to find the muffin seishi... not to mention the plot."

"There's gonna be a plot?"

"Of course!! There's always a plot... it's just sort of an 'underlying plot,' I guess...."


"Yup!! Let's go!!!" Makoto said, dragging Suboshi and Amiboshi down the path after her.

Oh look, characters and a plot advancement (sort of...). You *know* who has the disk now, huh? ^_~ Just kidding, Kiri-chan!!

MUWAHAHAHAHA! [ not up yet...]