I created these 2 anime music videos 15 years ago.
My barely seen correction of the Dead Island 2 trailer...
Because check this shit out! They totally made it for this song!
2 Halo 4 MP videos I made... With my cellphone. FUCK MY LIFE!
Sassykitty btw is my glorious ex turned co-op game buddy. Failed couple! winning teammates!
WRX Fanatics Radio
I did this shit back in 2003. It was a spoof on the Subaru community I was a strong part of back then.
I did this on my own without any script and very little planning. Editing was as minimal.
Obviously I take no credit for the music tracks used, and a little thanks to The Jerky Boys and Mike Judge for some voice inspiration.
4/28/2015 *** update ***
Added some stuff I've posted on YouTube that dates back before YouTube existed that I was never able to post here because of size limits. Seriously, 2015, and Angelfire still limits you to 20mb? LOLWTF! Reminds me of how Comcast still hasn't fully upgraded to HD yet. Lame!
Btw, if you're here because you read "Don't google me!" on your 3DS, but you googled me anyway? Science thanks you! So do I... It's like a psychology test, and everyone is a winner!
~ Dan Zapix
4/19/2015 *** update ***
Seriously? Angelfire is still here? Geocities died years ago! It died a swift unappreciated death, but Angelfire is still fucking here! Wow! Congratulations Angelfire! You are the cockroach of the internet! Seeing as how THIS page comes up at the top when I'm googled, I've decided to change some things. Like, removed every link to this old page. Seriously, I created this as a teenager, and here I am at 35 thinking... "WTF DAN!" That's why we old people tell you damn kids to be careful with what you put on the internet! I mean look, there are still remnants of my being on the internet when I was 18, and some that could date back to when I was 14~15, though I'm skeptical about it going that far back, short of my old AOL email addresses, which still work. -_-
OK OK, so enough rambling. I updated the above links so they're actually relevant. Don't bother adding me to facebook unless I know you and you're not hostile! That's 20 years of the internet for ya! If you're looking to chat, feel free to hit me up on ICQ (3788779), but for the love of Hodor, let me know who you are and/or why you're adding me, otherwise I will assume you are 100% pure spam.
~ Dan Zapix
5/24/00 *** update ***
Well, I have more news to add! I just received confirmation that I will infact be part of the Diablo 2 Beta "Stress Test". I should have a page up for this by the end of the day. I want to get a quick glance of the game first, then I can talk a little about it!
This is actually exciting to me, because I will have the chance to report on two closed betas! I never had the chance to sign up for the orignal Diablo 2 beta, but this in it's own is a treat to me! So, check back shortly, as I will have more information!
Also, from what I know, the Dark Reign 2 disc should be out in the mail, so I'll be looking out for that. As soon as I have that, I will report some information on that! If there's any questions about either 2 of these games, email me with your question(s), and I will do my best to answer them! Again, don't bother asking me to where to get the beta software, code numbers, or anything like that!
Well, that's all for now!
~ Dan Zapix
5/20/00 *** update ***
Well, something new has been added to this collection of my sites! I was selected as a beta tester for Dark Reign 2, so I've started a page for that! Check it out!
I've also been beta testing several other games which are in open testing. I will do a few reviews on those, as well as post some links for people to try them out! Another thing I would like to do with such a page is add information about other beta software. Some stuff you might have never even heard of yet! For instance... Are you aware that Mircosoft is currently testing the replacement for Windows95/98, Windows Millennium Edition (dubbed, Windows ME)? Oh yeah, and for all you Windows 95/98 users, this OS will be a real treat (a real stable OS!)! For all you still using DOS, you find that Windows ME almost eliminates DOS. Plus it has a Windows 2000 look! That's all I'll say about that!
In other news, several new anime DVDs have been released. I will more than likely start working on a page for Anime DVD reviews (although animeondvd.com does this quite well already). Ranma 1/2, Perfect Blue, Gundam Wing Op. 1 and Trigun Vol. 2 are all out! Also, I'll have some other information for Anime fans, such as some arguements over SonMay CDs, etc
On a note about this whole page, some might be noticing that I have been concentrating more on anime than the original basis of this page which was RPG video games. I have more or less given up on that particular structure for a page. Though RPG games are my favorite of games, it's a topic which I've not been able to keep up with very much. I will try to add in some new updates with the removal of some things. You'll find I'll add some older walkthoughs, such as Xenogears, Zelda OT, FF V and VIII as well as ones for Lunar, etc. Any news regarding these games will more than likely stay as it is (none at all!). I will think about adding in message board for the games section, as well as a page for people to post reviews. Since I target several topics, it's hard to advertise this page to a single group of people. That is why I do have lots of target subjets though. Hence this page will have something for multiple groups.
On a final note, I would like to thank everyone who's emailed me with their friendly comments about this page, and those who have supported the music video page. I've gotten a larger number of emails, and ICQ messages regarding these! It's the helpful support that I get that gets me to login and update things! So again, thank you to everyone who's supported this site, and a special thanks to Geocities for hosting this page for over 2 years now, problem free!
~ Dan Zapix
4/11/99 *** update ***
WOW! Some news! About time, eh? Well, I hope everyone is enjoying the year 2000. Yeah, I had to mention that! Now you can include me with the idiots making a big deal about it. I MEAN COME ON!!! IT'S JUST ANOTHER YEAR! WHO CARES! Oh yeah... Did Santa bring you a lot of gifts this year? *LMAO* I'm 20, so Santa exlcudes me. I had to buy my own things! Sony DVD player, LaserDisc player, tons of anime DVDs and LDs, a new DVD drive for the computer, a CD-R, a FF8 Squall necklace (yeah, I feel cool now! *LOL*), anime and game soundtracks, and some DBZ stuff. Not that I'm bragging about it! ADT Security laid me off (former AlarmGuard employee), and I'm on the verge of messing up my credit. Oh well, that's another story, and it's bad enough you all know about my personal life!
So, would you like to know what's new, istead of hearing about me? Don't email me answering that!!!
I've added and changed a few things. The chatroom was killed off again because the service doesn't know what's it doing. So I'm using a more reliable service, which actually gives voice chat! Yeah, so pull out your little mircophones and headsets and start talking! It's pretty fast too (well, least I can confirm that with my cable modem)! I changed the "note" and greeting within both the frames and non-frames version of the page. Deleted a few things here and there, and so on.
I also added a few new things as you might have noticed. There's now an ANIME-VIDEO page. If you're into anime, check it out! I made some music videos with my Dragonball Z and Spriggan VCDs. I also added in a site if you're interested in buying anime DVDs. If not anime DVDs, it's still work checking out, because there's more than just anime!
Last, but not least... My Dragonball Z Uncut/Subtitled Petition. If you don't know what Dragonball Z is... Well, I suppose you're a bit behind the times! If you do, "uncut/subtitled" should pretty much explain what it is! Check it out!
Other than that, I suppose that's about it. I have a little space left, and I'm not sure what to throw in. I suppose I will look around for a few more walkthroughs to add into the archive, and maybe some new MIDI files. I have to be motivated to do all that though.
Enjoy the site, and keep screaming about there being no DVD release of Star Wars Episode 1. After a while, somebody is going to show up at your door and tape your mouth shut and tie your hands up so you can't whine about it! Be brave... Spend $60 to get a LD player and by the Japanese import! So what if it has Japanese subtitles! It's gotta be better than VHS!
~ Dan Zapix
(4/19/2015 - SOME NEWS UPDATES DELETED! /AaronPaul BITCH!)
Notice: Do not confuse me with the two copycats that use my name. "Zapix" on Twitter and Instagram is NOT me. That's some Russian who couldn't come up with an original name. I would post his personal information here for the lulz, but unlike him, I don't want any association with him.
And then there's those people in NY... They're not me either.
Let me be crystal clear on something... Zapix™, the real me, and have been going by this name since the early 90s. I ran an officially hosted by AOL game group around 1994/1995. Go back far enough for Ultimate Games Club? Yeah, that was me. Zapix™ on AOL? Yeah, that was me... Seller of anime goods on ebay, and PC builder/seller? Yeah, that was me. User on various forums? Could me be! In recent history, I tend to use the same Zapix logo (seen above) that I created back in 1998.