Click To See Your Full Browser Report

Click To See Short Browser Report

On my VORTEX page, near the top, it should show you the following same client build version information as follows....

WebTV's Utilities

(Shows client build/upgrade info along with cookie tool)

Alternate method to get to the Utilities page:
1) goto "Home"
2) click on "Help"
3) click on "Utilities" under the 'Quick Picks' heading.

VORTEX™ Links Page

The sure way to find your current 'client build browser', is to use one of the
(power-off codes) found here. ie;

1) power off

2) press 'options' key three times

3) type 411, and watch to see if the box lights 'chase'. (they should flash rapidly). If not, then do #2 and #3 again, until you see the lights chase.

4) power up by pressing 'power' button, and you will see all your box technical information

Yet another way to see what your current client build is:

1) goto 'mail' area

2) click on 'settings'

3) click on 'word list'

4) click on 'add a word'

5) type &vers;

6) click 'done'

7) now, whenever you view the word list from the 1,2,3, method here, or from your spell checker, you will see the current browser client build listing.

Another code to add to your word list, is:


That will show you the initial connection modem speed. While on the 'Word List' page, save it to 'favorites', and assign an F-key to it for fast, and easy accessing.

There are at least two list's links available on my VORTEX page, that show a lot of other codes to use as words in your 'word list'. Each will show you some interesting information about your WebTV unit and client browser.

Hope that helps....
