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Thanks to Andy & Donna for this delicious recipe
Its easy & makes a huge slab cake which you can cut and freeze, this cake is lovely & moist & improves with keeping so make a day or so ahead and store in fridge

Beetroot Cake

2 fresh beetroot cooked & mashed
2.5 cups flour (1/2 Pl -  1/2 SR)
2.5 cups sugar  (castor is best)
375 mls oil
4 eggs
4Tbls cocoa
2 tspn  vanilla essence
pinch salt
  • 1. Mix eggs, sugar,  & oil well
  • 2. Add beetroot, vanilla & salt
  • 3. Sift flour, cocoa together & add to rest.
  • 4. Mix with spoon.
  • 5. Grease lge baking tray, bake at 190°
preheat oven

Make icing and mix in a tspn of peanut paste. spread over top of cake. sprinkle with nuts

For substitute ingredients & cup measures see abbreviations