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Crafts & Cooking............


My favourite craft has to be crochet, I love old fashioned doilies, and enjoy working on Tea towel tops, Jug covers, etc.

If you know of a site with free patterns for these items please... email me

I used to sew a lot, but now only when I need to. I enjoy making clothes for my little grandson.
I have made a few photo frames and teddies from Salt dough and intend to do a few more.
I also love Paper Tole and Decoupage

Favourite Recipes
My favourite recipes are those that are quick and easy - you mix everything together preferably in one bowl . The following are my all time favourites and are used time and time again. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy sharing them. I have moved these recipes onto individual pages to make printing easier.


Marie's Tea Cake
This one is for Rita cos I can't remember if I emailed her with the recipe as I promised..

For my sister Rose Ann and friends Cheryl  (I'm sure Darryl will cook them for you ) and Kaye, cos they are real easy and I know you love them.

Choc Cake
For my brother Ray who always phoned me he was coming over so I would have time to bake his favourite..

Beetroot Cake 
Feb 2000
Thanks to Andy & Donna for this delicious recipe
Its easy & makes a huge slab cake which you can cut and freeze, this cake is lovely & moist & improves with keeping so make a day or so ahead and store in fridge

Aussie recipes
Marshmallow Pavlova
Anzac Biscuits

cup   250 ml measure used
Tbls tablespoon 20 ml  measure used
tspn teaspoon 5 ml  measure used
SR self raising flour  
Pl plain flour  
Castor sugar ultrafine sugar or instant dissolving sugar
Golden syrup simple syrup  or dark corn syrup 
Corn Flour Corn Starch
Baking Powder double-acting baking powder

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Copyright © 1998-2001 MarieC
Oct 1999
updated July 2001