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My Story

Welcome To My World Author unknown (Jim Reeves?)


These pages were inspired I guess by the death of my dad in Nov 1998, when I found it difficult to express how I felt, for some days I bottled up my feelings, I couldn't sleep or eat, then I decided to write my feelings down and when I looked back on what I had written I found I need only change a word here and there to create my first ever poem, I couldn't believe what I had done. Then I found I couldn't stop writing, words just flowed from my pen faster than I could write. I drove my hubby crazy at midnight scrabbling for pen and paper before I forgot the words flowing through my mind. Meals were late, non-existent or worse 'burnt' Then things settled down and I got things in perspective. After writing quite a few very emotional Poems which will remain personal and not for publication, I found my self writing happier sometimes silly verse and some really sentimental mush that my family gave me heaps over but loved anyway. Before I knew, I had written some 50 odd poems and verses and needed an outlet to share them.
I thank my dad for this parting gift, and hope it will bring fun and laughter into someones else life. 

My name is Marie, I live in Perth, Western Australia. Born of Irish Parents I was brought up in Leeds, Yorkshire, UK. before the family emigrated to Perth when I was 19.
My fondest memories are of holidays spent with relatives in Northern Ireland, Coleraine, Dungannon and Belfast.
I would love to visit my old childhood haunts and see what changes have been made and especially to visit Ireland again. so I will just keep on buying lotto tickets.....

One of twelve children, I was the eldest girl after 3 boys, each year brought a new brother or sister, ( in that order I might add ) till finally my youngest brothers, 'twins' were born.
Life was pretty carefree, running wild in the fields behind our house, hitching rope swings to the trees and spending the whole day with my brothers and their friends, everyone looking out for little ones, going home for jam butties at lunchtime, building cubbies in the backyard, piling into my dads sidecar to go on picnic's at Roundhay Park.

Summer was endless, long balmy days and light evenings. We spent those evenings after school playing cricket, hot rice or hide and seek in the street with all the other kids. We were always in bed by 6pm, that didn't mean we slept... Our bedrooms were upstairs in our semi-detached house. My sister and I would play hopscotch on the tile carpet until dad came to investigate what all the noise was about....

to be continued



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updated 30 Oct 99