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UFPJ  United for Peace and Justice:  Portal 

Where do we go from here?  a multiplicity of ideas...  End the Occupation

The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and United for Peace and Justice

Dear UFPJ Member Groups,

UFPJ’s 3rd National Assembly is shaping up to be not only an exciting event but an important gathering for mapping out the next stages in our work to end the war in Iraq and bring all of the troops home!

Grassroots organizers and activists from Iowa, Florida, Washington, Texas, Arkansas, and from almost every other state, will gather to share experiences, swap skills and work together to plan our collective efforts.

If you click here -  - you will see a copy of the proposed agenda for the assembly. It gives a picture of the exciting and important exchanges, which will go on June 22 - 24 in Chicago.

On Friday afternoon, June 22, we will begin our work with an array of skills building and issue workshops such as Grassroots Organizing 101, Nonviolent Direct Action, Media & Messaging, Counter-Recruitment, Campaign Strategy, Consensus and Facilitation, Blogging for Peace, Fundraising, Arts in Action, Challenges to Inter-Generational Organizing, Stopping the War Profiteers, Iran, Impeachment, Nuclear Disarmament and others. These will begin at 1 pm and run throughout the afternoon so if you have not yet made your travel plans we hope you’ll try to get there early enough to participate in these.

At the opening plenary session on Friday evening, Tom Hayden, life long antiwar activist, will make a presentation on the State of the Antiwar Movement. Tom also has a new book out which will be one of a few that we will celebrate later Friday evening at a book signing party.

On Saturday and Sunday, we will discuss and finalize the plans for UFPJ’s work as well as have a series of small group discussions and workshops. We’ll elect a new steering committee and have a rocking dance party as well!

We will be joined by quests from Iraq, Gaza, Vietnam and the UK for an evening of solidarity.  Finally, we'll also prepare for the US Social Forum in Atlanta the following week.

In case your group has not yet registered for the National Assembly there is still time to do so. You can register for the assembly right up to the last minute, but it will be a tremendous help to our planning and preparations if you register now:

The last day to receive the assembly discounted hotel rate of $99 +tax is Thursday, June 14, after that the price goes up $10 a night. (That's for a room that can accommodate up to 4 people.) You must make reservations directly with the hotel by calling 847-297-1234.

Quite a number of UFPJ member groups have participated in preparing the drafts of the Strategic Framework and the Comprehensive Program Proposal. However, we need to have as many of UFPJ member groups as possible in Chicago to finalize our plans. If you need more information about the assembly please go to the UFPJ web site at

We hope to see you in Chicago!


Leslie Cagan
National Coordinator, UFPJ


Get Involved


UFPJ believes that no single type of action will alone stop war and injustice. We instead promote a diversity of non-violent tactics -- from congressional lobbying to civil resistance -- and encourage you or your organization to participate in whatever ways you prefer. Here are some ideas:
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