Those people who love this world
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Those people who love this world, but are deceived by it!

There was a town in which people had the habit of getting hold of a traveller, (who would be totally new there and unaware of their conditions), and make him the king. The king would be under the impression that he would rule over them all over his life. After exactly one year they would strip him off his belongings and clothes, and banish him empty handed from the town. The king would then roam alone hungry and thirsty and surrounded by miseries, and lamenting upon his misfortunes.
One day a traveller entered the town, as usual the people caught hold of him and made him the king. The person due to his acuteness and talent concluded that he was totally unaware of their conditions and habits, and was a stranger. Hence he should not rely on them and attach himself to them. He called a wise man from that town and came to know of the people’s intentions. He asked him about how would the people treat him. The man said that after one year they would banish him empty-handed and ruin him. Hence he counseled him, “Beware, and during this period (of your kingship), gather whatever provisions you can, and keep it at that place where they shall banish you. So that after they do as intended, you do not have to regret, and can live a contented life.” The king followed the person’s advice.
After one year the people banished him (as was their habit), and sent him to that place. But because he had gathered provisions there, he was saved from ruination.
Allah says in the Qur’an:.“And whoever does good, they prepare (good) for their own souls.” (Surah-ar-Room: 44)
Imam Ja’far-as-Sadiq (a.s.) says, that the good deeds of a person enters Paradise long before him, and prepares a house for him there.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, "Know that every man will return towards the deeds which he performed (when alive), and will repent upon those that he left behind (unperformed).”
Reference: Manazelul Akherah (Stages of the Hereafter) by Sheikh Abbas Qummi