Benjamin SKINNER. He died bet. June, 2009 and 08 July 1828 in Darlington Co, SC. Mary ?. She died aft. 26 June 1828.

Children of Benjamin SKINNER and Mary ? are:
1. Mary SKINNER, b. bet. 1780 and 1784 See George* MOZINGO & Mary SKINNER
2. Edward SKINNER, b. 1774 See Edward SKINNER & Anna ?
3. Jesse SKINNER, b. 1775 See Jesse SKINNER & Sarah* MOZINGO
4. Susan SKINNER See ? BELK & Susan SKINNER
5. William SKINNER
7. Lemuel SKINNER
8. Frederick SKINNER, b. bet. 1784 and 1794 See Frederick SKINNER & Nancy* MOZINGO
9. James SKINNER

Notes for Benjamin SKINNER:

Mozingo Newsletter Vol 9, July 1993:

In the name of God Amen, I Benjamin Skinner of the State of South Carolina & the District ofDarlington being now weak in body but in my perfect senses & proper mind do make and ordain this to bemy last Will & Testament In which my desire in the first place is that my body should be buried in a Christian like manner while I commend my spirit to God who gave it I in disposing of my property
which the Lord has given me, do in the first place give & bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Skinner a negro girl named Mary & also my young Sorrel Horse, my riding chair & harness & a cow & calf & yearling to be hers her heirs and assigns forever as also her provision for the present year. I give and
bequeath unto my beloved daughter Susan Belk a negro boy named Isam to be hers & her heirs forever I give & bequeath unto my beloved son Jesse Skinner & his heirs forever a negro boy named Stephen. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter in law Nancy Skinner a negro man named March to be hers and her
heirs forever, I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Mary Mozingo a negro boy named Nelson to be hers & her heirs forever. I give A bequeath unto Elinor Skinner a negro woman named Nelly to be hers and her heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my daughter in law Easter Skinner one hundred &
fifty dollars to be hers & her heirs forever. I give & bequeath unto my beloved son William Skinner one hundred & fifty dollars to be his & his heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son John Skinner a small negro boy named Jerry & his own note for the amount of two hundred dollars to be his &
his heirs forever, I give & bequeath unto my beloved son Lemuel Skinner a negro man named Galaway and also a man named David to be his & his heirs forever. I give & bequeath unto my beloved son Frederick Skinner a negro named Simon to be his & his heirs forever. I also give & bequeath unto my
beloved James Skinner a negro man named Jerry to be his & his heirs forever. The balance of my property I wish it all to be sold and after paying of Easter & Wm Skinner one hundred ft fifty dollars each as affore named, the balance to be equally divided between the above named children. I do constitute my
two sons Lemuel ft James Skinner Executors of this my last will & Testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal confirming this to be my last will & Testament and acknowledged this 25th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty eight and in the fifty second year of the Independence of the United States of America.
Interlined before signed his
Benjamin X Skinner
Signed sealed ft acknowledged mark
in the presence of
Edwin James
Thomas Kea
Elinor X Kea
State of South Carolina
Darlington District formally came before me Thomas Kea one of the subscribing witnesses to the written will and providing oath that he was present and did see Benjamin Skinner the stated above named sign seal ft acknowledge and deliver the written instrument of wiriting for purpose therein set forth and that he was at the same time of sound disposing mind memory and understanding as this defendent doth believe and that Edwin James ft Elinor Kea and this defendent witnessed the due execution thereof in the presence of each other and of the Testator at the same time.
Sworn and subscribed to this Sth day of July 1828.
Thomas Kea
Sheppard Williams
0.D.D. In the court of Ordinary 8th July 1828
Lemuel ft James Skinner were then duty qualified as executors to the will.
Given under my hand this day Sheppard Williams
0. D. D.
(Note: Thomas and Elinor Kea were the parents of Mary Ann Kea who married Kinchen Mozingo.)

Sources for Benjamin SKINNER:

  1. Darlington County, SC, Will Book 6 - 7, Will Book 7, p 331-40, Benjamin Skinner Will
  2. Darlington County, SC, Will Book 1-2, Will Book 2, p 227

Notes for Mary ?:

Notes for William SKINNER:

Sources for William SKINNER:

  1. Mozingo Newsletter, Mozingo Newsletter Vol 9, July 1993Will of Benjamin Skinner

Notes for John SKINNER:

Sources for John SKINNER:

  1. Mozingo Newsletter, Mozingo Newsletter Vol 9, July 1993Will of Benjomin Skinner

Notes for Lemuel SKINNER:

Sources for Lemuel SKINNER:

  1. Mozingo Newsletter, Mozingo Newsletter Vol 9, July 1993Will of Benjamin Skinner

Notes for James SKINNER:

Sources for James SKINNER:

  1. Mozingo Newsletter, Mozingo Newsletter Vol 9, July 1993Will of Benjamin Skinner