Pearce MOZINGO, son of Edward MOZINGO and Elizabeth ? , was born bef. 1751 in Richmond Co, VA - (Prob.). He married Selah PARROT bet. 1810 and 1817. He died bef. 29 December 1819 in Lenoir Co, NC - (Prob.). Selah PARROT, daughter of John PARROT and Elizabeth OXLEY , was born abt. 1770. She died bet. July, 2009 and August, 1842 in NC.

Other Marriages/Unions for Pearce MOZINGO:
See Pearce MOZINGO & ? ?

Other Marriages/Unions for Selah PARROT:
See Simon HOUSE & Selah PARROT

Notes for Pearce MOZINGO:

1790 NEWBERN DISTRICT, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC. Mezingo, Pierse - Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 (Pearce)(b before 1774); Free white males under 16 years: 2 (b 1774-1790)(William & Edward); Free white females, including heads of families: 8 (Wife, Winifred?, Hannah?, Sarah?, Nancy?, Rebecca?, Elvy?, ?).

1800 Lenoir, NC p 16, Mazingo, Pearce - 10201-11011-00-8 Males: 1-> under 10 (Pierce Jr), 2->16-25 (William & Edward)(b 1774-1784); 1->over 45 (Pearce)(b before 1755); Females: 1 under 10 (?)(b 1790-1800); 1->10-16 (Hannah?)(b 1784-1790); 1->26-44 (Sally); 1->over 45 (Winifred?)(b before 1755); Slaves: 8

1810 Lenoir, NC, p 312, MOZINGO, PEARCE, Males: 4-> under 10 (Absolom Pierce, Graddy, ?, ?), 1->16-25 (?), 1->over 45 (Pierce); Females: 3-> under 10 (Alley, Winnifred, Susan), 1->10-15 (?), 2->26-44 (Sally, ?), 1->over 45 (?).

1820 Lenoir, NC, 295, Series: M33 Roll: 80
MOZINGO, SILAH, 100000-11001; Males: 1-> under 10 (?)(b 1810-1820); Females: 1-> under 10 (Mary House?)(b 1810-1820), 1->10-15 (Susan House)(b 1805-1810), 1->45 and over (Silah)(b before 1775).

1830 Lenoir, NC, p 300, MOZENGO, SELIA, (13th from bottom), Males: 1->20-30 (?); Females: 1->15-20 (Mary), 1->60-70 (Selia); Total.

After reviewing the records I have accumulated I am suggesting a change in the parents of Pearce Mozingo (bef 1751 - 1819) from George Mozingo to Edward III of the 1794 will. The first record found for Pearce Mozingo attaching him to this family was his father's will dated March 29, 1794. In early Virginia wills the children were usually listed in birth order. After several earlier bequests Edward's will reads "I Give and Bequeath the remainder of what I now possess to be equally divided between my Children Pearce Mozingo, Hannah Crookhorn, Sarah Toms, Mary Barrett, Winny Mozingo, Edward Mozingo and Rebecca Airs." According to this listing Pearce would be the oldest child. I originally had had Pearce's birth being between 1763-1768 based on a 1784 tax record. "1784 Richmond Co, VA, Upper Precinct of Lunenburg Parish, Edward MOZINGO Sr. and Edward MOZINGO Jr. (one household), tax list, two white males over twenty-one, two white males sixteen to twenty-one, 1 horse, six cattle ." Obviously, the two males in this household over the age of 21 would be Edward Sr and Jr. However if Peace was the oldest son, he could not be one of the two males between 16 and 21 in this tax record like I had thought. The tax records for the 1780's and the 1790's for Richmond County do not include a Pearce Mozingo. While it is possible that Pearce would not show up on the ones in the late 1780's, by 1794 he was married and had two children. He should have been in the ones for 1796 and later unless he died or moved out of the area. It is my belief that he moved.

The only other early record for Pearce Mozingo in VA was a land patent made in Culpeper Co, VA. While there are a lot of other records found for Charles Mozingo in Culpeper Co, VA this is the only one for Pearce. Dec 1772 Culpeper Co, VA. Peirce (sic) MOZINGO of Richmond County patented 200 acres in the Great Fork of Rappahannock River. Tax records in Culpeper county for 1782 and 1787 do not include him. Again he either died or moved out of the area.

The fact that there were no records for Pearce Mozingo in VA between 1772 and 1794 intrigued me. Also that the two Pearce Mozingo's in this timeframe were never documented in two different locations at the same time. Added to that Edward Sr's property was given to his younger son and unmarried daughter not his eldest son. Edward Sr did not intent to have any invovement by his son Pearce in the lands he owned and leased. Instead he left this for Pearce - " I Give and Bequeath to my son Pearce Mozingo one feather Bed and furniture that stands in the Kitchen." A good reason for excluding Pearce from all the land transactions would be that he had moved out of the area. The property left to Pearce would be easy to transport if necessary. Finally, both Pearce Mozingo's had a son named Edward born before 1794. This is documented from Edward's will "I Give and Bequeath to my Grandson Edward Mozingo, son of the aforesaid Pearce, my Gun and fiddle..." and from NC land and census records August 1810 - August 1819 - LENOIR COUNTY - BOOK 24 - Mozingo, Pearce, Sr. to Edward Mozingo, p 272; 1790 NEWBERN DISTRICT, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC. Mezingo, Pierse - Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 (Pearce)(b before 1774); Free white males under 16 years: 2 (b 1774-1790)(William & Edward); Free white females, including heads of families: 8. 1800 Lenoir, NC p 16, Mazingo, Pearce - Males: 1-> under 10, 2->16-25 (William & Edward)(b 1774-1784); 1->over 45 (Pearce)(b before 1755); Females: 1 under 10; 1->10-16; 1->26-44; 1->over 45; Slaves: 8; 1810 Lenoir, NC, p 312, MOZINGO, PEARCE, Males: 4-> under 10, 1->16-25, 1->over 45 (Pierce); Females: 3-> under 10, 1->10-15, 2->26-44, 1->over 45. In 1810 the entry just above Pearce's was Mozingo, Edward; Males: 2 under 10; 1->26-44 (b 1765-84)(Edward); Females: 1 under 10; 1->16-25; 1->26-44. I think based on this set of curcumstantial evidence we need to reassign Pearce Mozingo from George to Edward of the 1794 will.

Library of Virginia
Index Card #10 - filename: 296_0196.tif
Mozingo, Peirce
17 Dec 1772
Culpeper County
200a. In the Great Fork of Rappahanock River,
adjoin.g Robt. Coleman &c.
Northern Neck Grants P, 1771-75, p. 181

The Right Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron of Cameron in that part of
Great Britain called Scotland Proprietor of The Northern Neck of Virginia
To all to whom this present Writing shall come sends Greeting Know ye that
for good Causes For in Consideration of the Composition to me paid & for
the annual Rent here in after reserved I have given granted & confirmed &
by these Presents for me my Heirs & Assigns do give grant & confirm unto
Peirce Mozingo of Richmond County a certain Tract of waste & ungranted Land
in the Great Fork of Rappahannock River in Culpepper County bounded as by a
Survey thereof dated July the 9th 1751 made for Thomas Graves by George
Hume And forfeited by Virtue of an Advertisement issued From my office &
recorded therein in Book N but on the Application of the said Peirce
Mozingo Assignes of the said Thomas Graves I have allowed a Deed to issue
to the said Peirce Mozingo for the said Land which is bounded by the said
Survey as followeth Beginning at 2 small White Oak & a Pine Corner to
Lewis Davis Young in Robert Coleman's Line, Then with the said Line
S�:20�:Wt Ninety Poles to 3 Pines by a Branch Corner to the said Coleman &
to Landers _____ with the said Lander's Line S�: 42�: Wt One hundred &
seventy four Poles to the said Lander's Corner in William Tutt's Line Then
with it S�:23�: Et Forty two Poles to 3 Red Oak Saplings in the said Line,
Then N�:66�: Et Twenty six Poles to 2 Chesnut trees Corner to John Schoolar
& the same Course continued & with the said Schoolar's Line Two hundred &
eighty four Poles father to 3 Pines in the said Schoolar's Line & Corner to
Robert Easthan, Then with the said Easthan's Line North Sixty four Poles to
2 Pines & a White Oak Lewis Davis Yancy's Corner & then with the said
Yancy's Line N�:70�:Wt One hundred & seventy Poles to the Beginning
containing Two hundred Acres Together with all Rights Members &
Appurtenances thereunto belonging Royal Mines excepted and a full third
part of all Lead Copper Tin Coals Iron mine & Iron ore that shall be found
thereon. To have & to hold the said 200 Acres of Land together with all
Rights Profits & Benefits to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining
Exciept before excepted~To him the said Peirce Mozingo his Heirs & Assigns
forever He the said Peirce Mozingo his Heirs & Assigns therefore Yielding &
Paying to me my Heirs or Assigns or to my Certain Attorney or Attornies
Agent or Agents or to the Certain Attorney or Attornies of my Heirs or
Assigns Proprietors of the said Northern Neck yearly & every year on the
Feast day of St. Michael the Archangel the Fee rent of Ore Shilling
Sterling money for every fifty acres of Land hereby granted & so
proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity Provided that if the said
Peirce Mozingo his Heirs & Assigns Shall not pay the said reserved annual
rent as aforesaid so that the same or any part thereof shall be behind &
unpaid by ______ of two whole years after the same shall become due If
legally demanded that lien it shall & may be lawful for me my Heirs or
Assigns proprietors as aforesaid my or their Certain Attorney or Attornies
Agent or Agents into the above granted Premise to enter & hold the same so
as if this Grant had never passed. Given at my Office in Frederick County
under my Hand & Seal Dated the Seventeenth day of December 1772
Peirce Mozingo Deed for 200}
Acres in Culepper County} _____Thos Mw Martin Fairfax
F � A

Sources for Pearce MOZINGO:

  1. Calculation of date of birth, 1772 land record - minimum 21 yrs
  2. Wayne County North Carolina Estate Records - Pearce Mozingo 1819, File # 103.508.1111821, Feb., 3rd Mon. Subpoena to the sheriff of Wayne Co. (1st says Lenoir, then crossed off w/ Wayne) for Alexander Mosely as witness for Wm Mozingo, on 3rd Mon, May 1821, plaintiff, vs. Defendants Nathan Newell, J.B. Foley & Henry Calloway.
  3. Northern Neck Land Grants, Vol. II,, pp. 219-220
  5. JOHNSTON, DOBBS, AND LENOIR COUNTIES GRANTOR/GRANTEE INDEX - Old Dobbs County - BOOK 14 - April 1789 - April 1792 (1),
  9. State of North Carolina Entries of Claims for Land within the County of Glasgow 1790 - 1797,
  10. First 1788 Vote - Dobbs County, NC,
  11. DOBBS/LENOIR/GREENE COUNTY, NC - Taxlist - Dobbs 1780 Taxlist,
  12. New Bern District Court Records Dobbs Co. and others part26, 1806, DSCR 206.326.5 Folder: 1806Information: Coroner�s inquest into the death of Patty McCABE, wife of Robert McCABE. Coroner: Ambrose JONES. Jury: Bryan WHITFIELD senior, foreman, Dennis [X] PERDUE, Matthew MOSELEY, Lewis WHITFIELD, Daniel [X] WATERS, Pearce [X] MOZINGO, John [X] ROWSE, John [X] WATERER, Richard CASWELL, John [X] GRAY, Benjamin [X] SUTTON, Thomas UZZELL, John WATERER Sen., & Thomas ALDRIDGE. Jury of inquest finds that R. McCABE, with sticks and clubs, struck P. McCABE on the right cheek, mortally wounding her. In addition he gave many other wounds and bruises on the head arms legs and other parts of the body, of which P. McCABE instantly died. Jury also states that to their knowledge R. McCABE has no goods or chattel, lands or tenements within the County or elsewhere.Date: 29 Oct 1805/30 Oct 1805Date of: Event/InquestCounty: Lenoir

Notes for Selah PARROT:
Johnston Co., NC Will Bk. 1, pg. 543
SELAH MAZENGO/23 July 1842/prob.Aug ct. 1842

"In the name of God, Amen
I, Selah Mozingo being of sound mind and memory but low in bodily
afflictions do constitute and declare this to be my last will and
testament in words following, to wit:
1st. It is my will that all of my Just (debts) be paid.
2nd. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Waters ten dollars out of what Asa
Waters owes me for the hire of Negroe Woman Yib.
3. I give the children of my Daughter Penelope Creech ten dollars to be
equally divided between them.
4. I give to my son Joshua House ten dollars.
5th. I give my daughter Celia Harrison ten dollars.
6th. I leave ten dollars to be divided between the children of my Daughter Mary Waters Dec'd.
7th. I lend to my Daughter Susan Canady the tollowing Negroes during her
lifetime to wit: Clary, Mary, and Eliza and their increase and at the
death of my Daughter Susan Canady I give the sd (said) negroes and their
increase to be equally divided among the children of my sd (said) Daughter Susan Canady.
8th. I leave my Negroe Woman Yib to be sold on a credit of six months.
And I do hereby revoke Annul and make void all other will or wills made
heretofore by me and do constitute and declare this to be my last will and testament.
9th. I appoint Joshua Canady Executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this the 23rd
day of July 1842.

Teste Selah Mozingo (seal)
C.T. Bingham
R. Stevens

Subject: [Fwd: Big Goof]
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 21:42:34 -0700
From: Gayle Licari
From: Donald Parrotte
.... Selah was b/ca1770, daughter of John Parrott d/1791 and Elizabeth Oxley Parrott. They moved from Bertie County to Dobbs County in the 1760's. John got a land grant of some nature for fighting in the Revolutionary War. Selah 1st husband was Simon House who died before 1817, and her second husband was Boothe Mozingo. She had a daughter Elizabeth who married an a Waters. Daughter Penelope who married a Benjamin Creech. Son Joshua House. Daughter Celia who married a Harrison. Daughter Susan who married a Canady I think his first name was Joshua. I am not sure of the maiden names of the daughters. But, I can not agree with James Creech that Louise Mozingo married Benjamin Creech, since Selah's will spells out a Penelope Creech. Her will does not even mention a Louise as a daughter. So Louise could have been a middle name and her favorite name. Three of John Parrott's sons and brothers of Selah went to Darlington County South Carolina and settled there. One brother, Jacob, went back to the Kinston are of N.C. with his family. Don

Sources for Selah PARROT:

  1. JOHNSTON/DOBBS/LENOIR COUNTIES GRANTOR INDEX - BOOK 27 - Lenoir County - October 1828 to 1833,
  4. Creech Family History,
  5. Greene County, NC - Pope & Murphey vs Lovick, 1829, DEPOSITIONSCelia Mozingo � Jethro was father of Jesse and came to my house and in conversation my husband asked him how Jesse was likely to make out and Jethro replied that Jesse was like his uncle Elisha, ignorant � he was sorry for it and did not know what would become of him Signed her name Selah