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Our  Memories and Comments About Michele

   *MICHELE* I never got to express my feelings toward you when u were here, and that is the thing I most regrete. You and I were just finally goin to be in the same school & we were just getting to be so close. When I go somewhere and i see all your friends having fun, it breaks my heart to think "why arent you there having fun with them". So many people make stupid mistakes and it is not fair that you had to be punished for someone elses stupid mistake and misjudgement. It kills me to see that person goin on with life like nothing ever heppened. But you dont have to worry about me I miss u and will never forget you. I luv you with all my heart and cant wait to see you again. If I knew that would have been the last time we argued i would have taped every word u said. If i would have known that would have been the last time u walked out our door I would have locked it so u could have been with me forever. If I knew u were goin to leave me i would have spent every waking moment i could have with you. If I just knew.!
~Stacey Tatar~

    This is the hardest thing that I have experienced in my life. Im shocked, sad and upset and still in disbelief that this had to happen to someone as special as Michele. Michele was more of a sister to me then anything and life without her will never be the same. She made every day interesting and better for me. Life seems kind of empty anymore. You will be in our harts forever Shell. You'll be missed more then anyone could be imagined. There are more than a million memories of us together that I will remember for the rest of my life. I know that you are in a better place now and I hope that you are as happy there as you were here. Michele-keep on smiling girl—I'll see you again someday!
Love, always and forever

    Michele-you were one of my best friends for 12 GREAT years...and I have so many memories with you. you were like another sister to me.when I lost you ... I lost a part of myself with you. now that your gone I feel a small emptiness inside.i know that you are in heaven now watching over me. i miss seeing your smile and hearing your laugh ... but I know ill be with you again someday. but until that day..I'll keep missing you. love you always shelly-

    This is the hardest thing I've ever had to cope with in my entire life. Michele was my best friend, she was a friend to everyone. I will always remember the way she would smile constantly and look at things from the better perspective. She had her own way of doing things, and no one could get away with it except her. Not a day goes by where I dont just sit and think about her and our memories, and then the tragedy. But I know now that she is in a much better place. She is my gaurdian angel watching down on me, along with everyone else, and all of her family, protecting us and helping us get on with our lives. My life will never be the same, but as long as she is in my heart, the friendship will live on forever and always.
~Mandy Meatris~

       I never thought this day would come, and I never imagined I would have to say goodbye to such a young, beautiful person with such an awesome personality.
I’m going to miss your annoying laugh, the way you'd get so excited telling a dumb story, but most of all I’ll miss your smile and the way you could brighten my day
I love you Michele, and I miss you so much just know that I’ll see you someday ... you've touched everyone around you and you won't be forgotten...
~Whitney Washel~

  I know I will never forget Michele.  She was such a wonderful person and a great friend. She helped me solve many of my problems and she was always there to turn my frown into a smile.  We shared some great memories together, and I will never forget any of them.  I loved her very much, and I will miss her greatly. It makes me feel good, knowing she will be watching over all of us.  Love ya Michele!
~Brian Afek~

*I'll keep you in my heart forever Shell*
*I'll always remember your smile and the way you used to laugh when I'd come to first period with a stupid problem. I'll never forget how you figured out someway to make the problem better and you always did it with a smile on your face. I MISS YOU AND I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER* ~Keep smiling~
~Kacie Hennis~

    How do I forget someone like you?  No words can describe the pain I feel.  I cant leave the house cause I see your face everywhere.  I cant stay home cause all I think of is you  Everything we did and the things I wanted to do.  Now you are gone my heart is broken.  Your life was taken but my world has been crushed.  You will never be gone in my eyes.  I loved you Michele
~Aaron Bane~  

        Michele ... you are still a wonderful friend and a great girl ... who could walk into any room and for no reason be smiling and laughing.. you truly did have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen..and probably ever will.. and your smile seemed to brighten up every1*s day.. I don’t think that you will ever know how much of an impact you put on people here, before we had to see you go.*life without you..and school without you will never ever b the same for neone..ever..*you are being missed by is so hard to let go of you even tho we all know that you are in a much better place...your best friends and even the friends who werent as close to you..having been tugging and pulling on you to come back with us..but now..*i think*..we have all realized you are safe and happy where you with our memories*good and bad funny and sad* we are now ready to let you fly away..not as the angel  you were to all of us here on earth...but as God's angel  in heaven who now has a pair of the most perfect golden wings.
~Michelle Banfield~

    Michele even though I didn’t know you for a long time, you still was a huge part in my life, you was like a sister, I'll never forget that beautiful smile and that great personality you had Love ya and miss ya.
~Dustin D'Andrea~

    You meant so much to so many people, it’s hard to say what I will do with out your smile, but I know you loved us and cared. Looking at you in a casket is something I never wanted to do, but I did and now I must think of all the good times we had. When you came to see Gabe and I at work, it was a joy to see you walk in the door. Now I have to look at only pictures and cry, just wishing I could see you smile one more time.
- tj -

Michele,  I hope that you’re in a better place now, somewhere that you are not hurting and also where you will always be safe no matter what.  We had lots of good times and I wish that there could be more, but sometimes god just deals a bad hand.  I love you and I always will and I will definitely keep an eye on mike and take care of him.  You will be missed by all especially by your man.  I'll especially never forget the first time that I met and also the time at mikes in the summer, you know what I'm talking about.  Its not the same without you and all your friends miss you.  I think that you should throw mike a sign to let him know that your alright.  I don't know what else to say except I will never forget you and I love you with all my heart. R.I.P.   Michelle.

        Michele, I may have not known you very well, or for very long, but the time I knew you was special!! You were always so nice, caring, and cheerful. Thank you for being apart of this world. God chooses when we come and when we leave, but I wish he didn't take you yet. You had a lot more to offer to everyone. You will always be apart of my life and everyone else’s! Love ya!
~Alison Dukich~

    I don't really know what to say. Michele, everyone will miss you so much now that you're gone. I can't believe such a young girl could be taken from us so fast. No words could express the sorrow everyone feels now that you're gone. I'll never forget you Michele..we've had a few good memories together...and I'm sorry we lost touch over the years..I'll never forget the days of ice skating and having the little sleep overs at your house! And how can we forget dancing at Lisa's forever!...I just want you to know that I'm gonna miss you gurl and I'll never forget you or our'll always be in my heart,my prayers, and my thoughts. You're in a better place now and I'll see you again...someday
~Renee Potenzini~


    Michele. . .You were such an awesome girl, that is terrible to actually look at a page like this. . .You never got to experience all that life had to offer, but every person you met in your 15 years owes you something. . .For me, it was the fact that you would always tell me "Pat Whit really likes you, ask her out sometime." and I did and I can NEVER thank you enough helping to bring her into my life. . .To her sisters and parents, just know  that were a part of a great girls life. . .And to Mike I feel you bro
~Pat Stewart~

    Hmmmm,... This is tough. Michele knows that we were'nt good friends. She also knows thatevery time we saw each other, we would say "Hey" I honestly miss that! Michele and her family are in my prayers God Bless you all,.. Family & Friends. Michele is a VERY PRETTY girl. I hope everyone now will understand how precious life is. I dont know why something so, so tragic could happen like this. She was only 15! She had her whole life ahead of her. I was loking in a friends wallet the other day, there was a school picture of Michel. On the back it had said, " I cant wait till our Senior year, it is going to be great!" I also remeber at homecoming this past year, i saw Michele, and i walked over to her, put my face in hers, and said, " Hey Michele" she looked at me,laughed, and said in a sweet voice "Hi Tiffany" That is the one memory i have that, will NEVER be forgotten. Nathan, please take care of Michele. Michele, i cant wait to see again, so i can say "Hey Michele" one more time. Take Care Michele. The pictures are GrEaT!! I never could picture Mike without Michele, or Michele without Mike. They just arent themselves without eachother! I Love You Always Michele. Take Care of yourself.
~Tiffany Grimm~

*Michele* was such a great, kind, loving, beautiful person~! She was a good friend and I will always remember the times when Michele, Mike, Anthony and I hung out and had a lot of fun memories together! She always made me *smile* and made me feel better when I talked to her and saw her! I will never forget you michele and I will keep you and the memories we had in my heart forever and always! We will all miss you greatly but we know that you are in a better place where you can watch over us all!! *I Miss You and Love You Girl*!

    Well... This is sorda tough... Michele and me really didn't have a good year together. But , before this year started michele and I were good friends. I remember when we used to cheer on chiefs together and she was always so nice to me . I looked up to her and I still do. She always seemed like she was the happiest girl in the world , always smiling that beautiful smile that we all knew her by. This year , we started out on the bad side , and I wish I would really had gotten the chance to tell her what i think about her and how much of an impact she had on my life , when we were friends and even when we weren't. I know that she is in a much better place than here, where she can be watched over and protected ... And I know Michele is reading what i just wrote so : *Michele, all I ever wanted this year was for us to not to hate each other...well you not to hate me . I never meant to hurt you or cause anything between you and mike. It was my fault and I'm taking total blame for it.I hope you know how much I looked up to you and how i hated the fact that you saw me as a enemy not as a friend. But , even though we really weren't , I HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT OF YOU FRIEND . I will never forget you , michele
~Alison Roush~

   Well, I didn't know her very well, but I do remember her at the dance studio. Everyone couldn't help but smile when she walked through. She was so personable, and so full of life. Everywhere I would see her she would always stop and say hi. She was so nice. I Will never forget what a sweetheart she was. To her family, this is a rough time, but remember she had an awesome life, she is definitly in heaven! She is watching down on all of us now. One day we will be reunited. Just remember you never know something might happen, live everyday as if it were your last. I am sure her and Nathan are up there together watching down on all of us!
~Sarah Grimm~

   I didn't know Michele very well, but I was always over at her house because of Stacey. The only things I did know about her were how nice, caring, pretty,popular, and sweet she was.She was perfect. She was one of those people that you see and think I wish I was her. She was never mean to any one and did not deserve this. Whenever I would be at her house and she would walk in the door,she was always nice and said hi to me. You always read things like this and think well that could never happen to any one I know. And when it does, it changes you totally. Keep Michele in your hearts!!
~Brittany Starkey~

    Michele, I can't even put into words what I feel right now! My mind and My heart are totally lost right now. The very second I heard the Tragedy, my life crumbled in pieces. All I began to think about was the day I meet you at Chi Chis.You were wearing a baby blue sweater and you had that huge smile on your face and you gave me the famous "HI!". And then memory after memory just started going through my head. I wont ever be able to put in words what you meant to me. In all reality you were everything to me and you still are everything to me. You always said that I just had this special thing about me, but you were the only one that knew! Even though I cry everynight before I go to sleep, some of them tears are tears of pain. But most of them are tears of joy cause I know you are in the best place you could ever be. I know that you are looking down on me with that great big smile and that look you always gave me telling me it will be ok and I know it will. But I will NEVER be the same without you in my life. Carrying you to your resting place was and will always be the hardest thing I ever had to do but having the honor to do that makes me feel special. The day I see your beautiful face again will be the day I can carry on with myself!! I LOVE YOU PRINCESS!
~Jeremy Porter~

   Michele, I'm sorry that I never took the time to visit you when I came home from college. So much time has passed since I last talked to you. One time I saw you and you looked like a little girl. The last time I saw you, you had grown about 5 inches and had become such a beautiful and wonderful person who everyone aspired to be. I wish so much that I could have been closer with you. I regret not making the extra effort. I guess I just figured that there would be more time for that later. Unfortunately, time ran out and now I live with the regret of my own laziness. I'm sorry. However, I am very glad that so many people had the opportunity to know you so much better than I ever did. You are so lucky Michele. I don't know anyone who has as many best friends as you do. You can look down on all of us now and know in your heart that you lived your life well as a truly genuine, wonderful person who touched the lives of so many people, including mine. I hope that in my lifetime, I can bring as much happiness and friendship to others as you have to each person who has ever called you their friend. I am sincerely proud and honored to say that I am your cousin. Always. I love and miss you very much. You'll forever be in my heart.
~Mandy Bernardi~

   Michele.. I don't think I can begin to put into words how I feel right now . We've been through many good and bad times . Right now I wish the bad times would have never happened . I love you and miss you so much . I told you things that I never ever told anyone else . And I miss that . You were always smiling , no matter whether you were happy or angry . And I envy you for that . I hope you know and see how much so many people looked and still look up to you . That is something that you and even your parents should be very proud of . I will miss you and you can count on seeing me again someday ! I love you Michele ! I will never forget you .

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