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Our  Memories and Comments About Michele

   I miss you Michele. I wish we could have been closer in the last few years. I know that you and Nanny are watching over Uncle Donnie, Aunt Susie, and your sisters right now. Take good care of them. Everybody misses you so much. Your memory will stay with us until we see you again. Love you so much!
~Your cousin Mandy~

   Well...what can i say...Michele and I were definately not what you would call friends, but whenever i thought about the reasons we weren't, all I thought was that there is no reason for this. Michele : I just want you to know that I am sorry for all the times we didnt get along and that I really wish i could have gotten the chance to know you as a friend, not as an enemy. I know that it was basically my fault that we weren't friends and i have never regretted anything more in my life. Everyone says how you had such a big impact on their lives and I really wish that I wouldn't have ruined my chance of having that too. I am so sorry Michele. I will always keep you in my heart and in my prayers, and I will never forget you. God Bless you..
~Stefanie Pate~

   Michele was a reflection of her parents and siblings. She had her mom's heart and smile, and her dad's courage. Her sisters Kristin and Stacey are exactly like her in ways no one can explain. She is in our mind, hearts, and soul where she will be always. We love you very much ! We will now watch over your family just as you will be and we will never forget you!
~Jim and Cathy Ritter~

   Michele. even though we havent been the best of friends this year i still consider you as my best friend...i miss you and always will..i will NEVER forget our times at cheering...i love you....someday i will see you again...

   "Shelly", You were in every way a beautiful young lady - a real Sweetheart. Your winning smile and personality was admired by everyone around you - you have so many dear and wonderful friends. Along with your Mom, Dad, and sisters, we are so proud of the beautiful person you've become and all that you've accomplished - you would have been a super Teacher. While you touched our lives, you also touched our hearts and it's not easy letting go. Your sweet and tender ways will live on in our memories and in our hearts for always. We miss you so much and love you dearly.
~ Aunt Carol and Uncle Lou~

   Michele, This is hard for me to do! I mean it's hard for anyone to do especially your family and friends ! Michele I know I would not consider us best friends but were friends !i can't imagine a life as precious as yours could be taken away in such tragedy ! You meant the world to everyone and everyone meant the world to you ! You are a very beautiful women and will always be in my eye's ! Everytime I see Mike I see you ! I know in my heart your not there but in my mind you are ! I know deep down you and nathen are in a much better place then here and that's what makes it easier to go on with life whenever i think about you ! God does things for a reason ! Why he choose you Michele i don't know ! But that's something you know now that your in heaven with him ! To your family i can't express my sorrow and pain i feel for you ,you should be so every proud of the beautiful daughter you have raised I envy her in so many ways ! She lived her life to the fullest, in the years i have known her i never saw her get mad or be mean to anyone! Her smile was awsome and when she did smile you could tell it was filled with life and love and she wanted to share that with everyone !And she did ! I hardly ever saw her with a frown on her face and if I did it wouldn't be there long because she would look at me and just smile and talk to me and I miss that michele you were so much fun the time's i spent with you at party's and stuff !You will live on in my heart forever I will never forget you ! I think about you everyday and always will ! You are in my thoughts and prayer's along with your family and friends! I know someday we'll be together again but till then you just keep on smiling! I miss you and love you Michele!
~Nikki ~

   Michele, I'd never thought a tragdy like this would ever happen to anyone espeically to you. Your friendship,beauty,and perfect smile will never be forgotten by anyone. Michele I miss riding pass your house and knowing your not going to get on the bus today to do your makeup,brush your hair,and spray your perfume (which always smelled so good).But i know your in a better place now and looking down on everyone who misses you alot. I know one day I'll be up there spending the time together that we should have spent in High School. LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU TONS!!!!!!
~Lindsey White~

   *Michele- We really don't know what to say about you. All of the times that you were with our cousin Emmie,is all that we think about. We remember going to your house with Stacey and seeing you there, you were always so nice and always smiled at us. Whenever we saw you somewhere you were always sure to stop and talk. Stacey had told us how you always talked about "Emmie's little cousins" and how you thought we were so funny, well we really looked up to you. You were a beautiful person and we won't forget you. 0:) *Love-
~Betsy Boyd, Megan McCormack,and Jessica Graham~

   I know me and Michele havent been the closest of friends. But we have been in school together since kindergarden. She was one of the swseetest gurls ive ever known ,always there to help and always there to make someone laugh.Ill never forget all the fun times we had in Elementry when we were in brownies together!And all the sleepovers there were!Michele has made a very big impact on so many of our lives and she will never be forgotten. Me and Michele have the same Birthday.June 2.On the day of our birthday ill blow out my candles and make the wish that you are happy.Its so hard knowing that someone one year younger than me isnt here anymore.Michele, when we become seniors we will always remember you and our senior year will not be the same without you. I know your happier up in heaven but know that you are greatly missed by everyone down here. To Micheles parents and sisters i will keep you in my prayers.Please know that you raised an amazing girl. And to all of Micheles good friends you are in my prayers too. Nathan and her are watching over us right now.We all miss you Michele and cant wait to see you on the other side.So this is my final goodbye to you hoping that you are happy. Love Ya Gurl,
~Jenn Dray~

   It is so hard to think that anything like this would ever happen to such a truly great person. You were so special and I'm sure you know the impact you have made on everyone while you were here. It is one that could never be replaced or forgotten! So many emotions fill me when I think that you wont be here to do everything that you wanted to do and honestly did deserve to do....but you are here in spirit going through life with everyone left behind and that helps me through this tough time. You were such a fun, lively person and had such great qualities: you were outgoing, funny, beautiful, and so couragious. These of which people admired you for, including me. When Michele had a problem, she would just smile and laugh it off. And when I had a problem, Michele was always there to help me through it. Now, when I need someone to talk to, I still talk to Michele in my mind....and I can hear her voice and her energetic laugh. I miss you so much Michele! But ONE SWEET DAY, I'll see you again!
~Gina Peveich~

   i got a phone call at 2 oclock in the morning to hear my best freind in a loss for words more broken up then anything i have ever heard. i had already heard of the wreck but had no clue as to what had happened. a person instantly assumes everythings just fine cuz one thinks that bad things dont happen to them. i found out i was totally wrong and had never been more in shock in my life. i dont understand how this works, with all the bad in the world why end something so great after only 15 years of life here on earth. michele you touched me in many ways with the simple fact that its just obvious you loved life and you loved just being michele tatar. thats what makes this so hard on everyone why of all people how can michele be gone. one of the last times michele was in pitteras where i work she asked me if she could write her name somewhere. i said sure without ever thinking or caring what my boss would have to say. now everyone asks me if im buying pitteras and i say yes.noone ever asks me why. if u wanna know its because as long as i own that business micheles name will stay there where she wrote it i will not see that destroyed. you wanted it there so it stays one way or the other. michele if you are able to see this i dont even like pizza. its just the closest i can get to you for now. you meant everything to everyone you met. keep smiling gorgeous yours was always the best. love always

   ~*Michele*!~ What can i say youve been a GREAT friend! We have had some fun times like our "orange hands" and the snowsuits! Never did I imagine that this day would come its just unbelivable! Ill never 4 get chemistry when niether 1 of us would know what was goin on and you would look at me roll your eyes and smile that beautiful smile that every1 knew you by! Ill keep you in my heart, thoughts and mind 4 ever! And now in chemistry when i look over and dont know whats goin on Ill think of u and picture yourolling your eyes and smilin!~ Luv ya gurl! Watch over us all!

   Well for the short time that i knew Michele, i am proud to say that i always put a smile on her face, and she did the same for me. Michele, i must say that i admire the courage that you were forced to have to be able to walk through the gates of heven without your friends by your side. But, you are in all of our hearts, and will never be forgotten. The day of the funeral I somehow managed to pull myself together and go to work for a few hours, when i got to my department there was a song playing on directv. It was an old one by guns 'n' roses, it is called patience. Of course I cried, but it made me feel a little better. If you have never heard this song, you should find it. I'm going to miss how I would call your name in the halls, and you would turn around, look at me, and just leave the group of people you were walking with, just to walk to lunch with me. I loved how we could just look at each other, not say a word, and just start laughing. I will never forget all the times at the football games when we would joke around about spending the night at my house. I just want you to know that i sleep better at night knowing that if anything happens to me, you will be there, leaning on the gates, waiting to show me around. Well i'm gonna let you go now, I'm sure that you are busy watching over everybody. I miss you. I love you. I will never forget you.
~Jamie Bush~

   I don't have much to say other than I can't believe you left us. I remember climbing trees, playing tag, and playing games of baseball in my backyard. I'll see you again.
~Tyler Pagett~

   Sometimes I feel like I don't belong with everyone at Indian Creek, but after this tragety I felt so much pain. There was a realization that I had connected not just with Michele but with the many people that I wanted around me. Along with many other people, she managed to help me feel special and for that she should be envied. Not many people have the magic and power to do such a superb job at living life. I remember prom, Michele, as well as the trip to see the spanish dancers when you made me sing for the whole bus. You can sing, and we would have made a kick ass album together. A conversation I will never forget is when you asked me if I would remember you when I became famous. Michele, how would i forget? If it ever happens for me i will be saving you a front row seat!
~Rachael Decker~

   I knew Michele when she was alittle younger, her younger sister Stacey used to play with my niece Julie Pagett, she used to come over sometimes to my sister`s house to tell Stacey it was time to come home. Michele was always so polite and always smiling, it was such a tradgedy for something like this to happen to someone so, so young. Obviously she was loved very much by all, My heart goes out to Donny, Sue and her sister`s.
~Danielle Tomeucci~

   I never really knew Michele, but Stacey and I were pretty close friends at one time. The few times i went over Stacey's, Michele was always very nice to me. I have always envied her beauty, and wished i was as beautiful as she was. She always was very kind to me even though we really never really spoke. Well, she will always be in our heart!
~Heather Ross~

   michele... I met you through stacey.I know how much she loved you and looked up to you.You always were real sweet to me and made me laugh so many times.All the advice you gave me was great and i'll never forget it.You were like a big sister to me.I just wanna say thanks for bein you.I'll miss you lots.
~Nick Kirsch~

   Michele was such a warm hearted,caring, and beautiful girl. She always made me feel good about myself when i talked to her,she always made me feel pretty,or smart,and like i was important. We always had soo much fun when her and i taped the wrestling matches,and we talked for hours on the phone,and in junior high when we had the clique& the wolfpack and we were all against each other,i miss the days where everyday if something was wrong with me i would know that she would make me feel better. We talked to each other about our problems and always helped or gave a solution to one and other. Shell,you will never ever have to worry about me forgeting you because you will always be in my heart as a sister,friend,and aperson i looked up to. I just want to say thank you Michele for everything and i know that Nathan will take good care of you. ~Keep smiling~ Love Always,
~Jessica Flanagan~

   ~I know how much you love me ,as much as I love you, and each time you think of me I know You'll miss me to,but when tomorrow start without me,please try to understand, that an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand, and said my place was ready in heaven far above, and that I'd have to leave behind all of those I love~

   Michele-I know i dont know you well as Stacy but i always saw you at the pooland you your having a great time with all of your will be missed by your family and friends we all love you Michele and we always will be We love you Michele.
~Brandy Petrella~

   Michele,i never really known you.i know you were very special to me. you would always save me a seat on the bus. i would kill myself just to be with you.i cry myself to sleep every night.i really want to be with you.i'll never forget you i don't think i ever can.i know as a fact you are in heaven watching over us.I LOVE YOU!!
~Brittany Petrella~

   Michele, I have always loved you since the day i met you. You were like a big sister that i never had. All i can think is about you all the time i can never get you out of my head. Every time i would come over your house with stacey you would always be like "Hey Miss Julie"..i miss that.i can never forget the best times i have ever had with you. Everytime i was with you i always had fun .i want you to know that i realyl looked up to you as an older sister and i am still because i will never EVER forget you* you were always s0o sweet and beatiful and smiling all the time whenever i seen you. The first time i seen you, you were smiling at me..i will always remember the great 6 years, knowing the sweetest,,happiest, most beatiful gurl....we all LOVE you michele!!!you will always be a part of me and i hope you know that..*Keep-Smiling*I*Love*you* i will never forget ur beatiful smile*
~Julie Pagett~

It didnt seem too long ago when you were right here next to me,
and now all i can think about is just how could this be!
you were truely an angel,a real gift from above
always filled with happiness, always filled with love
and even though your body's gone you spirit will always remain
to sooth us when we are feeling sad to relieve us from the pain
the memories will always last, ur spirit always true
now all we can ask is why did it have to be you!
this poem was written by me for all of her friends and family! she will alwayz be missed!
    ~lauren roush~

   Michele, I really didn't no u that well....But I remember me and my cousin..we played over Emmys on day and u walked in and I really thought u were you were lookin good` that day....I will miss Emma always Tallinn bout u..I also member when u went down my grandmas -w- Emma..I think u are a beautiful Person and u always will be!!!! 0:)Keep-Smiling-*
~Each Much~

   Michele~I never knew you that well, personally, but i do know what you meant to my cousin Brianne. I remember you being at her house for a semi-dance, my mom was taking pictures of you all. After you left, we all sat around talking about what a beautiful person you were inside and out. Then I chose to tell outloud how wounderful it must be for Stacey to have a "big sister" like you. I always envied that, wishing I had a big sister that would stick up for me and help me out the way you always did with your sister Stacey. I look at your sister in school everyday, and my heart aches for her. Knowing how badly I enveyed you two and your "sister friendship" , and knowing what it felt like not to have that, and she did, and it was all taken away from her. I know from listening to Briannne what a beautiful friend you were not only on the inside but on the outside as well. I see Stacey following right in your footsteps. You are very deeply missed but will never be forgotten.
~Brooke Rupert~

   michele, It makes me feel so much better reading all the letters from all the people that loved you.And now I really realize that you have been an angel all along and now you are truly home a place that all of us will someday call home.And I remeber all the days I got on the bus and saw you smiling and oh what a smile that was.I wish there was more time for us to have fun in our high school years but we can still have good times in our hearts.And just knowing that you are smiling that big beautiful smile now, helps keep a smile my face.I know you already know that you were cared for so very much by all your family and friends, and people that hardly knew you loved and cared for you.So,keep smiling and and watch over all of us until the day we all meet up again.
~ Saressa Phsarce~

   Ive known Michelle since my Kindergarten year... I didnt talk 2 her much but i did know she was a great person... Her smile let everyone know that. Though I didnt know her that well I still grew up with her and will miss her dearly... The last time I saw her she was smiling and thats they way ill remember her... Ill miss ya Michelle!!!!

   Michele, i just want you to know i miss you a hole lot. I miss your smile (but who wouldn't) i miss your laugh and smell. You were always there for me when ever i had problems. I dont know everything about you, cause i only met you in 7th grade, but i will always know that you are the girl that was just around the way if i needed you. I love you for that. I love you for just being you, and i know you are up there lookin down on me so everything i do now, i know it will be for you. I LOVE YOU AND I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU . Love,
~ Brittani Taylor~

   michele i don't know why this happened to you and even now i just kinda gotta kick myself to realise that it has.But i will always remember the way that every time i would pass you in the hallway you would say hello with a huge smile on your face.I just don't understand how someone like you could be robbed of your life at only 15.....without really even getting to start your life ,but I know inside that you started the perfect life but it just unexpectedly ended to quickly.It will always come to a shock to me that this has happened to you michele because just seeing you at school and stuff i wonder how you were there one second and suddenly you were gone.....we all love you and i hope you are enjoying yourself up there...
~Derek Berardi~

   Michele, I didnt really know u all that well but i wish i could have! I can tell that you were a very special person from reading everyones comments and im gona miss seeing you around! Hope you are happy now! Love always,
~ Sierra~

   Michele and I go as far back as elementary and for a long time we were close as could be! I have so many wonderful memories with her, we spent like two summers together.She was so much fun to be with and her smile made me smile! She taught me how to swim under water without holding my nose. I always tried to look out for her. Losing her was a tragedy for everyone who knew her. She is a beautiful person inside and out.The Memories I have with her are something I will always hold close to my heart, and I will always consider her a friend. I love and miss you michele!
~Krisi Jo ~

   Michele, I didn't know you, and I dont pretend that I did. I only know that everyone loved you, and really, that is all that matters. All of my friends that knew you were destroied, it is a horribile thing that the one responsibile shows no remorse, and because of our "legal" system, wont be punished..................on earth
~Arlene B~

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