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When In Rome

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Author: Terry6
Written: 05-31-03
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance/Drama
Plot: Tulio and Miguel flee to Rome, Italy to live the rest of their lives as free men, but they are pursued by a crazed bounty hunter, who's determined to get them. Dead or alive.

When In Rome

Tulio breathed in the fresh Italian air as he and Miguel sat in the back of a cart that they had hitch hiked. It was a really beautiful country and what was even more wonderful was that he was with the most beautiful man he had ever seen.

Miguel and Tulio had been friends since childhood, but had only been lovers a couple of years now. In fact, they didn't start to become lovers until Chel had left. Soon, they started to have feelings for each other, but were too embarrassed to admit it. Miguel was the first to declare his love for Tulio, but Tulio was still reluctant to express his feelings and turned him down. Miguel, heartbroken, became suicidal after that. But when Tulio came to his house one day to find him nearly dead, Tulio proclaimed his love for him and they were inseparable ever since.

But why were they in Rome, you ask? Well, they had been starving for quite some time, so one day they decided to pull off the grand daddy of all cons. They robbed a bank. Foolish? Yes. Stupid? Absolutely. But they were desperate. Soon afterwards, their reward money had been upped to a whopping 100,000 doubloons. Tired of living as thieves, having the all the money they could ever dream (except for when they were in El Dorado), and being the most wanted criminals in all of Spain, they decided to start fresh and move as far as they could from their old home. France was too close for their likes, they hated Portugal and Germany seemed to be having some sort of revolt. Italy seemed to be the best choice. It was a decent, beautiful country and arts, literature and plays flourished there. So that's were they headed.

"This is as far as I go, gentiluomini." the driver said before stopping the cart. Tulio and Miguel hopped off and handed the man a few gold coins. "Grazie." he the man said before starting off down the road again.

"Now what?" Miguel asked.

Tulio took out a little piece of paper in his vest pocket. "We're supposed to find a.uh. Guy-oh-van-ee. A-ghost-tin-oh. Geez, I don't know how to pronounce this shit." Tulio sighed.

"It says Giovanni Agostino." Miguel chirped in a perfect Italian accent. He smiled smugly as Tulio glared.

"Okay then, signore, why don't YOU ask for directions."

Miguel stood up straight and proudly. "It would be an honor." and strutted off to the next person. "Scusarme. Dove il Signore Giovanni Agostino vive?" After getting the information he needed, he walked back. "He lives ten blocks from here."

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you spoke Italian? I looked like an idiot trying to get directions back in Imperia!" Tulio spat.

"I know. That's why I didn't interfere." Miguel smiled again. Tulio sighed and rubbed his temples, but inside he was smiling. He loved Miguel so much. But he still kept his stubborn stature and followed Miguel to Giovanni Agostino's house.


Nearly two hours later, after Tulio and Miguel had signed all the papers and paid all the fees, they were inside their brand new Italian flat. It was very cosy and beautifully well furnished, with a fine oak dresser with a tall clean mirror, a beautiful woven rug that spread out in front of the huge mahogany bed with soft, downy pillow and mattress, luscious satin sheets, and a beautiful silk tapestry hanging above it. It even had a balcony with a perfect view of the city. Miguel stepped out into the night, followed closely by Tulio.

"Oh my god! This is amazing! We have a beautiful flat, a wonderful view, and all the money we need! It-it's so overwhelming!" Miguel breathed in the air and sighed contentedly "Oh, Tulio! This is the best."

"No." Tulio said. "You see all this we have here? These are just materials. You, Miguel, are the best. I would give up all of this for you."

Miguel's brow narrowed disbelievingly. "Please! You've always dreamed of living the high life. You were even willing to. live it. without me." Miguel's smile faded as he said this, remembering what Tulio said to Chel on that heartbreaking day in El Dorado. He sighed and stared at the floor, only to be tipped up again by Tulio's finger to make their eyes meet.

"That was before I realised how much I deeply love you. And if you don't believe me." Tulio slowly came closer to Miguel and kissed his lips sweetly. Miguel returned this gently, sticking his tongue in and lapping it around Tulio's. Their tender kiss grew more and more fiercer as the seconds passed, and were soon shoving the faces into each other and running their fingers through each others hair. They separated, gasping for air and hair askew, with looks of lust and hunger in their eyes.

Tulio then scooped up Miguel (who shouted in surprise) flung him onto the bed, and pounced on him. He then kissed him hard, licking all inside his mouth and sucking his lips. Soon he began dry humping him, causing Miguel to moan. This sent tingles down Tulio's spine and straight to his loins.

Miguel grabbed the back of Tulio's shirt and thrust it over his head. Then he shoved Tulio off of him and straddled his waist. Ever so slowly, he unbuckled his belt while gently massaging Tulio's hard area. Tulio writhed on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair, groaning and rolling his eyes back into his head. Soon Tulio member was free, thrusting upward and leaking pre cum. "Well hello there." Miguel growled before bending down and started to lick it.

Tulio let out a shivering scream and pushed Miguel's head down, bucking wildly into Miguel's throat. But amidst the mind blowing ecstasy that flooded Tulio's entire being, he felt a little guilty. Surely Miguel should have some pleasure in this as well. He sat up while Miguel continued to deep throat him. It was difficult to do even this because he was so intoxicated with pleasure that that little shift in movement made Miguel's sucking and nibbling even better. Eyes blurring, Tulio managed to unbuckle Miguel's pants and drop them to his knees. Then he cupped his hands around Miguel's own aroused cock and began pumping fiercely.

Miguel muffled scream of pleasure made Tulio's cock tighten harder and his eyes cross a little. He then noticed that Miguel was so distracted by Tulio's pumping that he had stopped, with Tulio's member still down his throat. So Tulio stopped. "I'll start again as soon as you do!" Tulio panted, making Miguel snap back to reality and continue.

The pain in Tulio's cock grew more and more. And he was loving it. "OH GOD!!! YES!!!" He screamed as he finally came, filling Miguel's throat with semen. Soon Miguel spilled his own into Tulio's hands and slid out from underneath him, panting erratically and grinning like an idiot.

Tulio laid down on Miguel's chest, listening to his lungs suck in air as he licked his hands clean. Finally calmed down and breathing normally, Tulio asked. "Now do you believe that I love you?"

Miguel looked down at Tulio, the lust in his eyes replaced by unbreakable love. "Yes. And I love you."

They fell asleep in each others arms on that beautiful night in Rome, happy that they were going to be with each other for the rest of their lives as free men.

Or so they thought....

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