third page of funny,they are dorks!
LMFAO!!!what in the world made him do that!! That's so disturbing....I must move on!!
Which one is Nick? lol, I'm just kdding. Look at his girl, she's so fascinated by the bubble.
girl: ooooooh, it's like a big bubble. it's like sooooo pretty. oooooh
you know what this reminded me of, that commercial, the one with the two girls that looked high and they were watching the lava lamp and then one of the girls, started laughing at the lava, I love that commercial!
dude,she look like she's on drugs. you know, this actually reminds me more of that commercial!LMAO!! just say NO!
AJ, I don't think that's what they meant by safe sex.
I dunno, for some reason, seeing AJ being taken aways by handcuffs, cracks me up!! How much you wanna bet, he asked if he could borrow the cuffs for that night.
You know what, Austin Powers and AJ have a lot in common. They both wear clothing nobody else would be caught dead in, they love women, they love to shag and they're both horny!
I'm little worried about AJ and Nick. C'MON GUYS! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE REFERRED AS THE BACKDOORS BOY, STOP TAKING PICS LIKE THIS!!! AJ, who's better, Nick or Brian?
I'm sorry, but dat is just plain gay. I do have a ? though, if the CD is called No Strings attached, then why are they attached? They just want us BSB fans to make fun of them, don't they! Cause they sure gave us plenty of things to say about dis!
This is just plain scary. I feel sorry for NSYNC though, I mean it's like they always have to do something with her and what's worse, they made them pose with a pink background. well at least it was nsync not bsb.
Why does this remind me of a Huggys commercial? and why is Nick da only wearin a long sleeve shirt?Why is nick and Howie, the ones who people think are gay, the only ones happy about this picture? I know one thing for sure, they look oh so pretty!
I don't know, i just plain don't know anymore about you Brian! What the hell happened to you! Did you have more of that "tea" of yours, huh, c'mon be honest. How the hell did he do that, it looks like it would hurt.
They look like retarded dinosaurs.....LMAO!!
OMG! He looks like the cowardly Lion! c'mon put em up, put em up!
OMG!! when did Sherly Jones( mother from Partridge Family) join NSYNC! GOD, you can not tell me Lance does not look like a woman and Joey looks like a beach ken doll! haha, they didn't have a santa coats for JC or Lance. they' re the ghettoest Santas I have ever, Justin like," Yo you gots to be kddin me yo, dar be no way I be holdin dis here reindeer! dis be gay yo!"
I love M&M's! They're sooo yummy! Though I don't remmeber M&M's having curly blonde hair....oh, dat's cause it's Nysnc! Oh silly me!
Damn, what the hell happened to them! I feel sorry for them....they need therapy ...badly
That is the gayest BSB pic I have ever seen! What's up with the clothes, stripes don't do justice for you guys! ah, thank god for money!.......Howie looks like a little 9 year old, lol.
Kevin: Don' or....I'!
AJ: *in pain* I....wasn' a turtle....I saw a ............TURTLE!
omg! I thought he looked like somebody, but I can't remember now! damn, it was funny too....well the picture alone is funny as hell. He's like trying to be sexy, but it's just not working, "oooh ladies, you know you want this, frizzy hair and all! rawww" what's up with his hair....I wouldn't even wear my hair like that, I wonder if their hairdresser was on crack or something. You know what's even funnier, when he took this pic, he actually thought he looked good, what a fool! hahahaaa
You know, I thought BSB had bad pics when they started out, but damn, this is just sad. This just screams," Hi! we're Nsync! *giggles* not good, well actually, that is, since i'm not that big of a fan of Nsync. Ok, now I think their hair dresser and wardrobe person was blind, cause no one in there right mind where this shit or go out in public with their hair fucked up like that!, I swear, Joey looks like beach Ken Doll!
they are dorks....let's do that again!
I'm ashamed to be a bsb fan. i hafta go back home now!