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Letters to the Webmaster

Here are some letters I have received from site visitors, accompanied with my responses to their comments/inquiries/criticisms (my responses are in red).  I'm not including the names of the people who wrote these letters.  I don't think that's really important to what I'm trying to accomplish here.  I'm just trying to show some of the questions people ask me and how I respond to them.

Abortion, sex, death penalty, veganism, religion, and a whole bunch of other fun topics! - Part 1 (posted 6/22/01)

Abortion, sex, death penalty, veganism, religion, and a whole bunch of other fun topics! - Part 2 (posted 6/23/01)

Sex and Straightedge (posted 6/23/01)

Labeling Yourself Straightedge (posted 6/23/01)

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