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what can i say but these guys are truly amazing. i admit at first when i heard above on much i wasn't really amazed or anything. but then something happened the other times i heard them. i was totally shocked. something about the lyrics and the music in general stopped my heart completely. and then at edgefest when i saw them on stage i was their's forever. everything amazed me. the lyrics. the music. and the performance. it was just unbelieveable. these 5 young guys are doing amazing work. they totally turned my life around and they don't even know me. i don't even know them. but throught the music everything changed. my perspective on life and death. how i see things. it touched my heart. it's truly amazing how these young guys can write such wonderful lyrics. and i'm so proud of them. their success and their dedicated fans who love them all very much. i love them. they've affected my life in such a way i can't even explain half of it. just they are truly amazing. finger eleven also taught me to appreciate music more. listen to the lyrics and find meaning. just to take the music to heart. it's not about being pretty and selling the most records. it's about doing what you love to do and what you are good at. it's not about having the most fans but fans that care and appreciate the music. if only one person buys your album that's fine. you're connecting with that person in such a way that only you can do that. i don't know if this was suppossed to come out of finger eleven but for me it did. and i thank them.i wish much more success to them. and a bunch of hugs and kisses to them all!

by becky (bigpants)

