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This is the section of my site where you, the f11 fan, can submit a story about how f11's music has influenced your life, a f11 concert adventure, artwork, or basically anything f11 related that you would like to share!

F11 inspiration stories

The reason this website exists is my love and admiration for f11's music. Do you have a story that you would like to share about how f11 has affected your life? Email me ( and I will put it here!

 By Becky (bigpants)

F11 adventure stories

If you have had an exciting experience at a f11 concert, concerning both the show and meeting them (if applicable) then email me! Or if your creative little mind has thought of some bizarre f11 story...send it to me and I will put it here for everyone to read!

 A Pennsylvania Adventure


Here is some artwork created with f11 on the mind. Do you have something you want to share?

Drawings by Elaine Will (aka DLMX13)







f11 ad


Drawing by Andy

f11 collage



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