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Once upon a time..there were 2 very cool girls named Erin and Hilary..they went to a Fuel concert on May 13,1999. Opening for Fuel was a band called Finger Eleven. The two cool girls did not know this band but had heard very good things about them, so they were excited to see them play before Fuel. Finger Eleven played an awesome set and the two very cool girls were VERY VERY VERY impressed.

After this concert they decided that they both loved Finger Eleven and they both purchased Finger Eleven's cd Tip. After this they were informed that there would be another Fuel concert only 2 hours away from them 2 weeks later. Finger Eleven was also scheduled to open again. They were amazed and thought, "Why don't we go see Finger Eleven again???!!!?!" After convincing Erin's evil parents to let her go (she was forced to do manual labor and wax the evil ones's cars) , the other cool girl Hilary bought the tickets. The two awesome girls were all set to go to the concert on May 29, 1999.

 During the next two weeks their love for Finger Eleven continuously grew each day and they became more and more excited to see this awesome band. They had also heard that another band was to be opening as well. The band's name was Virgos Merlot. Now the cool girl Erin knew this band. She knew they were very good and that they would be enjoyable as well. This made the two girls even happier and the day was rapidly approaching when they were to go to this amazing event.

 Finally, May 29th is here. The two girls are already to go and they depart Shitsville at approximately 3 o'clock. They were both hungry, so on the way a pit stop was made at the a fine restaurant known as Burger King. They dined and they were on their way. They arrived at the concert venue (known as the Silo) at 5:30 p.m. There were only 3 people in line so they knew that they were ok. Waiting in line was quite a treat. The drummer for Finger Eleven, Rich Beddoe, walked out of the venue and the cool girl Erin said hello to him. Rich seemed very surprised that someone knew his name. Erin got up and asked him for his autograph as did Hilary and another girl named Linda. Erin also asked Rich if they would be hanging out after the show. Rich said yes and then he was on his way back to the hotel.

 Finally 7:30 rolls around and the venue doors are opened. The two girls rush in and claim their rightful spots front row center. A short time went by and then the house lights went out. The two cool girls scream loud as the five members of Finger Eleven take their place on the stage. The girls sang along to every single word and had the most amazing time of their lives during the 45 minutes that Finger Eleven was on the stage.

The 2 other bands were amazing as well but I will not go into detail. Pranks were being played all night because it was the last night that Finger Eleven and Virgos Merlot would be playing with Fuel. During the last song of Fuel's set, various members of Finger Eleven and Virgos Merlot came on stage and caused quite a raucous. Grass, beer, lawnmowers, sillystring, and toilet paper were being thrown all over the stage. The two cool girls were drenched and loved it. The show was over and all they could think about was Finger Eleven. They went over to the merchanise booth and purchased Finger Eleven t-shirts and a Virgos Merlot cd. They finally walked outside of the venue.

 They waited around for approximately a half an hour until the cool girl Erin convinced a Virgos Merlot roadie to find the band members. A few minutes later 4 members of Finger Eleven were outside ; James Black, Sean and Scott Anderson, and Rick Jackett. The two cool girls received their atuographs and pictures with all of the fine gentlemen and chatted a while with Rick Jackett. Later the girls ran into Rich Beddoe and chatted with him for a bit and received pictures. A few members of Virgos Merlot were also present and the girls received pictures with Brett Hestla and the Deacon. The girls were invited to the front of the building and there they chatted with Sean Anderson for a long while. At about 2:45am Sean Anderson stated that he must be going because the band had a long drive in a few hours. Rick Jackett also came over and the two gentlemen said their goodbyes to the two cool girls Hilary and Erin and then they all left.

 The girls then departed and arrived back to Shitsville at 5am where the female evil one awaited Erin's arrival. She was sentenced to a week imprisonment.

 The memories of that night will last a lifetime in Erin and Hilary's mind. It was a great experience and I know for a fact that they are looking forward to their next Finger Eleven concert adventure.

 Source Unknown

