Kranoa's Sword - Chapter 1

Kranoa’s Sword

Chapter 1

One Thousand Twenty Five years later

In the mountains of Kimira, group of hikers was
climbing its peaks until the top hiker notices a
mysterious cave.

Hiker 1: Hey was there ever a cave on this route?

Hiker 2: Not that I know of.

Hiker 3: What! There is no cave here. We have
scaled these mountains for five Years.

Hiker 4: I think we should check the GPS just to
be safe.

Hiker 1 takes out the GPS and he is puzzled.

Hiker 1: We are on the right route guys.


Hiker 2:This can’t be, check it again.

Hiker 1 stares at the GPS and slowly raises his
head to the other hikers.

Hiker 1: It must be broken, cuz it is giving me
the same thing as before.

Hiker 3: Well then, lets just keep on climbing.

All the hikers agree until a clap of thunder can
be heard in the distance.

Hiker 2: Oh shit, a storm!

Hiker 4: I guess we have no chose but to take
shelter in the cave.

As the rain starts pouring everyone is safe
inside the cave.

Hiker 1: Wow! Thank Bosana this cave was here.

Hiker 2 yeah I admit that this was convenient.

Hiker 3: Looks like the cave goes deeper into the

Hiker 4: I think this is a bad idea, lets stays
here until the storm ends.

Hiker 2: Where is your sense of adventure? Let me
guess back at your house?

Hiker 1: Hey, quit it. Let us explore the cave a

The hikers walk farther into the cave until they
get to a dead end.

Hiker 3: Huh! A dead end.

Hiker 4: Ok we explored the cave enough, so can
we go back to the cave entrance and wait for the
storm to break.

As Hiker 1 pointed the flashlight downward, he
notices a skeleton on the ground holding a shield.

Hiker 1: Yo guys, check this out a skeleton and
it is holding some kind of shield.

Hiker 2: Cool, I bet people will pay a lot of
money for them.

Hiker 3: Leave them alone and let’s see if the
rain has stopped.

Hiker 2: No let’s bring the shield to the city
and sell it.

Hiker 1 grabs the shield and puts it in his
backpack leaving the bones behind.
The hikers head to the cave entrance and sure
enough the rain stopped and they climbed down and
headed toward the north to Sectal City. They stop
by the Museum of History and they asked for the
caretaker. Professor Zak Smiter approaches the

Zak: Welcome the Museum of History, how may I
help you?

Hiker 1: Yeah we were hiking in the Kimira
Mountains and we discovered a cave that just
appeared recently.

The hiker gives the Professor the coordinates to
the cave’s location and pulls the shield from his

Zak: Where did you find this shield?

Hiker 2: Inside the cave we found.

Zak: Astounding, I will send a crew to the
location immediately.

Hiker 1 gives the Professor the shield and gives
it to one of his assistance.

Zak: take this to Lab 6 and try to identify this
symbol on the center of this shield.

Assistant: Right away Professor.

The Professor gives the assistant the shield and
she walks toward the back of the Museum.

Zak: Well, thank you for your donation, have a
nice day.

Hiker 2: Hey are you going to give us anything
for the shield.

Zak: Sorry, but we can’t give money to everyone
who finds something like this.

Hiker 2 then raises his fist in a rage.

Hiker 2: Why you son of a ...

Before he could finish what he was going to say
Hiker 3 covers his mouth and drags him to the

Hiker 1: Don’t worry we will not ask for a reward.

Zak: That is good of ya lad.

Hiker 4:Hope you discover anything.

Zak: Thank you for being so kind.

The hikers leave the museum with the thought of
what they might have discovered in the cave. Two
days later on June 25, as the assistant searches
for information about the shield she finds a book
on symbols of the past. She looks through it
until she finds the page with an image of the
symbol similar to the image on the shield. As she
reads the contents on the page, she makes an
astounding discovery.

Assistant: Professor!!!! I got it!

Zak: What is it, lass?

Assistant: I found an image in this book that is
the same as the one on the shield.

She gave the book to Zak and as he read it he
became puzzled.

Zak: This can’t be, let me gaze at the relic.

The assistant goes into the storage room and
brings the shield to him.

As he gazes upon the shield and the page of the
book his eyes widen and a smile grew on his face.

Zak: Oh! This is spectacular? Assistant, call the
media we need the world to hear this.

The news spread like wild fire as it was on the
cover of every netzine, netnews channel, and
other forms of media. In the town of Farnalia on
the eastern continent of Shabi, the news of the
discovery finds its way to a house in the far
west side of town. Hopona walked out her house to
check the mail when the cover of Netzine Monthly
Ver.2.0 caught her eyes.

Hopona: Oh my goodness, what is this?

As she clicked on “Kranoa’s shield found by
hikers in Mount Kimira”, she ran to the local
Katrian Church to show this to her son. At the
alter, stood the High Mage of the Farnalia branch
of the Order of Katrina, was Blain Komoshiro.
Dressed in a crimson robe and two swords by his
side, he is praying to the goddess Katrina until
his mother enters.

Hopona: Blain dear, look at this article.

Blain stood up and turned to his mother.

Blain: Mom please, I am in the middle of my
prayers to Katrina.

Hopona: I am sorry son, but you just gotta read

She gives Blain the netzine and read the article.
As he finishes he gives it bake to his mother.

Blain: Mom, give me a break. You know that this
netzine is full of shit. Kranoa’s shield found my

Hopona: Hey don’t you dare talk to me that way to
me Blain.

Blain: Well it is true. Remember the tales of the
Junfer and the article about the ghost sightings
in the old capital building in Aquavania. They
are all lies I tell ya. Now let me finish my

As he kneeled at the alter his mother grabs him
by the hood, but as she pulled he slipped out of
his robe.

Blain: What is the big idea mom, you know I can
not leave the church until my prayers are done.

Hopona: I know, but there is something I need to
say to you.

Blain: Okay, but can this wait until I get home
at 15:30.

Hopona: Alright, just hope I don’t forget.

Blain: May the goddess Katrina protect you with
her shield of hope.

Hopona: Same to you, son.

As Hopona leaves the church, Blain kneels at the
alter and continues praying. At 14:25 he is
finished and proceeds to leave until a little
girl runs to him crying.

Blain: What is the matter?

Little Girl: *Sob, sob*I was in my room playing
with my dollies until I heard mommy scream. I
went down to the kitchen to see if she was okay,
but she was on the floor bleeding.

Blain: Take me to her.

Blain followed the little girl to her house. When
he enters he sees a woman on the floor in a
puddle of blood.

Blain: Okay, go to the living room and I will
take care of her, you have my word.

The little girl nods her head and leaves. With a
sigh, Blain examines the body. At first glance
there was nothing wrong, but as he turns the body
over something startles him

Blain: What the hell?!?!

The woman’s stomach and throat was slashed. Upon
further examination he discovers a black
substance in the gash on her throat. He takes a
swab from his suitcase and swabs the wound. After
getting a sample, he took out holy salt and
sprinkled it on the body to purify it. As the
salt lands on the skin, the body decays and is
now a sloppy puddle of flesh, bone, and blood.

Blain: Huh? Interesting.

He reaches for his suitcase and grabs a glass
test tube. He fills the test tube half way and
puts it back in the suit case. He then gets up
and calls the little girl over.

Blain: Do you have a relative that lives near

Little Girl: Yes, My Nanny.

Blain: Okay, gather some of your things and I
will take you to her.

The little girl packs a suitcase and they leave
the house. When they arrived at their
destination , Blain speaks to the little girls
nanny for a while.

Old Lady: Oh dear! Poor little thing. I will look
after her, High Mage Blain.

Blain: Please, just call me Blain, you do not
have to be so formal now.

Old Lady: Right, well good night Blain. I will be
at the church tomorrow to hear your words of
wisdom from Katrina.

Kranoa: Then I will see you tomorrow.

Back at his house his mother is sitting at the
kitchen table holding a strange piece of paper.
Blain enters the house.

Blain: Mom, I am home.

Hopona: Welcome home son.

Blain entered the living room and turned on the
Television. He flips through the channels for the
Net News on channel 4.

News Reporter: We are now live at the Museum of
History at Sectal City where a discovery of huge
proportions has been released to us. Standing
next to me is Professor Zak Smiter and his
assistant who just discovered the origin of this
shield. Professor, tell us about the shield?

Zak: Well, the shield was made in the late 1500's
during the Chaotic War and it is the shield of
Kranoa Komoshiro.

News reporter: And how do you know this professor?

Zak: Well look at this image on the screen. This
is the image from The Book of Past Symbols. If
you look at the symbol on the page and compare
the symbol on the shield you can see that it is a
perfect match.

News reporter: Thank you for your time Professor.
More on this story as it unfolds.

As Blain heads for his room his mom taps him on
the shoulder.

Blain: What is it Mom.

Hopona: I need to talk to you, now.

Blain: Can this wait until morning?

Hopona: Sorry, but it can not.

Blain follows his mother to the basement and
notices a statue on a table in the center of the room.

Blain: What is that statue doing there?

Hopona: That statue appeared when you were born, Blain.

Blain walks up to the statue to take a closer
look at it. As he got closer to the statue it
started to glow red.

Blain: What the hell?

When he backed away the red light from the statue
faded away. He turned to his mother and then
looked back at the statue. With a gulp and a
sigh, he walked toward the statue again. As he
got closer, the brighter the statue glowed. With
hesitation, he closed his eyes and reached for
the statue and grabbed it. When he opened his
eyes and saw that nothing happened, he felt
relaxed. All of a sudden, the room was covered
with red light and a strange symbol appears on
the floor. He tries to let go of the statue, but
he is unable to. A gust of wind comes out of
nowhere and red sparks flash across the room.
This goes on for about 2 minutes until the wind
fades and so does the light. He attempts to let
go of the statue and he is now able to.

Blain: What the fuck just happened now?

Hopona: I do not have the slightest idea.

Blain is now puzzled.

Blain:(thinking) What the hell just happened to
me just now? There was this red light, this
strange wind, and the fact that I could not let
go of that statue.

Just then a voice speaks to him.

Mysterious Voice: Are you Blain Komoshiro?

Blain: Who’s there?

Hopona: Is something the matter son?

Blain: I hear a voice calling out to me.

Mysterious Voice: good I have found thee. I need
to speak to you now, if you allow me.

Blain stood still and turned around to see a
transparent figure sitting in the far left corner
of the basement. The figure stands up and walks
up to him and kneels before him.

Mysterious Figure: Forgive me if I startled you.
My name is Kranoa Komoshiro and I must to speak
with you now.

Blain: You say you are Kranoa. I say you are full
of shit, the tales of that man are pure fiction.

Kranoa: But it is true lad, look?

The figure flashed a medal with the symbol that
looked like the on the shield.

Blain: You got to be kidding me?

Kranoa: I kid you not.

Blain: I can not believe this.

Hopona: What is it Blain, who are you

Now Hopona can see Kranoa.

Kranoa: Oh! Hello there. You can finally see me.

Hopona is so shocked that she faints and falls to
the floor. Blain rushes to her aid.

Blain: Mom, are you okay?

Hopona: I am fine. I was just surprised that’s all.

Blain: So tell me Kranoa. What has happened to me?

Kranoa: You have inherited my powers over fire.

Blain: Really, I don’t feel any different.

Blain then looked at his hands and he could see a
red aura surrounding him.

Blain: Wow! I can feel it now. This is so sweet!

Kranoa: Now you have to train on how to use that
power. Go outside and I will meet you and that
yonder tree.

Blain then ran out the house and stood at the
tree in his backyard.

Blain: Kranoa, where are you?

Kranoa: I am right here.

Blain: Cool, so when do we begin?

Kranoa: First, focus on a target.

Kranoa looks around the yard until he sees a tree
stump in the distance.

Kranoa: Okay, see that tree stump over yonder.

Blain: Yes, I do.

Kranoa: focus your energy onto the stump.

Blain then looks at the stump and starts to glow

Kranoa: Next, put your hands out in front of you.

Blain: Like this?

Blain then puts his hands out with his palms
facing the stump.

Kranoa: Correct, finally, repeat after me, Burn
first degree.


All of a sudden a fire ball appears in the palms
of Blains hands and is then shot toward the
stump. Fire now covers the stump, burning it to a

Blain: Wow! I did it!

Kranoa: Congratulations Blain, you just learned
the fire spell Burn First Degree. Now be sure to...

Before he could finish his sentence the ground
started to shake violently, Wind started to blow
from the south, and cries and moans can be heard
in the distance.

Blain: What in the hell is that?

Kranoa: This does not bod well lad. I must be
brief about what you must do. Looks like the
demon army of Necros has been freed from their world.

Blain: What did you say?

Kranoa: There is no time to loss. Go and locate
my swords, the legendary Flare Shine.

Blain: Okay, but where are they?

Kranoa: Sadly, I do not know where they are. So
you will have to find them on your own.

Blain: Where were you when you saw them last?

Kranoa: I was in the Kimira Mountains fighting an
Ice Dragon. I slain the beast, but than I was
frozen in a block of ice. When I was almost
covered in ice, my swords just vanished into thin

Blain: Okay: I will start there.

Kranoa: Wait, you will need so allies to help you
on your quest.

Blain: Where can I find them?

Kranoa then digs into his right pocket of his
armor and pulls out a five colored stone.

Kranoa: Here, take this, it will guide you to
your allies. You have the power of fire, so you
have to look for people with the power of Wind,
Earth, Water, Thunder, and Ice, for you to enter
the caves.

Blain: Right, I will.

Blain then runs into his house and grabs his
trusty katanas. As he walks out and starts to
exit the village his mother stops him and gives
him a map.

Hopona: Blain, here you will need this map to
guide you. I pray that you have a safe journey,
my son.

Blain: I will mother, I will.

Blain then turns around and then heads South. As
he gets farther away from the village a voice
calls to him.

Voice: Hey, are you Blain?

Blain: Who’s there, and how do you know my name?

Voice: Oh! You are him, good thing I found you so soon.

In front of him a red dragon appears and flies to him.

Dragon: Hi, the names Cingania, the Fire Dragon
Spirit. I was told to aid you on your quest.

Blain: By who?

Cingania: Why, by Katrina of course.

Blain: This is surely a blessing.

They shook hands and set their sights to the
north where the green side of the stone pointed to.

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2