Chapter 2

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Chapter 3

Kranoa’s Sword

Chapter 2

Blain, Jane, and the Sleeper Killer

After traveling for four days from his hometown
of Farnalia, Blain and his Elemental Spirit
Cingiana has finally reached the town of Mirono.
It is a peaceful town, not touched by the
hands of modern technology. Walking into town the
stone glows a bright green.

Blain: I think the Wind User is near by.

Cingiana: Yes, I can sense it too.

Blain: But Where exactly can he or she be?

Cingiana: Why don’t we go to the local tavern for

Blain: Right, good idea.

After walking about 10 paces, they come across
the Black Crow Tavern and Inn. As they
the tavern the people inside grow quiet and start
to whisper to each other.

Man: Who is this guy? I have never seen him here before.

Woman: Aye, must be an outsider. Look at his
strange outfit.

Blain then sits at the bar. The bartender
approaches him.

Bartender: What can I get ya lad?

Blain: I need information.

Bartender: That will be one hundred fifty

Blain digs in his pocket and gives the bartender
the money.

Bartender: Okay, what do you want to know?

Blain: Has there been any strange winds blowing
in this town?

Bartender: Look lad, do not blame me.

Blain: No, not that kind of wind. I mean any
strange changes in the wind direction or speed.

Bartender: Okay, now I get it. Hmmmmm! Aye, the
wind would blow East and then after a minute or
so it would blow West and much harder then before.

Blain: Thank you for the info, sir.

Bartender: hey are you going to have a drink. It
is 25 Silveraniums for a glass of the finest beer
in all of Mirono.

Blain: Sorry but since I am a High Mage I cannot
drink alcohol.

Bartender: What are you talking about a boy? You
look a little too young to be a High Mage.

Blain then grabs the Bartenders throat.

Blain: Better not get me pissed pal. My mentor
died last year and I had to take her place since
I had more knowledge about the Katrain Order then
my other classmates.

He then releases his grip. The Bartender Stumbles
back with a pissed off look in his eyes.

Bartender: You will surely pay for that you
little brat.

Before the bartender could swing his dagger,
Blain is behind him with one of his katanas
against his throat.

Blain: You wish to battle me one on one. You will
surely lose.

Blain backs off and walks toward the exit.

Bartender: Hey, get back here you son of a bitch.

The bartender tries to hit Blain from behind but
before he could strike, Blain took one of his
katanas and slices one of the Bartenders arms off.

Bartender: Agh!

Blain: Let that be a lesson to ya. Never get on
my bad side. For you might end up dead.

Blain then walks out of the tavern.

Blain: Huff, Huff, Okay let us find that wind

Cingiana: Right, but will you help him first. As
I recall if a High Mage kills someone other then
a demon, he or she gets demoted.

Blain: Okay, I will help him.

He walks up to the bartender and grabs his
severed arm.

Blain: Drink this, it will make your body numb so
I can reattach your arm.

The bartender drinks the liquid and after a
minute his body was numb. Blains then cleansed
the wound with healing water. He then took the
bartender’s arm and with a needle and thread he
sewed the bartender’s arm back to his body.
Lastly he wrapped a cloth around the Bartenders
entire arm and hardens it with a paste like substance.

Blain: Rest for about a month and your arm should
be as goods as new.
Bartender: Thank ye and sorry about what happened


Blain: Your forgiveness is acceptable. I am also
sorry that I had to sever your arm so here’s some
Silveraniumns to help you.

Bartender: Many thanks High Mage. Come visit anytime.

Blain: I will, good luck on healing.

As Blain walks away from the Tavern, a gust of
wind blows from out of nowhere.

Blain: What the hell was that?

Cingiana: I believe that was the Wind user.

As Blain looks on a man and three others
approaches him gasping for air.

Man: Huff, Huff, Did you see a girl run past here?

Blain: Sorry I did not.

Man: I see, the wench has escaped from us again.

Blain: Who are you?

Man: I am Captain Nell Slider, at your service.
May I ask who you are?

Blain: I am Blain Komoshiro, high Hage of the
Katrain Order in Farnalia.

Nell: Ahhhhhhh! Blain it is an honor to be in
your presence. I hate to bother you but do you
think you can help us on a little dilemma?

Blain: I am listening.

Nell: Okay, we are pursuing a member of the Blade
Runners by the name of Jane McBlade.

Blain: Four men of the armed forces can’t even
catch a girl.

Nell: Hey, what the hell was that for. We are
trying our best here but she is too fast for us.

Cingiana: That must be the power of Kazemoto. The
Wind Elemental.

Blain: You really think so?

Cingiana: Yes, without a doubt.

Blain: I hope you are right.

Nell: Who are you talking to?

Blain: I am talking to Katrina.

Nell: O.K. Ha, ha right.

Blain: It looks like they can’t see or hear you.

Cingiana: Nope, only a chosen few can see me.

Blain: Well that is convenient.

Blain follows Nell to the Sheriffs Office in the
center of town. They enter the building and sit
at a table at the far end of the room.

Nell: What anything to drink?

Blain: A glass of water would suffice.

Nell walks to the other room for a minute and
walks back to the table with two bottles of water.

Nell: So, what brings you here Blain?

Blain: I am looking for a Wind User to accompany
me on a quest and I think there is one in this town.

Nell: A Wind User you say?

Blain: Yes, is there?

Nell: No we have no one like that.

Blain: Are you telling me the truth?

Nell: Of course I am. I would not lie to a High Mage.

Blain: Excuse me for a second.

Nell: Not at all.

Blain walks to an adjacent room with Cingiana
following him.

Blain: I think that bastard is lying through his teeth.

Cingiana: I think so to. There is defiantly a
Wind User in this town. I am sure of it.

Blain: Well, let us not stay any longer.

Cingiana: I understand.

Blain walks back into the room, grabs his swords
and walks toward the door.

Blain: Thank you for your cordial reception.

Nell: You are most welcome, come back anytime.

Blain: I will, farewell.

As Blain exits the building he hears a mysterious voice.

Voice: Hey, are you a Fire User.

Blain: Who are you and how did you know that?

Voice: I have my ways. Look. I need your help.
Meet me at the old bell tower north of town and I
will fill you in.

Blain: Wait! Who the fuck was that?

Cingiana: I don’t know, but let us find out.

Blain: Right lead the way.

They walk through town until they see the old
bell tower on a hill in the distance. They search
the grounds first to see if they were being lead
into a trap, but there was no sign of any. Blain
walks to what appears to be the front door and
opens it. Blain peers inside to see if it was
safe to enter.

Blain: It is safe to enter.

Voice: So, you finally made it. What kept ya?

Blain: First things first, who are you?

He hears someone laughing in the next room.

Blain: there is someone in that room.

Cingiana: Be careful, Blain.

He enters the room where the voice came from. In
the room is a long diner table with eight chairs
surrounding it. At the far end of the table, a
chair is facing to opposite direction.

Blain: Is some one here?

Voice: I am right in front of you.

Blain looks around and then looks at the chair
with his blades drawn.

Blain: Show yourself!

Voice: Try to find me.

Blain: I am not here to play games you asshole.
Either show yourself, or I will tear this place
to shreds.

Voice: Okay, Okay I give.

A mysterious figure jumps down from the
chandelier. It turns out to be a girl.

Girl: Why do you have to be such a hard ass? I
was just playing.

Blain: This is no time to be playing. So you are
the one who spoke to me earlier.

Girl: Yes! Allow me to introduce myself. I am
Jane McBlade of the Blade Runners.

Blain: Yeah right, I have no time for foolishness kid.

As he turns around, Jane is already standing in
front of him.

Blain: What?! How did you get here so fast.

Jane: Tee, hee! now do you believe me?

Blain pushes her aside and reaches for the door
knob. Just then a gust of wind blows Blain away
from the door. Blain looks up and sees a gryphon
standing in front of him.

Gryphon: Don’t you dare harm Jane-dono.

Cingiana: Kazemoto, is that you?

Kazemoto: Cingiana, how have you been, old friend?

Cingiana: Great. Just great and how about you?

Blain: Alright enough all ready.

Cingiana: Hey, we have not seen each other in
over a millennia, so back off.

Blain: Well excuse me, but we have important
matters to tend to. So, what do you need help with.

Jane: I need your help to clear my good name.

Blain: What hole have you dug yourself into?

Jane: I am being framed for murder.

Blain thinks back to what Nell told him.

Nell: That Jane is a sly one. We have been
looking for her for seven days now.

Blain: What has she done?

Nell: She is wanted for killing four people in
their sleep.

Blain: Are you sure it is her?

Nell: Without a doubt in my mind. Every time I
investigate the crime scene I find her mark drawn
in the victims blood.

Blain: What does it look like.

Nell: Here is a photo of it.

Blain looks at the photograph.

Blain: A red skull with two daggers in the background

Nell: Yep, and when I get my hands on her, I will
make sure she gets what she deserves.

Jane: Blain, Blain, snap out of it.

Blain: Sorry about that.

Jane: So will you help me or not?

Blain: Alright, I will aid you. Let us go to the
crime scenes.

Jane: Let us wait until it gets dark outside.

Four hours pass and the sun vanishes in the
horizon. Blain and Jane sneaks out the bell tower
and runs to the first crime scene.

Blain: Let me examine the blood on the mirror.

He grabs a swab and wipes some blood on it. He
then grabs some healing water from his suitcase
and pours a drop of it on the blood sample. It
turns from red to a pale green.

Blain. This is not blood, it’s ecoplasmer.

Jane What is that?

Blain: It is what demons leave behind after
drinking human blood.

Jane: Now that is just fucking gross.

Blain: I know, let us check the other three.

Blain checked the other three crime scenes and the results were the same.

Blain: I see, a demon is trying to frame you,
because you are The Wind User.

Jane: then let us go tell the sheriff.

Blain: No, he will not believe you.

He paces around the room and then stops.

Blain: I think I have an idea, but it is risky.

Jane: I will do what ever it takes to clear my name.

At day break, Nell walks out of the Sheriffs
office to start his morning rounds. As he locks
the door he hears Blains voice.

Blain: Nell, I caught her.

Nell: You did it! You actually caught Jane McBlade.

He unlocks the door and opens the door.

Nell: Come on in and throw her in cell block
number one.

Blain drags Jane to the cell and throws her in.

Jane: Hey, let me out you bastard. What have I
done to deserve this?

Nell: You are now under arrest for four counts of
first degree murder. Have you any words?

Jane spits in his face.

Jane: Not to an asshole like you.

Nell removes the rope around her wrist.

Nell: well get used to me, cuz you will be here
for quite a while.

Jane: for about how long?

Nell: Until your execution.

Jane and Blain: WHAT!

Blain: What do you mean by execution.

Nell: In two days from now, she will be hung at
high noon on Grave Hill.

Blain(Thinking): Shit! What am I suppose to do now?
Jane: Do not worry, let us stick with our plan. I
will be out before execution time.

Blain: Right, I will make preparations for your escape.

Two days have past and with one hour left Blain
waits at Grave Hill for Nell to bring Jane over.
While he waits he combs the area to see if there
were any demons in the vicinity. Sure enough he
spots foot prints in the north section of Grave
Hill and follows them. The trail ends at the
entrance of an abandon building. He enters the
building with Cingiana following close behind.
Quietly they search the place but no sign of the
demon. All of a sudden they hear a loud noise
coming from upstairs. Blain climbs up the stairs
and notices a light is on in a room facing the
hill. They look inside and sure enough there
standing at the window is a demon.

Blain: What should we do Cingiana?

Cingiana: Leave it to me. Blain.

Cingiana flies into the room and lands behind the
demon. He breaths in and then blows fire on the
demon’s back side.

Demon: Agggggggh! My ass is on fire.

The demon jumps out of the window and heads
toward a barrel of water. With the fire out the
demon draws his axe and looks around.

Demon: Okay, who just set my ass on fire?

Cingiana: I did, you demonic vermin.

Blain: So, you are the one who killed those
innocent people just to frame Jane.

Demon: How clever of you, but you are too late.
You just sealed her fate and her blood will be on
your hands.

The demon laughs maniacally.

Blain: Ha! I think it is I who gets the last laugh.

Demon: And why is that?

Blain: Look behind you.

The demon turns around and sees Nell and Jane behind him.

Nell: A demon, run for your lives.

Jane: Took you long enough.

Blain: Don’t worry, I had everything under control.

Demon: Who are you, mortal?

Blain: I am Blain Komoshiro, direct descendant of
Kranoa Komoshiro.

Demon: Bull shit! You can’t be him.

Blain: Oh! Cingiana, do your thing.

Cingiana sneaks behind the demon and breaths fire
on the demons ass again.

Demon: Agh!

He then runs the barrel of water to extinguish

the fire again.

Demon: So you are telling the truth. Well then I
might as well kill you also.

Blain: Lets see what you got ya fag.

Demon: Ahhh! I am going to kill you first ya jackass.

He strikes with his axe but misses.

Blain: Nice try demon, but you need to work on
your aiming a little.

Balin draws his swords and attacks the demon. The
demon tries to evade, but Blain strikes him on
his side.

Demon: Hissssss! You will pay dearly for that human.

Blain: Humph! We’ll see about that.

The battle rages on with each successful attack
the two grow weary,

Blain: Take this, Burn First Degree!

The Attack nearly misses its mark.

Demon: Ha! You missed me.

Blain: Jane I need a little bit of help here.

Jane: I am way ahead of ya, Blain.

Energy starts to gather in her hands.

Demon: I will not let you attack me you bitch!

Jane: Huh! What...did ....just....called

Jane then goes into a violent rage. She gets
close and punches him in the face. The demon
slides on the ground and slams into the wall
surrounding Grave Hill.

Jane: No one calls me a bitch and gets away with it.

Energy gathers in her hands again. This time she
has enough for her attack.

Jane: Here, have a taste of my spell in which I
like to call, GUST.

From the energy ball, blades of wind shoot out
toward the demon. He tries to evade but it is too
late. The attack slices him in half, severs his
right arm, and left leg.

Demon: Curse you, you filthy human.

Jane stomps on the demons chest.

Jane: Shut up! I’ve just about had enough of you.
Now answer my question. Why kill those innocent
people and blame me for them when you could have
killed me in person?

Demon: I wanted to cover my tracks and since my
ecoplasmer is the same color as human blood I
would frame you and with your death, Blain would
be unable to find Kranoas legendary weapons.

Blain: Who sent you to do these horrible acts?

Demon: *Cough* I will take that answer with

With those last words, the demon breathed his
last breath and died in a puddle of his own blood.

Blain(Thinking): Now I am worried, The demons
know of my quest.

Jane: Hey Blain, are you okay?

Blain: I am fine. I just need to rest a bit.

Nell: You can rest up at my house for the night
if you like.

Nell then looks at Jane.

Nell: Jane, please forgive me for what I have
said. As of today, you are free to go and all
charges are dropped.

Jane: Don’t worry Nell, all is forgiven. Well let
us celebrate, the drinks on me.

Blain: Since I am a High Mage I can not drink
anything with alcohol in it.

Jane: Okay, then I know the coolest soda shop
in all of Mirodo.

The next morning, Blain woke up early to get a
quick start on his journey. As he is about to
leave the town he hears Jane’s voice.

Jane: Wait for me Blain.

Blain: What! Why are you following me?

Cingiana: Blain, we did come to Mirodo in search
of a wind user.

Blain: Oh! Right, I almost forgot.

Jane: You Almost forgot, yeah right you asshole.

As they laugh the stone started to glow brown.

Cingiana: Looks like The Earth User is located
due South from here.

Blain: Alright then, let’s move out.

End of Chapter 2