Kranoa's Sword - Prologue

Kranoa’s Sword


The year is 1575, and a battle is raging on about
10 miles South by South East of the Village of
Kramiza between the people of the village and the
demons of Necro. Leading the people is a Master
Swordsman and Flame User Kranoa Komoshiro and the
demons are lead by Admiral Kilamodo. This time is
known as the Chaotic War. It has been 10 years
and 7 months since the war started and both sides
have lost numerous lives. It’s June 17, and both
sides are ready for one last assault.

On the humans side, the people prepare for battle.

Solder 1: When will we be able to attack. I am
growing impatient.

Solder 2: Yeah! My blade thirst for demon blood.

The solders grow restless until a robed man walks
out of a nearby tent. Surrounding him are 5
bodyguards. The crowd grows quiet as the figure
approaches them. The man is Kranoa Komoshiro. He
walks to the front of the army and begins to

Kranoa: Solders of humanity, hear me. We have
fought with the demons long enough. Tis time we
end this war once and for all. This will be our
last stand. If we lose, humanity will cease to
exist. Go to battle to your hearts content. This
war ends today.

The solders raise their swords and Bows over
their heads and cheered with excitement.

Meanwhile at the demons camp, Admiral Kilamoto is
having a strategy meeting with Vice Admiral
Jonkba, Rear Admiral Mazemoto, and Brigadier

Jonkba: Surely you jest, Admiral. We lost many
underlings because of that method.

Kilamoto walks toward Jonkba and grabs him by the
throat with his right hand.

Kilamoto: You dare speak to me that way. Better
hold your tongue or I will send you to an early

He releases his grip and Jonkba falls to the
ground. Mazemoto and Zaboma rush to his aid.

Mazemoto: Admiral, control your anger and leave
some for the battle at hand.

Zaboma: He’s right, Admiral. Hold your anger at
bay until we lock horns with those filthy humans.

Kilamoto: You’re right, forgive me. This war has
that effect on all of us.

Jonkba: *Cough, Cough* I agree, this war should
have been over years ago if the humans have

Kilamoto: Yes, but let us return to the matter at
hand. We need to scatter the humans so we can
overwhelm them.

Zaboma: May I make a suggestion, Admiral.

It is now June 18, and the sun is slowly rising
in the east. Captain Sabre gives the solders
orders to prepare for battle.

Captain Sabre: Make sure your blades are
sharpened and your quivers are fully stocked with

Captain Sabre walks to Kranoa’s tent to see if he
was ready. He enters the tent and sees Kranoa in
deep meditation. He starts to exit the tent until
Kranoa stands up and calls to him.

Kranoa: Captain, are the men ready?

Captain Sabre: Yes, sir, but the enemy has not
shown themselves yet.

Kranoa: Hmmm, this does not bod well. I think the
demons are up to something.

Captain Sabre: You think they will try to preform
a sneak attack while we are preparing for combat.

Kranoa: Indeed they will. Tell the archers to get
into position and to be prepare to fire when the
enemy is in sight.

Captain Sabre: As you wish.

Captain Sabre salutes Kranoa and leaves the tent.

Kranoa: (thinking) Why has the enemy not attack
us yet? I can not make sense of this.

Then a thought hits him with full force.

Kranoa: Huh! Oh No!

Kranoa dashes out his tent and calls out to the

Kranoa: Everyone, battle stations, the enemy is
upon us.

With those words the solders ready their blades
and the archers get into position with their bows
ready to fire. All is quiet and still as the army
moves away from the camp. Then a rumble can be
felt around them.

Kranoa: The enemy has us surrounded. Be on your

Then all of a sudden a solder is hit with an
arrow through his skull. As his lifeless body
falls to the ground, the demons show themselves
and attacks.

Kranoa: Steady now

The demons charge closer.

Kranoa: Steady

The demons are now 200 yards away.

Kranoa: Ready...FIRE!

The archers fire wave after wave of arrows,
striking the demons one by one.

Kranoa: Everyone, charge!

And as Kranoa pointed his sword at the enemy the
solders charge into battle . Swords clash and
blood stains the ground. As the battle rages on,
Kranoa and Kilamoto get ready to battle one
another. Black clouds can be seen in the distance
and lightning streaks across the sky.

Kranoa: It all ends here demon.

Kilamoto: Make no mistake human, for the demon
army will be victorious.

Rain falls on the battle field and thunder rolls
in the distance. Then a bolt of lightning strikes
the ground. Between them signaling for the duel
to begin. Their swords clash and the duel rages
on. With each swing they grow tired. Then
Kilamoto back flips away from Kranoa with his
hands glowing of black magic.

Kilamoto: Take this, Kyoufu no Kage!(translation:
Shadows of Terror).

As Kilamoto cast the spell, Kranoa dodges the
blast with ease.

Kranoa: Good move, but not good enough.

His body glows with a red aura. Then a red light
shines over his head.

Kranoa: Here monster, feel the power of my
Yakekoge no Fukitsu (translation: Sinister Scorcher).

Flaming arrows appear and strikes Kilamoto in the

Kilamoto: aggh! My legs!

Kranoa: Humph, I missed. I was originally aiming
for your heart.

Kilamoto: Rrrrrr, dame you bastard. I will send
you on a one way trip to Necro even if I perish.

The ground suddenly shakes around them as a black
aura surrounds Kilamoto.

Kilamoto: Here is my Ultimate attack. Doki no
Necros(translation: Wrath of Nacros).

Above their heads 10 glowing orbs of negative
energy appear and are drawn to Kilamoto’s blade.
Kilamoto then strikes the ground with his blade
sending a wave of black energy. Kranoa looked on
as the dark energy got closer and closer to him.
Then at the last second jumped out of the way of
the attack with his robe singed.

Kranoa: Looks like your attack failed. Now it is
time to witness my ultimate attack.

Kranoa sheathed his swords and started to chant.

Kranoa: Flames of Shenovacova, hear me. I,
Kranoa, beg you to give me all the power you have
to offer.

Flames ignite around Kranoa and then tower over

Kranoa: Here goes, Volcanio.

With the spell cast, the flames form a massive
fire ball and as it was thrown broke into 24
smaller fire balls.

Kilamoto: Noooooooo!!!

Kilamoto had no time to avoid the attack and was
struck down. As Kranoa looked on, Kilamoto stood
up, burned from head to toe.

Kilamoto: You will get yours Kranoa. Someday I
will get my revenge.

But before he could leave, Kranoa rushed to
Kilamoto and lopped off his head. Kilamoto’s body
falls to the ground and Kranoa grabs his head.

Kranoa: The war is over

As he said that he raised the head of Kilamoto
over his and the solders cheered, but it would
not last. For as they cheered the head of
Kilamoto spoke one last time.

Kilamoto’s head: Foolish humans, this war is far
from over. We demons will be back to get our

With those last words, the demons vanished and so
does Kilamoto’s head and body.

Solder 1: We did it! We won the war!

Solder 2: Aye we did. So let us head back to the
village and celebrate.

The Solders cheered and headed to the village
while Kranoa and Captain Sabre stay behind.

Captain Sabre: What do you make of this, Kranoa?

Kranoa: I do not know, but let us not fear any
longer and celebrate while we are at peace.

Captain Sabre: Ha, Ha quite right Kranoa.

Kranoa and Captain Sabre walk back to the
village. Two days later, While at a local tavern
Kranoa overheard a conversation between 2 people.

Man 1: Hey, What happened to Masashi?

Man2: I do not know. Last I heard he went to
search for the lost treasure of Homona.

Man 1: What! He thought he could find such a
relic. I heard that the treasure is guarded by an
Ice Dragon and if anyone dares enter the cave
will be frozen to death and then their bodies
would be shattered by the dragons fury.

Kranoa stood up and approached them.

Kranoa: How do you know about this?

Man 1: I found this scroll as I watched Masashi
enter this pillar of light.

The man gave Kranoa the scroll and as He read it,
he thought he might give it a try.

Kranoa: I will go in search of the lost treasure
of Homona.

Man 1: Don’t be daft man. You may be a master of
the fire arts, but you can not think you can slay
the Ice Dragon that easily.

Man 2: Aye, listen to us Kranoa, you will be dead
before you reach the treasure no matter what.

Kranoa: I will go, no matter what you say.

Man 2: Then Be it at your own head Kranoa, but
don’t say we did not warn ye.

Man 1: May the goddess Katrina be by your side on
your journey.

Kranoa: Thank you for your gratitude.

Kranoa then left the tavern and returned home to
rest. Then the next day, he left Kramiza Village
and headed for the Kimiro Mountains in search of
the lost treasure of Homona. Days past, then
months, then years, with no sign of Kranoa. His
name spread across the land like wild fire. From
then on he is known as the hero , who saved the
village of Kramiza and the world from the demons
of Necro.

End of prologue

Chapter 1