Fred and the Backstreet Boy

This is straight from MTV. The TV station may blow, but the website is a good source of information on bands, good or bad. Course, I heard about this from a Korn board that I frequent:

While still in character, A.J. said that Johnny No Name wants to release a live album and is looking for a producer. The singer's alter ego added that he's even talked with Fred Durst about working together.

That's right, Fred and a Backstreet Boy. Read these comments posted by other people on the Korn board (These do not relfect my opinion in any way. This is what other people think. Some of these I agree with, but not all.):

Now all the Limp fans can go apesh*t... This just confirmed the obvious. Not only is Fred an a*shole, he is a sellout.

hahahahaha sh*tty bsb kid going solo to get more money and durst is helping his sorry a*s hahahahahaha
lost the little respect I had for durst.

where have u been limp bizkit BEEN soldout. so is korn they both make me wanna puke

Fred'd have to be high to work w/the bsb guy!

Just to clear things up, I never had a problem with Limp Bizkit's music, but I DO have a problem with Fred becoming a mainstream media whore because of his success. I wouldn't buy their new album (or the Mission Impossible 2 soundtrack) if Fred himself put a gun to my head. F*cking piece of sh*t...

Everytime a band member from a group like that goes solo, that usually means the group's downfall is close by. it doesn't shock me that Fred wants to work with him. I bet that backstreet fag wants to make it sound like rapcore or something, but I'm sure it's gonna suck.

damn. you would think he would care about his image more since he's such a media hog.

To add insult to injury, that Backstreet fool covered Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name" but he completely destroyed its original intent.

Read the story here

The specific segment


To Johnny, all rock songs -- be they political or not -- are about sex. "It's all the pelvis," he later explained. But Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name" was sapped of its original intent by McLean's pelvic thrusts. Swiveling his hips, Johnny lifted his shirt to show the space between his stomach and his underwear, and would teasingly start to take off his jacket, only to show just a glimpse of shoulder and armpit. "I have a surprise for you later," he joked, "and no, my pants are staying on."

During his little strip tease act he left out the "F*ck you I won't do what you tell me" part for his pre-teen audience. F*cking son of a b*tch... If God is listening to me right now, please smite AJ McLean with a lightning bolt RIGHT NOW.

Hes been high all along.Askin that Christina chic to the European mtv awards,admittn hes a fan.Fred is a b*tch.

Do you want my opinion? First of all, this just proves how gay Fred Durst is. I don't think he's high, though. This is the way he really is. And I really am disgusted with AJ's cover of RATM's Killing in the Name. That's why I put that comment in boldface and a different color. Rage is my all-time favorite band, and to see a song I love so much destroyed by some sex-crazed teenybopper is an insult to me. AJ completely changed it's meaning, and it's intent is why I liked it in the first place. I still love that song, it's one of my favorites, I'm just so disgusted with him. And the fact that Fred is WORKING with this man would be a punch in the face if I had any respect for Fred. For all the Bizkit/Fred Durst fans who read this, I'm sorry if you're upset at any of this. If you need to vent your anger, feel free to email me any comments you might have. If you send me any hatemail, it's okay if you don't want me to post your email. So I'm sorry, and I TOLD YA SO!
