Fred Durst is a giant cock-sucker

I think Fred Durst sucks. He's an ugly, overweight, stupid jerk. He makes crappy music, has an ego that's almost as big as his record sales, and somehow manages to woo conformative skater/stoner/not preppy chicks. For all you obsessed fans, I have news for you: Fred doesn't care what you think, and music is not his main concern. I quote: "I'm not a rock star, I'm a businessman. It's important that we sell a lot of records from this." Well, saying stuff like that isn't helping your business, Fred. I don't have a real problem with the other members of Limp Bizkit (Wes Borland, Sam Rivers, John Otto, that DJ guy), I just think they need to get a new frontman, and lose the hip-hop influence that is resident in a lot of their songs. Has he always been a conceited dillhole? Who knows?


Proof that Limp Bizkit are a bunch of posers

The whole TapRoot controversy

Fred the poser and AJ the Backstreet Boy

People who hate Fred Durst

Durst Bashes Scott Stapp!

Fred and Pisstina, and Fred and Korn

It's a known fact that Limp Bizkit are sellouts, but that's not why I don't like them. They don't impress me as musicians, and I don't like "Significant Other" at all. I kinda like their first album because I think it was harder and the hip-hop influence wasn't as bad, but "Significant" was plain ol' white boy rap. And when I first heard it, I though "Faith" was a joke song. The easy way to avoid such a lame band is to simply not buy their CD, and that's what I did. Then Fred started to turn into a jerk, and made fun of a lot of bands I like/respect, so now he and his crappy band make me want to puke. If you want to email me, I am welcoming any comments you might have about me/my site. I reserve the right to ignore/ridicule anyone who sends me stupid mail, and if you don't want me to post your email address, please say so.

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