Nice Job, TRL.

In case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic. Looks like TRL has blown it in more than one way. Read this.


From: Owen Wexler <>   
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 20:53:49 +0000
Subject: Something interesting regarding MTV...

Hi. First off, I'd like to say GREAT WEBSITE, I respect what you are doing and I support your recent boycott of the corporate media 100%. I recently visited New York to see an old friend of mine who has many of the same views, thoughts, and beliefs that I do, and he showed me Times Square the night I got there. As we walked by the infamous TRL building (yes, the one that all the screaming pathetic teenyboppers gather around from 3:30-4:30 everyday), we both noticed something extremely interesting about the window display on the first floor. Right in the center of the window were four or five sheep lined up in a row. Yes, sheep. We looked at each other and said "That's interesting... why sheep? Could they really be saying what it looks like they are saying?" Two more interesting things about the display: the sheep that was first in line was being branded with the MTV logo, and the one that was last in line was opened up to reveal mechanical parts. So basically what whoever made that window display is saying is "We think our fans are brainless, conformative robotic sheep, and we also think that they are too dumb to realize this." MTV knows damn well what they are doing. I think that this is a good dose of coincidentally true humor and it sheds light on exactly what the people of MTV think of their fans (which is also very accurate). Well, I just thought I would bring that to your attention. Once again, I support what you are doing 100% and I think Jello Biafra said it best: "MTV GET OFF THE AIR!!!" Sincerely, Owen

Wow. I don't think anything more needs to be said.

Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 03:24:36 EST
Subject: Another good reason TRL bites...

I was just checking out your site and here is another reason I hate TRL, besides being everything that is bad about youth culture: This is a true story. I called TRL once around the time of Woodstock99 to try to get on air to talk about the Red Hot Chili Peppers (whom I adore). The woman who I talked to was very nice, but she kept prepping me, telling me stuff like "Be really upbeat" and if Carson mentioned a band I didn't like, "Don't say anything negative about anyone" I guess a real personality and free speech don't count much on MTV. Then in the end I guess Carson wasn't taking any more calls. Perhaps I wasn't upbeat enough for their liking. Yay for free speech!


Hey, looks like this person has been screwed by TRL. I'm sorry she had to go through with that BS. Just shows how much TRL cares about their viewers. Maybe one day someone will manage to get on the air and badmouth everyone.
