Fred Durst's bio

Back in the days before he was famous, Fred Durst was a tattoo artist. That's how Limp Bizkit got signed. It's actually an interesting story, so I'll share it with you: Korn was on tour, and in Jacksonville, Florida, I think (that's where Fred was living at the time), Head decided he wanted the word "Korn" on his back. So, guess who did the tattoo? Yep, it was Fred. The part that gets me the most is the fact that he screwed up on it. Instead of "Korn", he steciled "Horn". Ha ha! I can see it now:

Fred: Uh, did you want "Korn" or "Horn"?

Head: Korn, why?

Fred: Oops.

After that, I guess he begged them to listen to his demo. They must've been stoned or something, cuz they gave it to their producer, Ross Robinson. BIG MISTAKE!!! So, if you want to blame someone for the creation of Limp Bizkit and Fred's giant ego, blame Korn.

Now, I bet you're wondering what I'm talking about when I say Fred has a huge ego. I, of course, am refering to the T-shirt that says "Limp Bizkit is better than everyone". Now before you send me hatemail, please allow me to explain: I know it's just a dumb shirt and it isn't meant to be taken seriously, but it seems like a pretty bold statement, especially considering that they wouldn't even exist if it weren't for another band. It also seems like it's what Fred thinks 24/7. There are a lot of egotistical things he's done, and I don't respect him at all.

Conceited thing Fred has done #1: Apparently, he made fun of Jimi Hendrix's guitar playing. If you've ever listened to Jimi Hendrix, you should know why this makes me upset.

Conceited thing Fred had done #2: He was trashing Marilyn Manson. I'm not really a fan of Manson, but I respect his band as musicians. Plus, they've been around longer than Limp has, so they've withstood the test of time, so Fred has no right to trash them.

Conceited thing Fred has done #3: This is not from a reliable source, but I heard that he was also trashing Trent Reznor. Now Nine Inch Nails is a band that I really like, and I think Fred's got a lot of guts making fun of Trent. Man, I'm liking this Fred guy less and less.

Conceited thing Fred has done #4: I have proof that this is not a rumor. I first heard it from this one site and thought it might be false. It is not. If you don't want to read the whole thing, I'll give you the gist of what happened. Fred came upon this band called Taproot, and wanted to produce them. He never actually offered them a record deal until recently, after they lost interest in him. They decided to go with the label that System of a Down is on. Well, Fred got upset. So upset that he kicked SOAD off FV99 just to punish their record label. Course, he did offer them his next tour. I guess he realized how hated he already was.

Concieted thing Fred has done #5: This is the main reason I and a lot of other people hate Fred. Have you ever heard of Slipknot? If you haven't, go buy their CD right now. Anyway, at one of Limp's shows, Fred called Slipknot fans "fat and ugly kids". If you want to dig at him with a rusty hook, I don't blame you. I'm gonna be so happy when Limp's finished. I'll throw a freakin' party, and play Slipknot.

Concieted thing Fred has done #6: This is even worse than making fun of Slipknot. He made fun of Creed! He said some unkind things about Scott Stapp just because he was performing before them. He made things dificult for everyone at the event by refusing to perform until he got his way. Is that childish or what?

Now, tell me this: Do you still love Fred Durst? Do you think I'm full of it? Do you hate me? Do you hate Limp? Then direct all your anger right here.
