I'm not the only one who hates boy bands!

This is taken straight from pissedoff.com.


you see, boys bands are basically a group of lame-, dyed-hair ***holes that haven't hit puberty yet. they whine into a microphone and drive girls wild, for these girls are under the impression that the singers are somehow "sensitive" and would listen to them while they whined out their problems. ****, the boy band fella would just sit there and grunt noncommittally, because he is a stupid, steaming pile of gorilla leavings. These guys are basically anuses in white clothing. they croon out their lyrics to masses of screaming females, the starry eyed teeny boppers whose money they take and minds they tarnish with messages of peace, love and cherishment. ******!! the stupid ****** spread their inane lies and actually get money for it!!! it's not fair, it's not right!! I should be able to do that! you see, though, if i DID do that... i'd at least keep my dignity while i did.

This was sent to me by someone who came here. This is the best insult I've ever come across.


These are definitions that are straight from the dictionary. I don't think these gay groups have read this. Actually they probably can't read at all!

Music- 1 a : the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and contnuity
1 : the act or art of singing

2 : poetical composition

3 a : a short musical composition of words and music
b : a collection of such compositions

4 : a distinctive or characteristic sound or series of sounds (as of a bird or insect)

5 a : a melody for a lyric poem or ballad
b : a poem easily set to music

By the way I think it would be ok to post this on your site. I love recieving hate mail! I FEED OFF OF HATE!!!!!

Here's one that came off MTV's official site:

Loder: When you look back at this year in music, would you say [it was] a pretty good year overall?

Jonathan Davis: Horrible. I hate it. I hate this year. I mean, it's good that rock made a comeback, with [Limp] Bizkit and Kid Rock and other heavy bands coming up, but the whole pop-teeny-bop-boy-band thing, it just, I can't see past it. I hate it. Other people may respect it... it's still an art form, but it's just, uuungh.

Hehehe...even Jon Davis knows how I feel!

This isn't really a quote, but the other day I bought a sticker from Hot Topic that says "BOY BANDS SUCK". It looks kinda like this:


It doesn't look exactly like that, but it's very similar. I think it's not only cool because I don't like boy bands, but there is a website that I freqent called BOY BANDS SUCK. It's one of the best sites out there.

Recently on Conan O'Brien, they made a mock boy band called Dudez-a-Plenti. Here are some highlights:

"What's our name gonna be? Dudez-a-Plenti. 'Dudez' with a 'z', and 'Plenti' with an 'i', not a 'y'. 'a' with an 'a', cuz there's not much you can really do with 'a'"

The guys: Elliot, Professor P, Yabbo, Samantha, and the Kid Man.

Conan: What's your name?
Big O: Big O.
Conan: You're Ben from now on.

Conan: What's your name?
Ben: Ben.
Conan: It's Doctor W from now on.

"You get a Ritz."

The lyrics to "Baby, I wish you were my baby":

Baby, I wish you were my baby,
I'll make you make a baby,
let's make electric power, in fear you should not cower
cause girl I will protect you, i promise not to sex you,
and ahhh haaaa ah ah ah haaaaa ah ah ah haaaaa ah ah ahhhhh.

"When they don't know your names, they're gonna know that you smell something bad, we never your face, something's really wrong with you, you got hit on the head, and you have to go to the bathroom"

"Conan tries to coach our singing, but gets stuck in these weird bowling analogies"

"Conan has the vision for the band. He says one thing a musical group does is songs, and songs have words, so Dudez-a-Plenti should also do songs with words."

"One of the things the Backstreet Boys have that we don't have is a member with an edge. Look at this guy AJ. He's got the mad glases, he's got crazy pirate earings, and look at this cane, he actually carries a cane. His legs are fine, he doesn't need it. It's called a vanity cane. Well I wanna do one better than a vanity cane. I'm gonna put one of you guys on a vanity respirator."

How about that? I'm not the only one who hates boy bands. Oh, don't act so shocked. I'm not.

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