Teens Against Stupid Fads

Here's my goth-looking page. Neat, eh?

Well, I think it looks pretty cool. If you don't, then you're probably an 'N Sync-loving teenybopper who hates me now. Well, I feel sorry for you. You will never know the joy of having an anti- site. It's fun. I get to make fun of a crappy band! How can you not enjoy that?

Last updated: When I updated it

This site is dead. Go away. I'm leaving it up, but this is the most naive crap that could spew forth from my mind...and it's still better than half the garbage on the net. If you want to email me, my address is nightmaer@aol.com. I might get bored and decide to revive this puppy.

Why boy bands suck

Why Britney Spears sucks

Why Ricky Martin sucks

Why Total Request Live sucks

Regarding Korn

Why Fred Durst/Limp Bizkit sucks

Why Eminem sucks

Why Papa Roach sucks

The teenybopper album of the year

Fun with teenyboppers




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