My thoughts on Christina Aguilera

My policy for this site is that I judge the art before I judge the artist. If a band rocks, but are also trendy media whores, I leave them alone because they make good music. (Yes, I am refering to Korn.) It's the same deal with Christina. I am not going to judge her because she, whether you are going to admit it or not, is very talented. I may hate her genre, but I still like listening to her sing. So if you're waiting for me to call her a poser and mess up pictures of her, it's not going to happen.

I don't think it was uptight of her to get mad at Eminem for saying she gave head to Carson Daly and Fred Durst. If Slim Anus said I gave head to those two puppets, I'd do a little more than just denounce the lyrics, whether it was a joke or not. I don't think that sort of thing is funny, especially if it involves two very untalented, creepy, hell-spawned men.The reason Fred and Carson aren't upset is because in the song they gets to be on the recieving end of oral sex, and it's with a young attractive female. If that part was about them letting Dr. Dre riding 'em bareback, they'd be pissed too! Just ask Slim Anus how he feels about ICP.

A lot of Korn fans are mad at her for saying she'd like to do a duet with Korn. I don't really understand that. Sure it's probably not gonna happen, but what's wrong with wanting to? I think it goes back to that whole poser deal. A lot of Korn fans have giant issues with posers, and I know why. It's songs like Clown, Fake and Lies that have influenced them. Posers are among the several themes on Korn's first album, and to be honest, I don't like posers either. They annoy me, especially when they try and hang out with me. There are also different definitions of posers. I think posers do something in order to be accepted, and conform if it doesn't work out. Christina may fall into this category, but like I said, I judge the art before I judge the artist.

If you don't like Christina's music or her voice, then I have absolutly no problem with you hating her. If you really detest her, go yell about it on the message board.

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