Frequently Asked Questions
These are question I hear often. If your question isn't answered here, don't hesitate to ask. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about me/my site, so all you have to do is email it to me, and I will answer it.
Who do you think you are?
I'm Sara. I made this site. It's mine. If you don't like it, make your own.
Why are you wasting your time on people you hate?
Because it's much more interesting than having a fan site for something I like. To me, having a fan site is a waste of time. A lot of people are content with their fan sites, and I respect that, it's just not for me.
I like your site, but I also like someone that you dissed. Is that okay?
Sure. I respect your opinion, as long as you respect mine, which you obviously do since you like my site, so I don't think we have a problem. This stuff that I make fun of just isn't for me. I also am pissed that they get money and attention from stupid conformist teenagers, but that's another story.
Can you link me?
Yes. All I ask in return is that you link me as well. Email your URL to me, and I'll add it to my link page.
Do you hate Korn?
No. In fact, they're one of my favorite bands. However, it really pisses me off when I can't have a civillized conversation with a Korn kid who is being an anal jerk, which is why I made my page on Korn fans. I am planning on expanding the Korn section, so it will be more interesting.
How can you hate a band like Limp Bizkit, but like a band like Kittie? I mean, they're practically the same!
I don't know. I like Kittie's music. It doesn't bother me if you hate them, and if you decide to make a hate page for a band like Korn or Kittie, I'll probably link you. If I hated them, you can be sure that I'd be dissing them right now. Obviously, I don't hate them, and I'm not going to hate them just because they're popular. After all, if I did that, I'd be a poser, wouldn't I? I judge band's music before I judge their record sales. If the music sucks and the numbers are high, then the band is officially a Stupid Fad. Now that brings me to my next question;
What is the point of your site?
To diss trendy crap. See, I was getting tired of seeing hate sites with no direction, so I decided to make one of my own. I define trendy crap as anything popular that I don't like. That leaves a wide range of things I could be dissing, since I hate a ton of things that are popular, so as you can tell, I'm sometimes overwhelmed with the stuff I should be slamming but am not. It's hard to describe what goes through my head when I decide to diss someone, but it usually involves MTV. So to answer the question, the point of my site is to slam conformity.
Why do you only diss musicians?
Because music is the only form of entertainment that I feel is worthy of my attention. It is an art form, and while some of it may suck more than others, some of it is good. The film industry interests me, but I don't give a rat's ass about actors and actresses. They are not artistic or talented, most of them only have a high school education, if even that, and they're over-payed snobs. Musicians have to write music (Well, most of them anyway.), record it, tour, and a very small number of them get to watch the numbers rise. With musicians that suck, I can at least compare them to each other. I also plan on adding a small section that disses clothing.
Do you like anything?
I think I've answered this in the "About Me" section, but I'll answer it again. Yes, I like the following bands: Rage, Tool, Deftones, Prodigy, Hive, Creed, Korn, Kittie, Slipknot, System of a Down, Seraphim Shock, ICP (Rap...I'm confused too. Plus they made fun of Korn in "Everybody Rize", so it would make sense for me to hate them. The world's a confusing place, so get used to it.), New Order, Pantera, A Perfect Circle, Enemy, Judith, Faith and the Muse, and a zillion other bands.
That's all the questions I can think of at the moment. If your question isn't here, email it to me.