This crosses the line!

I have been informed that at a Limp Bizkit show, Fred Durst dedicated Break Stuff to Scott Stapp, the lead singer for Creed.

You can read the story at MTV online.

Creed responded to this. Read:

We are extremely disappointed that Fred Durst has taken his personal feelings toward us public, considering we have never met or spoken to him. We are more disappointed that Fred is manipulating the media and the truth by using Creed as a scapegoat for his own immature and egotistical actions. Reports have falsely claimed that Fred was stuck in traffic, which caused the fans to wait an hour in the heat at K-Rock's "Dysfunctional Family Picnic." In fact, Fred arrived and was very angry with the scheduled lineup due to the fact that Limp Bizkit was performing before nightfall and before Creed.

He then refused to go on stage, causing management from K-Rock, Creed, Stone Temple Pilots, and Ozzy Osbourne to spend nearly an hour trying to figure out how to get Limp Bizkit to take the stage. Fred finally agreed to play only after he "finished his dinner," having accomplished his obvious goal of delaying his set. We don't appreciate Fred's treatment of Creed, the other artists on the bill, K-Rock, the radio station that has supported Creed, the fans, nor do we appreciate his disregard for the truth. Furthermore, we don't appreciate his lack of responsibility for his own actions, and his attempts to deflect blame with criticism of us and our fans.


I love Creed. I've been a fan of theirs for two years. I bought Human Clay the first day of it's release.

You do the math.

So, I've written a small poem for Fred Durst.

Hey Fred, there's something you need to know.
You aren't cool anymore,
Your band is a dying trend,
and your future isn't looking nice.

I'm disgusted by everything you do.
But can you blame me?
I hate you!

So you made fun of Creed. Is that true?
Scott's a better writer than you.
If I ever meet you, I'll tell you
That I'm disgusted by everything you do!
You make me sick! Your music sucks!
So do your pathetic lyrics!
The only reason you are where you are
Is because you suck Korn's dicks.
If it hadn't been for Ross Robinson,
Limp Penis wouldn't even exist.
You have these mad connection in the music industry,
and that makes me pissed.
Where'd your talent go?
I guess that's something you never had.
Why don't you go tattoo your queer sailor pals
instead of making fans of REAL music mad?

Die, you stupid tool!

Do you like it? That's me being poetic. I'm gonna hurt Fred Durst if I ever meet him, and I happen to have a baseball bat. I hate him!!! I've never been so pissed at a celebrity in my life. I hope he gets run over by a truck. I'll be driving that truck, by the way. Grrr!!!
